I PAGE TWENTX-NINE THE BERGEN EVENING RECORD, THl'RSDAT, DECEMBER 5. 1946 IMFLOTMKNT FINANCIAL MCBCBANOIII MERCHANDISE ri Help Wanted Male 33 vvilNG MAN interested in Has or contemplates C. A. degree, to Into well-established public actuating business, need is not financial ESt rather additional personnel, to keen He, with expanding business. Write biv.
"full particulars. Box 1024 Record CnnVo tr.n as shipping cleric all year V9muBd Job. Tartan Knitting ji W. Broad nergennem. n5VN needed lor time study work with 3 "Tlonaiijr known company located in rniimv.
Employment of aDQrox- fmately 3 weeks, duration. Kindly state Tit education, etc. itepu r. u. col 3J8, Hackensack.
Help Male ana 7emal. Ml ACME 1 I 1 1 4 imovrnent Aoencv ipuj Enn Pi. haw. J-iuiwi naci. StEmo cind).
pays j3 S35-S40 t30 I 40; S4l)-t45i BOOKKEEPER, gem. office raftsman, designer 5Kr accountant, genl. office Y. rt-T-ir'(--lV ririYPT PXD. OH IT OIL mov-" a i arru.rv ri.n.
a i- CHJ.c""r "fin virsil Market. 146 Street. Hackensack. ncK sood, white. lor Christmas day.
to prepare dinner ior 12. Salary $20. roUNTER man counter girls. Short order cook. Dish washer.
New Trailer Diner. Route 6. Xodi. rntlPLE wanted as caretakers for mens' club to live in small apartment located on oremiscs. Write stating qualifications, and references to Club, 213 Main Street.
Ridgeiield Park. roUPLE wanted to take care country home. General housework, gardening, chickens. v.A.c. Familiar with power mower and tractor.
Good pay. steady work. Separate apartment P. O. Box 333 Cressklll.
N. J. phone Eng. 3-1960 before noon and after a. MAN OR WOMAN TO CLEAN THEATER CALL AT RIALTO THEAIER R1DGEFIELO PARK.
Situations Wanted female CLERK, typist, sleno. 10 years experience, excellent business background, wishes permanent position. Closter 5-0526. high school student desires after school Dumont 4-2798-M. kpai.
estate saleslady, now employed. with excellent sales record wishes to make a change. Box luoa Kecora. woman wishes sewing with private dressmaker 3 or days a week. Box 1041 Bersen Evening Record, WOMAN desires at home.
Will Tesneck 7-8558. work doing call ior and Ironing deliver. Situations Wanted Male COLLEGE student, veteran, afternoons free, desires position real estate firm. clerical exper. angiewooa j-sm-M ipvoiruiENrEn and Licensed Boiler On erator desires steady work locally.
Box 1053 Bergen Evening necoro. MrmwrsT 6 years experience, close tol erances, lathe Miller, etc accustomed to small work, si 50 nour minimum local. Box 1058. Record. PAINTER and paperhanger wishes work from nonie owner ur icai ejiimc.
nets-brouck Heights 8.QQ65. PAINTING, paperhanging. carpentry, leaders, gutters, storm sash, cords, porches, all home repairs. Oradell 8-0761. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 3 BUSINESS OFFERINGS CONSULT Affiliated Brokers PHONE HACK.
sales $11,000. plus iaree inventory. fully equipped. aUvnew lixtures. Northern New Jersey location, established 193S.
Radios, records, retrigerators, iTfMtnrs. ranees, washers, telf vision, etc. Easiness Opporta Itiea Manager Wanted Established Realtor Office Wants Manager of Business BroKerage Dept. Oooa Proposition Tor Richt Man. 6tate previous experience.
Confidential Box 1022. Record NEW JERSEY RITSTKF.cis RRnv-poa TAVERN. Bowling Alleys, living Quarters. SI. 000-weekly, asking SIS.OOO.
DELJ-Cirorerv. Reer ntpr si ri Main asking m.OOi). terms. GIFT shop, low rent, stock, for uuin wmy j.uuu. MEAT Fruit business.
51 500. weekly assmg si.uuu. terms to suit recrit Recording JH' stock. S7.500. Terms.
ivinoiesaie te retail 'i uiw ppKiy. asKmg 57 500 Terms LUNCHEONETTE. Beraen County 100 low rent, price S4 000 Terms LUNCHEONETTE, near bus stop low'ren' owner sick, (trab this, only J2 800 NEW JERSEY BUSINESS BROKERS ocr'jeiinne union CUV .1 "N.on 3-3423 uiHon 3-3424 Si ORE and apartment $7,500, for lihH manuiacturmg. 5 room apartment va- vxui oiraui neat. OAK PARK REALTY Little Ferry Realtor Hark 2.7, si TEA NECK stationery and candy more socd location, all fixtures, soda t0f lncluded in price Fl'rvnFTT-PA RRTW 368 Cedar Lane Teaneck 8-4900.
1(5 Grand Ave. Leonia 4-0822. UP-TO-DATE stationery and ire i-ream panor. closed Sundays, rent $45 4 vears lease. Income 500 weekly.
Asking Id 500 Religious Eift hop. rent $25. good location, only Sl.noo. OTTO W. QUICK 74 Crescent Ave.
Cliffslde 6-4009 WELL ESTABLISHED BOOK STORE Located in Rercen rnnnt. in in shopping; cenler. The store Is well stocked with used Books and contains st least 1.500 books classed as First Editions and Rare Books. This is rpIv vuoptu WHILE OPPORTUNITY for someone with an inclination to books. Full price, only Business Opportunities, Inc.
405 Cedar Lane Teaneck 8-0255 Wanted Bnsmesa opportunity IF YOU HAVE a good location for a gas station and need financing Call Mr Jack Arlans Farmer' oil Supply Co Tel. Closter 5-0688 IS your business for sale. Phone or write lmmedlate'y OTTO W. QUICK 74 Cres-cent Avenue Cllflsl-Je 6-4009 SELL QUICKLY Phone Hackensack 3-1115 Affiliated Business Brokers 191 Main Street HacKensact. SELL YOUR BUSINESS! Quick Sales Arranced: Buyers Waitinz Large A Small Business Immed.
Wanted! aci now pnone ha. 3-0511 MASTER BUSINESS BROKERS 191 Main Street Hackensack. N. J. Money to Loan Mnrtrace 40 LONG TERM MORTGAGES NEW OR REFINANCING No Service Charges or Premiums ORITANI ASS 323 Main St.
Hackensack ul nacK open uauy MY OWN MONEY to loan on morteaae. rKj lisnLKnai mtmiini tne nrst year no principal payment for term of loan, business property or homes. F. L. Paraloe.
Wyckoff Ramsey. N. J. Auto and Small Lnani 40 IMMEDIATE 125 TO S300 LOANS Get tiie cash vou need today. 15 months to repay uau Mr Simon.
EN 3-5550 he'll have it ready for you in 15 minutes. EMPLOYEES PERSONAL LOAN CO. 16 W. Palisade Lie 738 2'a mo. bal YOURS In One Hour $100 $200 OR MORE Signature Furniture or Car Only $8.08 monthly repays a $100 loan Other amounts In proportion Fop qnlrk Kervira PHONI HACKENSACK 1-34M SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY City Nat'l Bank Bldg.
241 Main Street. Lie. 689 LOANS MADE IN NEARBY TOWNS 2i Monthly od Unpaid Balanca Banks Smm'l Loans IS HOLIDAY SPENDING A PROBLEM? You can budget your seasonal expenses so that your shopping expenses do not all come out of one months income. BORROW THE BANK WAY. LOW COST INSURED LOANS THE HACKENSACK TRUST CO, Main at Mercer N.
INSTRUCTION Schools and Colleges NORTHEAST TECHNICAL SCHOOL Approved by the State of New Jersey aaaraeb otiect AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION DRAFTING Approved for Veterans. Placement Service. VETERANS USE YOUR I. BILL" TO LEARN TO FLY PRIVATE PILOTS LICENSE INSTRUMENT RATING PI.IriHT INSTRUCTOR'S RATING Advanced Airline Transport Pilots Rating Link Trainer Complete Ground School RAUSCH FLYING SCHOOL Industrial Ave. Teterboro Airport Tel Har Hghts 8-1466 YOUR JOB Pree catalog describing 400 business and technical courses.
Veterans accepted under GI Bill Phone or write International Correspondence Schools. 11 Commerce St. Newark. Market 2-1664 LIVESTOCK Dags. Cats.
Other Pets mrinrff OTTDS 1 mnnlhx old. female. Sire l-leia tnimp. rvuo mir, start, must be seen. Leonia 4-1548-J.
co*ckER PUPS for Christmas, registered A k. reasonable, rt. ju. ing Avenue. Teaneck 6-3151-R.
COLLIE, male. 17 months, sable and white. A. K. C.
registerca. rraveu N. Y. C. Kelly.
DACHSHUND puppies, pedigreed. 8 weeks old. rair Lawn o-nno-n. t-, fuMTinno Vnirn. hABiitifiil female.
exreotionsl privately raised. perfect for breeding, Engle. 3-94 MEAT FOR DOGS mvirnmpnt Insnected horse meat Fresh daily. Robin Pet Shop. 55 Essex Street.
Hackensack. Deliveries COW, NEW P. MEBCBANUISk Articles For Sale "Now Here's A Tip" PROM THB General Supply Co. 267 Main St. HACKENSACK TEL.
HACK. 3-2476 BUY NOW BUY TODAY Everything and Anything FOR YOUR Electrical Needs Holiday Gifts Sinks. Stoves. Refrigerators. Caa Ranges vv asnmg iiacnines Console Radios C.
A. Television Available Pull Line Of Table Radios Hand Irons Toasters. Vacuum Cleaners. Clocks and conee Makers Visit The Nearest General Supply Co. STORE IN YOUR VICINITY West New York Paterson 5704 Bergenline Ave.
272 Main St Tel. Union 7-4786 Armory 4-3914 Easv Terms Arranged AS LOW AS $1.25 WEEKLY burner, lilts new. with controls, also double hung sash. 8-1 Us. Telephone oraaeu H-ii6S.
burners Installed immediate It. boiler- burner units, in stock, a1 so usea Doner and radiation Town Fuel 75 Za-brisk le Hackensack 3-100 or Hack 2-2464 PICTURE FRAMING Lamps made from vases figurines, etc Tnhle Plnnr Rmidnir Utnu Shades JOANNE'S 66 So Wash Ave Bergeniield RADIO SET TESTER Sunaplnr Ma11 RnO Condition volts, ohms. M. A. tests, latest tubes, 1000 ohms'volt.
Hack. 3-8675-J. HOLLFAST bicycle, girl's. J6 large dolr carriage. Good condition 3-4451-R.
SEWING machine. led. too M. Thi dltlon. alter Hack.
J-8876-R. SEWINO Machines Reconditioned Guar anteed will repair any maae sew macu iron De Paolera 73 Main St. Hack Rl.ATR hoard Lincoln blocks, doll car rlage. sand box. pool tame.
ion. rara Ridge 6-1146-R. STAMP COLLECTION (OENERALi AND OLD VIOUN. IfiLEPHUNlS llAtRCIN- 6ACK STEAM BOILER, perfect condition. tank, 2o water tang compteir with gas heater, bob-sled.
20 It. leie' phone Hackensack 2-8472J STORM doors, windows. Repairable enm- bmRtion door, winnows, screens, combination door insets. Screen door. Sprpcns ninss rnhmM rinnrx.
32 -ft. ex tension ladder. Wicker iron flower stand. Aquarium. Barrels.
siea. tspirseiea krnni rune 12' 4" annripn cutter. Poker table. Chips. Child's Brunswick pool table.
Small icebox. Oraybar stimulator, stand. Belts. 16 horsepower motor. 37 liquor atatu.es.
bar stools, misc. equipment. Pin ball machine. Slide projector. Kitchen chairs.
Iron drape Curtain rods. Electric heater. Bumper Jack Fan. Books. Schick razor.
Radiator. Gas heater. Girl's 24-tnch bicycle. Wax Polisher. Dumont 4-3511 Saturday.
SUIT CASS, fitted, ladies, new. black. I pr. red damask pouters, I large wnne linen table clo'h. Net? curtain stretchers.
Cell after 6:30 P. M. Tel. Dumont 6-M47-J. TBLE LAMP with shade, oil heater, bird case ana stana.
iciepnone nics. -9743-M TENNIS NET. Spalding 33 all equipped. Vlb, Aiasfcan 3 door, com unea. porcelain ice box.
50 capacity. $50. Tricycle. $10. 80 Elizabeth N.
Hack. THE CURIOSITY SHOP Antiques, lamps, china, etc. 247 Teaneck Rd RidseJield Pk. Open P. 5ft" MILWAUKEE BRONZER Tnrliiritn attachment for i tarhing to a press, together with small honri antl blower unit.
Purchased in 1940 and only used three times since, in periect operating conai- on. win accent any reasonaoie oner. subject to prior sale. xSU-X. UUKfORATION 70 Outwater Lane Garfield.
N. J. Attention: Mr. S. L.
NeldorL Treasurer Kitchen CaDtnets 61 A KITCHEN CABINETS Custom Built by Kitchen Kraft. 4 weeks installed free estimates. i uax eireei Rochelle Park. Hack. 2-430S or En.
3-8064 KITCHEN CABINETS PORCH ENCLOSURES Custom Built East Monthly Payments PARAMOUNT HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. Ridgefield Morsemere fi-4700-01 PHONE WATSON TODAY 173 Main Street Hackensack 2-402? Pree Estimate-Prompt Service-Budget Plar Kitchen Cabinets Porch Enclosures Complete Residential Alterations Boata and Motors A3 JOHNSON Motors Sales Service Factors trained mechanics. Marine supplies fz engine overhauling Complete line Pettlt marine oaint. Boats bought sold repaired List your boat or cruiser with us Wilson 322 Main at. Hack 2-4843 Building Materials A3 CINDER BLOCKS 8x8x16 8x12x16 WE ALSO SELL CEMENT ATLAS BLOCK CORPORATION LEE PLACE HACKENSACK 2-10121 CUT FUEL COSTS See the new Never Chanse storm sash and screen combination.
sell storing. Demonstration without obligation. Paramount products 01 in. inc. 525 Oritan Avenue! Ridgctield GARAGE DOORS Nationally advertised standard overhead doors.
All steel Noiseless automatic 8x7. Immediate delivery. B1LT-KI I UUHP. P. O.
194 No Hackensack Rt. 4. Paramus Hackensack z-ti-tp doib LUMBER sheeting. 2x4. 2x6: flooring, pipe.
brick, radiation, iron ceams. i.uuu n. face stone In A-l condition: hot water boilers. See Mr. Myers at the former Rionda Estate iRio Vista), Route 9 W.
Alpine ROOFING Shingles Rolls Supplies, lsts ano inoa greatly reauceo prices woras-man 129 River Drive Passaic 2-1888. Storm Sash Doors, etc WINDOW frames and sash, front and rear door. Thomas Joy. urove acreei. Tenafly.
Englewood 3-5417-R. Basinesa A Office tqnipment 9 BUTCHER display case 10 sanitary scale, sugntty used. Bargain, uave a Meat Market. 39 S. Washington Ave Bereenfield.
Dumont 4-2976. CASH REGISTERS Sllcers. Meat Choppers New or Used Boutbt Sold Exchanged Repaired NATIONAL 8TOR EQUIPMENT CO 23 Main SU Hack. 2-0085 Foei. Feed.
Fertllixers COAL In 50 lb bags for furnace and pot stove. ii Pars si. at suquenanna nan- road. z-hhji. COW MANURE TOP SOIL WALTER WALKER DUMONT 4-0847 4-3960 -4-dm-R COW MANURE, fresh or rotted.
3 yard loads ijeoma -ztui-tt alter 6 P. M. FIREPLACE lumaco ood del. Dry oak loss 16" 24" leiwths. C.
W. Lor-enzen. Oradell 8-1888. HOLMES ENGLISH BESI TOP SOIL FILL DIRT TEANECK OR 7-9266 TOP soil fill dirt for sale Delivered anyplace DeLuxe Contracting Servire pa Shovel. buUdozerg.
trks. end roller to Hire Hack 2-4051 Boasehold Goods COUCH daybed. Tuxedo, with comfortable mattress, sneir styie. metai irame. ooa condition.
55S. i-iacicensacK it-oo. RADIO, high fidility, laree model Philro. Reasonable. Teiepnone cimsiae o-vsi-m, evenings.
REFRIGERATOR, gas. 6 cubic feet. Teaneck 6-2082. TTTJVE TAN AND IVORY ENAMEL. SACK 3-08I1-R.
ALL new and used toys, tricycles, doll car riage. large doll house. Other Xurniture. 410 River. Hackensack.
Make yourself at heme among the home miers tn tne "Keai ssate- columns BniMInir Material 30,000 FEET air dried oak and maple FLOORING 2'i Vs. Also 60,000 feet wall board, suitable for finishing attics, cellars and bungaldws. Call Englewood 3-0337 FROM 9 TO 5 P. M. MERCHANDISE Household Goods DON'T OVERPAY ON FURNITURE Here are 3 Rooms Complet at money's-worth value en Deposit $285 Monthly Just Read AU You Get The KITCHEN: Famous Electric Prigtdaire.
Extension Table. 4 Chairs, Lino Rug and Dishes. The BEDROOM: 3 Major Pieces in Walnut. Night Table, Chair, Lamps, Pair of Scatter Rugs. The LIVING ROOM: Spring Built Sofa, 2 Chairs to Match, co*cktail Table, 2 End Tables, Vacuum Cleaner.
Combination Radio-Phonograph, Pictures. All in Excellent Condition Exactly as Advertised at PAUL'S RESALE DEPT. 225 Westwood Avenue Westwood, N. J. Phone 5-0028.
Open Fri-Sat Eves. Located Opposite Post Office Make sure you're in the RIGHT place. Goods stored free until delivered. Landlords: Give a Vet a break; list your apt. or house with us; no charge to landlord or Vet.
At Paul's; An Excellent Selection Beautiful Bedroom Suites It's hard to believe it when so many stores say they're out of bedrooms, but Paul's invite your inspection; late styles, quality furniture priced from $98 for 3 pieces. $20 Deposit $10 Monthly. PAUL'S RESALE DEPT. 225 Westwood Avenue Westwood, N. J.
BIGGEST STOCK IN YEARS Of Choice Living Room Suites 2 piece, 3 piece, or 12 piece groups. Only $10 a month pays for one priced from $125 up, at PAUL'S RESALE DEPT. 225 Westwood Avenue Westwood, N. J. MASSIVE Dining Room Suites FOR BIG ROOMS -and Junior Dining Rooms Dinettes for rooms of Limited Space.
To have so large a selection is unusual, but Paul's Resale Is an unusual store because we ALWAYS have a BIG stock and our prices are far below what you expect. Terms to suit limited budgets. PAUL'S RESALE DEPT. 225 Westwood Avenue Westwood, N. J.
Maple Studio Group Here's an outfit which will beautily your home as well as give you extra sleep-space Maple Sofa Bed, Club Chair, Arm Chair, Coffee Table, 2 End Tables, 2 End Lnmpg, Pair Throw Rugs $169. $35 Deposit $12 -Monthly. PAUL'S RESALE DEPT. 225 Westwood Avenue Westwood, N. J.
CHRISTMAS COMING Bring your list to Paul's Select ALL your Gifts, then Charge it to your 1947 Account. co*cktail and Coffee Tables End, and Lamp Tables Smokers, Sewing Cabinets Lounge and Club Chairs Radios and Record Players 'Breakfast and Bridge Sets PAUL'S FURNITURE STORE 223 Westwood Avenue Westwood, N. J. Phone 5-0028. Open Fri-Sat Eves.
Opposite Westwood Post Office Make sure you're RIGHT PLACE. In the 11 3 5 M.ih Enl 9x18 rm. new G. 3 3 2 REAL ESTATE PO Wantasl Ta Kut APARTMENT or small housa urgentr neeaea. wiu OS own eoraun.
nac 2-3241-M. APARTMENT. 4-ft room a. private house. Christian eoupie.
a smaii oaiiei. wiu own decorattnt. Morse. 6-4734-K. APARTMENT Unfurnished.
3-4 or moT neeaeo oy vet. wiis ano year aaucmei. Bergen Co. Best ref. Teaneck HOUSE nnently needed.
8, or 1 rooms. Call Hackensack 3-0528 EX-CAPTAIN A wife, business couple. nt children, pets, umently need 1-4 room commutint dtstanea from Wooa Ridte Call Ruth. 3-4BO0 9-S week daya. EX-SOLDIER employed at Teterborfl desires to rent apartment, house or 3 rooms with kitchen prlvilraes.
Land- nrti mmr kllnw 2 vr rtlrf well man nered son as wouldvbe tenant will not part with same. Phone Hasbrouck Heifrtls 8-0525-J. FATHER ANO SON uraently need tw rooms rurnisnen or unmrntsnea in uumont. Call Union 7-6191 evenints. FURNISHED room, kitchen facilities, or smell apartm-nt.
desired by eoupie ior winter months. Hackensack vicinity preferred Hack. 3-2828. -S. MIDDLE aged couple, with high school aged daushter, desires 4 or rooms, Wtll pay months In Advance.
Hack 2-112fi-R. SMALL rmair shop with heating facili ties, io noia 3 tractor irucss in nocneiiw Park. Maywood or Hackensack. Call Hark 3-4739. VETERAN and bride, business couple, de sire 3-4 room apt.
vicinity TeanecK. Tenafly. Enilewood. Englewood 3-3439-M. ANTED January let.
Furnished house. 8 rooms or more, price up to month Hack. 3-2327 after 9 P. M. REAL ESTATE FOR MALI Bmtneis Property Sale er Kent FA1RV1EW Corner factory.
1 story, street level. V.700 sq. ior ngnt manutactur-ina. Immediate onaaeaalon. Richard.
413 Anderson Ave Cliffslde Pk. Clt. -003U VACANT STORE Unusual romblnatlon of store 10x40 and family house in rear, on Mt. Vernon Street. Ridaelleld Park.
Zoned for biumes industry. 2 neatint plants 050 rash, tilt ap.rtm.nta carry Bulletins. GEORGE R. FESSLER CO. Orsnd Ave.
Realtors Init S-l3 Member Multiple Lutlnt System 15 ON" $15,000 8 STORES APARTMENTS This corner property has unusual possibilities. Is in good condition; rents are low. location I This Is a real Investment. GEORGE R. FESSLER CO.
Orand Realtors Inf. 3-ttlf Member muhipi Lastini system lne.stmt PewMftT BEROIN COUNTY Net M.487 Cash $20,000. Income Over $7,000. Modem 3 story. 19 family.
1 and room units. Individual refrw Inclnsrstor, tilt) baths, oil heal. THK FRANK BUCINO ORGANIZATION ALTORS 40 Hudson Plaee Hoboken 4-34041 Teaneck 6-6)15 Farm, an Land tr 1.1. CHICKEN FARM I iwner must sell within next 4 weeks ute bunsslow. tarve chicken barn.
ares brooder house. 2V acres of fertile) land. Batteries ior oon brooders. Brood ins; equipment for 2.500 chick. Laying capacity for 00 layers.
Automatic water, electric light, heat. et4k Bell BOO broilers weekly, esus. ete. More than self supporting; Just perfect. For a youna wllllnjt couple.
The PRICE la NOT iSB OOOwnot eveit $20,000. The FRICE 18 ilS.ftOO. Where could yott set a lovely home and business for less van tor an appointment iUUATi Exclusively with Alexander Summer LAND A INVESTMENT DEFT, Queen Anna Rd. cor. Cedar (ini Teaneck.
N. Teaneck 6-4M4I Bouses For sl Bsck.nistk HACKENSACK 255 Ross Avenue I Bunt-alow, rooms on first floor. 1 partially completed room with heat on second floor. Modern tiled kitchen anil hat.h All heat, yesrs old. In perfect condition.
i'Jill8- Dr.lr at Kldc.vood. 6-3539-R. HACKENSACK 3 FAMILY. M. STEAM HEAT.
GARAGE I 18 DYATT PLACE. Fairmount Section wo Family House First finer. 3 rmmi bath, modern. Second floor. 4 rooms, ba b.tb.
Third floor. rooms, tatn. steam-oil. SOxlM. Tiro 'w caceucnt location.
40 ft I' ruth asphalt roof. A-l condition, suit able for bun.alow or other purpose. Reasonable. Phone owner Hack. 3-0783R.
VACANT 2 family house, tile bathe, modern kitchen. Convenient. Reduced tor mlrk sale. Hack. 2-5732-M.
For Sale or Renf Hackensack MA 2 Ism A-l cond oil he.t. taxes tlss. rent tnt mo. possession. 19.500.
Oai Una's. GALLINA'S REALTY 218 48th Onion City Onion 1-79j Lot. Far S.l. ALPINE Budding plots centrally located on In proved street. Closter 5-0820 or 9-1410 NORTHVALE 4 lots off Livingston St.
Closter 5-0693-W. Mrs. Orace CeppeU llni. PARAMUS -110x143. on Falrvlew Terrace, nan a Block irom clover leaf Rts.
IT snd 4 Inquire 25 far? tew Avenue. Psramus. Suburban for Wale BERGENFIELD 1946 brick bungalow. 44 rooms. Insulated, oil heat, play room In basem*nt.
Venetian blinds, copper plumbing, expansion ettie. steel combination storm windows. $11,400. Corner plot 50x100. 182 N.
Queen St. Phone Dumont 4-3451-M after 6 P. M. BOGOTA 1 family, 6 rooms, exceptionally weD built home and garage on lot 60x160. Fire place, oil heat, slate roof, convenient location.
Near railroad end bus transport tion. Can be purohaaed for til. 000 fur nished or 19.300 without furniture. EVERETT CARBIN REALTORS 366 Cecfsr Lane Teaneck s-490r) 17. Grand Ave.
Leonia 4-0t23 Bogota, $13,000 Vacant 6 rooms, larse livinr room, flrsnlsee. lovely sun room, hall tiled bath. 2 car garage. Plot 50x100. RITCHIE REALTOR 289 Elm Bogota.
Hack. 3-1216 BOGOTA 4 bedroom house. In excellent condition, 2 baths, recreation room, hog water oil heat. Oarage. $14,700.
Owner occupied. BOGOTA -3 family house, rooms St betZt 1st and Snd floors. H0.500. DUMONT Modern 0 room house. tUt bath, breakfast nook, steam heat, 3 car garage.
30 day occupancy. 210.900. TEANECK 6 room Dutch Colonial stone. st frame house, almost new. storm sesh tile bath, air conditioned gas heat, at ached garage.
$16,500. TEANECK Cozy modern house. 2 bed tile bath, gas, steam heat, gar age. 60 day occupancy. $10,300.
JAS. H. SWEENEY, Realtor 336- Queen Anne Reed Teaneck 6-0t90) Memoer Multiple Listing system CUSTOM BUILT CAPI COD HOUSE Landscaped acre, perennials, trees. Charming living fireplace bookshelves. dining room, rrencn aoors to terrace, iour bedrooms, tiled bath, gaa heat.
Fully Insulated, screens, storm sash, ample closet storage apsce. garage. Wilma hi. Mitcneii, -Broker 411 Grand Englewood or 3-917V More Classified On Next Page LIVESTOCK Hones Cattle. Vehicle rme grade Jersey, now milking.
alaoy nrea. Siau. le.epnone west-wood 5-19G2-R. HORSE, good hralthv working: value suu. win sacrifice for 19S.
Can Closter 5-065-. puss*lU. Wolf Road. Old Tappan. N.
J. Baby Chick. 4KB HAMPSHIRE Reds and Crosses HAtEDON HATCHERY. Sa. 3-3824.
73 Tilt Haledon. N. J. MFRCHANOISE Articles lor Se.la AIRPLANE T. 17 Stearman.
Made in Dec. 1941. Excellent condition. $1,575. Hark.
2-6423-R lArt. IS with beer cooler and 2 ice refrigerators. Also a Quantity of cedar siding, suitable for summer bungalow Call Englewood 3-0337 between 9 and 5 BICYCLE. 2 WHEEL. GIRL'S.
GOOD CONDITION. BARGAIN. TELEPHONE 1.EONIA 4-28B2-R. BICYCLE, man's 28 in. in good condition.
new ttr- 178 Hillcrest Ave Leonia. BICYCLE, girls' full sice. speedometer, exc. Droaaioom rig. enamel roaster, pillow.
Ene. 3-4761-w BICYCLE girl blue. 28 in. Roll Past, like new. S30.
Metal upholstered bed chair. S25. 189 Teaneck Road. Ridgefleld Park. Ha.
BICYCLE Boy's 28 Columbia De Luxe, excellent 145. uraaeu 0104 BICYCLE, airls'. new 28-ln. Elgin. Aeolian Baby Grand Piano, good condition Hackensagk 3-0381.
BICYCLE, boys, baloon kires. li Reasonaole. Teaneck 7-2740-J. BICYCLE. 28 Inch, girl's, sood condition, rearonabie price.
Tearieck 6-4097. CABINET, drawers At hread bo: kitchen table 4 cnalrs; radio style Kerosene heater; baby carriage. Teaneck 6-1667. CAMERA, SV4X3V, Erneman. with 1J CM.
r. j. 9 ernon icnse. lessar lormuiar Focla plane shutter. Speeds to 1 T000 sec.
Accessories, film. Teaneck 7-10S9. CAMERA Argo Flex, late model, flashgun. niters, sunsnaoe. case.
ssu. call Saturday. Hackensack 3-8116. 6-7 P. M.
CARRIAGE. Whitney. Stec-0-Matic. col lapsible, very good conduion. Call Leonia 4-0625-M.
between 6 and 9 P. M. CONVEYOR. 20 foot by 16 Inch trough belt rrowbndse Wisconsin air cooled motor. Purchased new.
Used two weeks. Fine condition. Oradell 8-1B18-W. Inspection by appointment. GRIDDLE deep French fat Iryer both gas operated, Sam's Tavern, 107 Anderson St.
Hack. 2-8557. IT (1 FOB BALE (ll'NS BOUGHT REPAIRED WAHL. 133 South Bogota Ha. 2-8393 PLAYPEN.
Storkline buggy, rocking dog Telephone Englewood 3-3231 -J. RADIO 10 tube. R. C. A.
superhet Perfect condition, beautiful walnut con-sole. $50. Teaneck 7-8130-J. REFRIGERATOR, electric, large Kelvin ator. 2 door, porcelain in and out.
Also small Kelvinator. Motors 4c horse power. HaCK. Z-304J, RUGS, auto robe, toaster, iron, cut glass, PiCtUrM. dishes, 211 Walnut Hack.
2-0466-W. SINK, 59 inch. 2 drain boards. $25: corn gnnaer. sis: anairons.
HACK. 3-2738. AFTER 7:30 P. M. All Cedar Venetian Blind Mfg.
Co. Call Hackensack 2-2373 Hi MYRTLB A VS. PASSAIC. N. AMERICAN Flyer, engine.
4 cars. 40 pieces track, accessories. leiecnone iiacaen-sack 3-2070. BABY carriage, folding sll. Telephone cntrside e-'j-j.
BABY CARTHAGE Dark srey, practically new. uouansioie mil Kite. sza. Warwick W. Engiewood.
Tea. 7-2045. BABY coach. Rex, $70. scale and swing deliver.
Teaneck like new. $42. win 7-8558. BEDROOM furniture. Double bed spring, aresser.
mirror cnesi. uiri eicycie. Teaneck 6-1184-W. BENGAL gas and coal range. i2 end table and one conee table, with blue mirrow tops; 23 Roosevelt Little Ferry.
CHRISTMAS trees. 2 to 42 live, in containers. Available in wholesale lots. Saddle River l-0657. CHRISTMAS trees, Canadian balsam.
wnoiesaie. retail. Large trees, io it. to 35 ft. high.
For churches, hospitals, etc. Also wreaths wholesale. Mansfield Tappan. N. Y.
Piermount 469. CHURCH public address system. Including cnime records in rairview Avenue, west-wood. DIAMOND RING 1 carat and 13 point center stone set with 0 smaller diamonds in a yellow cold mounting. $500.
44 Mac-Arthur Avenue. Lodi. DOLL CErriaee. large, wood and leather. Pre-war.
hardly used $10. After 4:30 P. M. Ora. 8-0653-M.
ELECTRIC refrigerator, like new. Also electric blower lor coal lurnace. Has- brouclt Heichts 8-0002. FIREPLACE. 18 century, andtrona.
Universal tank type vacuum cleaner attachments. Electric ironer. Storm sash screens. 55x32. Hack.
3-0177-R. FOUR OLD CHERRY CHAIRS CANE SEAT BACK. NEWLY EEFINI9HED. 7S TEANECK 6-0302-R FUR COAT caracul, sacrifice, size 40. like new $150.
1 man's chlfferobf. 1 book case, floor lamps, sinsle bed. Call for appointment. FnEle. 3-3150.
GAS HEATER for room. 30 gal. water tank, ras coil. New electric broiler, high chair, crib mattress. Telephone Hack.
2-8835-M. GEM electric razor. Girl's tubular ice skates, size 4. like new. Brown and Sharpe.
1 Inch micrometer. Hackensack 2-8675-J. G. E. REFRIGERATOR.
7 cu. $90. 3 Fromm Silver Foxes, $75. 1 Roger Peet mm'! overcoat size 40. $25.
Closter 8-1320-M GOLF clubs, left handed. Almost new. plus complete set of 8 matched Irons. 2 woods. 169.
Cliffside 8-3089. GRANDFATHER clock, brand new. General Electric, beautiful chimes. Teaneck 6-5057-J. GREENBRIAR poultry ticker, compressor lor freezing unit, blower for walk-in ice box.
flourescent lights. Inquire at Tap- pan cost on ice Building or rnone Fier mont 541. HARD TO FIND WINDOW SHADES TABLE OILCLOTHS Outdoor and Indoor Xmas Tree Light Sets and Bulbs WE HAVE IT AT. GORDON'S GIFT SHOP 170 Westwood Ave. Westwood 5-1213 HOT WATER TANK lAllani.
20 gal. Crib play pen. English type coach, foldins stroller new Eureka cleaner with attachments. Hackensack 2-5112. HOT WATER heating system, complete, boiler.
At radiators, piping, etc. Prac tically new. Leonia 4-3775 after 6 P. M. LIONEL trains, standard gauge, freight ft passengei cars.
2 engines, transformers. station, tunnel, bridge, ds accessories, 150. Call after 6 P. M. Eng.
3-32S9 LIONEL electric trains, standard gauge. Two fttll sets, each under $50. Excellent condition. Oradell 8-0B70-M. LIONEL TRAINS Standard size.
1 passen ger, i ireient set. Teieprione uumont 4-0139 evenings. MODEL 52 H. B- Winchester. Late model.
Vavor sight. Perfect condition. Sheepskin case. Air compressor. 50 n.
capacity. 1 3 motor. Call after 7 P. M. or Saturday Sunday.
Westwood 5-0106-M. NATIONAL Art 28 foot shuffleboards. Like new. Englewood NEW used bicycles, tricycles, pickup deliver free. rep.
Michael Bike Shoo. Ft. Lee Queen AnneRd.Tea.6-0104. wftii innklna for a new home let 'vou want Anctfon Salea TtKMS tAH 1 Now OIL OIL Household Goods ATTENTION rUHNlTURE BUYERS THE 8USV SPOT 18 AT THE 5 CORNERS WMtwoofl Avrnue cor Kinder ma rfc Road WKbL LK 11J, 1Mb. JKKoK PHONE WESTWOOD BinRcnu st, Bite Beaut? itcM mattrets.
fonasrinn. nsm pparv Foil i.m 8-oiafi aupr fi r. Best Buys For Christmas In New And Used Furniture pc. maple bed room set mewt lire side chairs uiewi 5B9 On 3ti! no f9 no 00 $49 00 Kidney tofa. good as new pc.
chrome kitchen set dc nipple dmneue set dc bndfte e- inew Trunk new mr.ii ued from 'vany it maple kncehale desks. S5 00 Mahoaanv hreakiront $129 ufl and coiire from 55.00 up Anoiron and screens, liom $3 00 up Qua'iity int. Saxony ..1169 00 A.50 mahocany Dun-ym Phyfn dinuii set. (as ranges, secretaries. 1 1 aK 10 bar moo's, unp.v.mpd corner rabmets and drtks.
wardrobes, bookemr. and us'd sturho beds, mirrors. Umps. tnnple and bedroom ard rubes. Cotne and look around.
PALISADE STORAGE WARFHOUSE CO. 83 So Dfsn Street N. J. We do A- Packing. Tel Ens.
3-3500 HEST of drawers. French, mahogany sai in wood, hand p.imted. large mirror A'so bed. 60. Mahonrny bonnet top hishboy.
DUMONT 4-1779-J. DINING room set. 9 piece, full slae. fine cram uoho stered cnalrs witn spring reaAonable. Hasbrouck Heights f-Ufil-M Thurs.
Prt. or Sun. DININO room furniture. Edison phonn- gi-Hph. bedroom furniture.
Any reasonable o'fer accepted. 303 Wilbur Street, Englewood Furniture Exch. (AT THE MONUMENT) 2 dlnine room sets, perfect, condition hroiiie nther kitchpn hats. S19 Ar no Bedroom sets, living room sets, kneehnle desks, table too ranees, bed, dressers hests. lamps.
many other Hems. 103 W. ausade Ave. engiewooo 3-P937. OAS range, all white, table top.
Kneehots desk 2 pc. living room, manogany ere rieiv.a maplo dinette, chifferobe. maple cr'b. mattress, artificial 'fireplace, end tables, coffee tables, vacuum, lamps, set Fnryolnperia. coal grate.
606 Main Bt E. radio, console, late model. $49.50. Easy spin dry washer. Eureka vacuum cleaner.
Call Hack. 3-9043. O. E. REFRIOEHATOR J5rt CALL EVENINGS AFTER 6 HACKENSACK 3-1275 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Lyon all steel kitchen cabinet seta, complete with 94" Traray Stainless Steel Sinks silent rap-u-Tviatic doors nannies, oaii bearlnsr drawers fc bnnderl7ed In white enamel finish.
See thee units at QUAD MACHINERY INC. 350 Rnitte 6. Little Ferry HACKENPACK 3-2670 KITCHEN sink, combination with tray and chrome faucets, practically new. can after M. Has.
Hits 1-0173-J. PRE-JNVENTORY SALE pc. ColrniaI Mnple b. suite 99 9S pc. Mahoaanv bedrm.
suite 119 95 pc. Li vint rm. suite ir.9.95 uimps jo.aa up. occasional enrs. aiy.us up Sullivan Furniture Co.
412 Cedar Lane Teaneck uprn rnoay and Baturdoy evenings. STERLING silver! Servlni bowls, candle- siicits. ona nat ware ana occasional pieces, very reasonably priced. Polhemua Barter. 290 Clifton Avenue.
Clifton. THE PARTY SHOP Usual favors, centerpieces dee- orations for rent for sale for every oc casion including the fesiive holiday sea son. Fpt-ciaiinmr in children parties. STOCKING STUMERS Small toys and novelties from 5c to $1.00 Noisemiviers. pr.per natH.
conieiii. F'renme-g. bnUoon EDITH M. SALERNO 1B1 Roeltwoori Plaeo Enelrwood. N.
J. Tel. En 3-2299 1 block 60. Rout. 4 Oil Orand Ave.
WASHING MACHINE KENMORE CALL LEONIA WASHINO MACHINE (THOR) PHONE WESTWOOD 5-1717. YOUNGSTOWN KITCHEN flnlts and Cabinets. Oas Ranees. Refrlt' erstors Wahina Machines. Vacuum Cleaners.
Radios. SUPeKIOH ELECTRIC CORP ISO Main Ptrcct Hackensnclr i-maft 2 MAFLE CKA1RS. cushions. S2S each. 1 tea wugon.
$20. 1 maple wall rack, $8. 2 belae russ. chenille. 4x6.
SIS each. 1 love seat, imported, upholstered. M50. 1 breakfront. solid S300.
1 lamp table, carved, inlaid. $45. 1 down tettee and cover, $'ft0. 1 roffee table anrt cover, carved. $45.
No dealers. Call after 11 A. M. Leon. 4-1937.
A moment spent readlne tental ada may save a dav'a tiresome tramna Jewelry. Watt hes Diamonds LADIES BEAUTIFUL French cut diamond and sapphire wrist watch. $650. Phone Teaneck 8-10195. Machinery and Tools 01 BENCH LATHE.
S00 FT.r 35 wall radiators. 6 ton new reinforcing rods: new and used angles. I-Beams. steel plates, cut to size, cold rolled Deliveries. Broadway Iron and Metal.
37ft Hamilton corner 13th Paterson. N. J. Sherwood 3-2S81. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ATLAS MILLING MACHINES J2-INCH TILT ARBOR SAWS 1.
2. 5. H. P. lone arm pedestal buffers 13.
1. 2. 3. 5. 10 H.
P. COMPRESSORS 1'3-U 1 H. P. bench and pedestal ype uncis auu hi i i uciii nniiurin, niuouu spot welders, gasoline eneines, swine nws sind all types of industrial equipment. Complete line of blowers, exhaust and ventilating tans.
UAD MACHINERY. INC. 350 Route 6, Little Ferry Hackensfick 3-2610 LATHE "Craftsman" 6" swinr. with motor. 4 Jaw chuck, other accessories.
Reasonable. Call Hnrk. 2-3326 after 7 P. M. SHOVEL, sasollne.
Bay City, half yard, shovel. 2 attachments. Back hoe shovel attachment. Call after 6 P. M.
Tea Musical Merchandise at Beautiful Selection Of BRAND NEW SPINETS Immediate Delivery Rebuilt Spinets Grands Practice Pianos $50' up Campbell Temlett Piano Co. 307 Broadway, Paterson 1, N. J. SHerwond 2-5442 CLARINET. FLAT.
PIANO. Baby Grand Sihmer Small ma noscany. nm. leanecK j-iim. PIANO.
Baby Orand. mahogany, fi 3' Horace waters Co. Excellent musical condition No dealers. Oradell 8-0717. iNO.
SMALL. WALNUT ORAND LIKE NEW CALL TEANECK D-BB33-R PIANOS Small Grands, small studio uprleht. mid gpt piano. Spinet N. PIANO CO.
16 Er.Ble 5T- tnsirwonn i-irib, PIANOS WANTED Englewood 3-7G2G pi.avfr ptamo Lauter. excellent condi tion. 200 rous. tme ior wnoopee room Teiepnone megewcoa b-B33-j. VFCiA TRHMPFT with accessories.
ceiient condition. Teiepnone acK- ensack Z-081I-W. Wearinr Apparel BELGIUM blue fox Jacket, fize 18. excel lent, condition. Phone Ru inert ord Z-374 between 4 7 P.
M. CLEARANCE tale on ladies coats suits. only SIB. 00 ac up. valued at 840.
Surd Melton cloth, sizes 10 to 40. Snappy Garments Mfc. 3133 Central Unlr-ii City. CLOTHING, men's, women's, lor overseas pacKages suits, overcoats, sa up. rur coats, fur jackets.
$5 up 8. Clothing. 8514 Hudson Boulevard. North Bergen Union 7-6339 COAT, brown cloth. White fox collar.
I. Pox. Size 16-18. 35. Original price $125 Teaneck 6-9755.
COAT. fur. Coney, size 12 or 14. good condition. reasonaDte.
Telephone Hack- COAT, black Hudson Seal, fitted, size 16. Excellent condition. M. Telephone Teaneck 6-2289-W COAT. Persian lamb, black, beautiful.
Large silver fox muff. Moving South. Sacrifice. Eng. 3-44I7-J.
CORNER BHOP 386 MAIN ST HA. 3-0295. Winter coats sizes 12-46. children's 6-14. Men's coats A suits.
i FUR MINK SUIT, 4fl8 etc A for Meartnt A parti FITTED MOUTON COAT SIZE 10. PFS.KECT CONDITION ENGLEWOOD JACKET 8ti? 11, lU ntw Pur- rnsstd kusck s. price sfa. mum db rn io be appreciated CiU Haclten-ttek 3-1M0-R after 6 P. COAT A- MTTFF.
BLACK PERSIAN SHEARED BEAVER. PHONE UNION 7-5391. ROHL. rose, sattn mulled lountini woman's), use 42. new.
Call alter a P. M. Har. 3-18S9-J. SQUIRREL.
earaTul. oporsum eoat. 2 evenmB dreea. slues 14-16. Party dresses, size 8-12.
Hack. 2-3612 man Fmehley. 38 praett- cany new. Persian coat. is.
excellent rondition. Pony Skin Jacket. 14-16. Hack 2-4035-W. Wanted To Ray AMMUNITION AND UBiilJ UUNS ftshint rods ana reels Jacs (turners pon Shop.
J51 Main Hackensack. AMMUNITION Uuna. Ptsrtlnt: tackle Roents Oem-areal Avenue Phone Cloatei S-0i43. ANTTMQITVS, Furniture chin ina liver Clocks, prints, vases, old Jewelry, etc. THE OLD STONE HOUSE Grand Ave Engieaood 3-3524 AVTir.TTIQ DON'T SACRIFICE (uaj YOUR POSSESSIONS Brlc-a-brac China.
Vases Glass Silver, Comult PEARL JACOBS 17 Hudson Street, Hackensack 2-3208 or 3-2078-W. ANTIQUES A L. CURTIS ft CO Harrington P.rk closter s-010 PIANOS WANTED Englewood 3-7()26 PIANOS WANTED ORADELL -nns aiipn.b.t. too orlee: for cut aiasa. imporied china, vases, silver, p.inttnx and all antiques.
Tea clocks. 1-1156 BABY Grand or Cpinet Plan, wanted for ttudio C.sh. urlvt. no dealers. Mrs Hartman 398 West 6Mn Btr.et.
New York Phon. Circle S-98J0 A BETTER PRICE PAID furniture, rugs, phnos, washing machines, electrio refrigerators, offlc furniture, chins, silver and antioues. Call Englewood 3-3500 CtRANI) nianr.a SnlneLs Uoriahts want ed. Krakauer wi wes. aan et.
Y. C. Clrcifl-BBin. HimtFST Prlra oald for a'd used men a A ia.uiea cioininB tun urraumiu. Pass a io Paasate 3-2479 morn a-tves SEWINO MACHINES All makes treadles or electrio.
can HacKensaci a -wo i. OePaolera T3 Main Htreat Hackensack WE buy and sell. Chinese it Oriental rues Market prices paid Untoue Carpet 4i Main Hack 3-aao WE BUY RAOS. PAPER. SCRAP IRON AMU MEIAL.
ACKEN-8ACK 1-0599-M ROOMS AN BOARD Rooms Board Out Town H7A WILL board and tare for elderly person, private home. 6ft Wood Place. Dumont ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD Without Bo.rdH.ekens.elt AH PURNIPHED ROOM FOR BUSINESS OIRL. HACKENSACK J-D744-M. Room.
Wltbont Board Ont Town ISA RIDGEFIELD PARK Large airy room, re- fined aentleman. convenient to an Irsnspcrlatlon. Hack. 2-J392-W. BEDROOM, furnished, steam heat.
1 mile from ueo. wasiuninn nriage on noute 6. Call Fort Lee 8-0073-W. DOUBLE room, twin beds. In refined home.
one 7 business people only, reierence. Phone Morsemere 0-55S5-J. FURNISHED ROOMS (2i. FOR GENTLE- MAW ONLY, SU AHillNU lUn AVSNUS, BERG EN FIELD. LAROE furnished room In private home.
near buses, Duainess person aesirea. Phone Leonia 4-09J1-M, ROOM large, furnished, for couple. Kitchen grlveleges. Leonia, Box 1049, Bergen vcnlng Record. ROOM, single, comfortable, quiet, garage, privileges, Business person.
Nen.r transportation. Tea. 7-1797-W, Wanted Rooms or Board WANTED, elean rooms for ainale men. employee nf Linotype Parts Co. Phone nacK.
z-iifs. REAL ESTATE MIR RENT Apartment a Hackensack APARTMENT. 3 roomv with bath. Must buy furniture tall new period furniture). nacK.
3-2372-J. A part racnU Out of Town 74A APARTMENT. Hftflbrouck Hflch's. 4 rooms, lUTnlfthed to sublet uniy desirable, re- gponalble people apply, h'sck. 3-2994.
EXCHANOE 1'4 room elevator apt. near ueo re wasniniton Brmie ior or a room, nergen to, rnone noster o-iu i. Business PI sees For Rent BUILDING SUITABLE ANY BUSINESS LIGHT MANUFACTURING 3 STORY AND BAsem*nT STEAM OIL HEAT RENT $125 PER MO. BOUNDARY REALTY CO. 360 Essex et.
Hackensack 3-0800 Offlc. and Desk Room ENGLEWOOD. East Palisade Ave. Ideal ror dentist, chiropodist, oeauty panor, etc Lease and Immediate possession. CIANCIO BROS.
REALTORS 352 Palisade A.f. Bogota. N. Hack. 3-ZtDB HACKENSACK FOR RENT Desirable front offices on Main Street Suitable for professional or beauty parlor S.
HEKEMIAN INC 324 Main Street Hackensack. N. J. riacaena.GK s-ssss Hutiurbsn For Rent AO ESTABLISHED dental location and one lamiiy nouse in Kamsey. itacn separate.
Offices centrally located in prominent build. nv. Ideal for any profession. Light, heat and water furnished. Home constats of small rottaie with all conveniences within one-half block from offices.
Write only. P. O. Box 408. Ramsey.
N. J. Wanted To Rent 3-4 Furn. or unfurn. Chris tian, urgently needed, central Bergen preferred.
Hack, 3-2000 Ext. 37. APT. 3-4 rooms for business couple. Chrts- uons.
uniurnisnea. win aecorate. Morse-mere 6-4946-J. APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished, doctor and wife urgently need 3 or 4 rooms, convenient to Hackensack. Ore-dell 8-21S3-M.
APARTMENT. 4-5 rooms needed in Central B1 sen for veteran, wife and 2 children. Box 105 Record. APARTMENT 2 or 3 rooms urcently needed by business couole. Veteran wife.
Hs. 2-6244. bet. A.M. A P.M.
Olwn. APARTMENT urgently needed Feb. 1, 3-4 room, unfurnished la Closter. Telephone uiosier 9-U4 n-j. APARTMENT.
3-4 rocms. Business cnuple. children or pets. Teaneck 6-2082. APARTMENT.
3 or 4 rooms, for refined business couple, no children. Phone Cliffslde 8-3341-J after 5. APARTMENT. 3 rooms. unfurnished, wanted by rx-Naval officer, wife Sc child, Please call Hack.
2-7903-M. APARTMENT. 4-5 rooms In Bersen County needed by veteran, father, sister, being- evicted. Miss hfasKiru. Hack, 2-440O afer P.
M. Tea. 6-22B1-R, APARTMENT. 3-4 roomi desperately needed by couple both tx-O. and child.
Closter 5-0686. APARTMENT. 3 or 4 rooms, in remodeled 2-Tamuy noure or aaraen ant. Kneie word vie. ior 2 adults, no cmraren or pets.
Hornbosiei. Academy a-Pioo. APARTMENT If my fairy Godmother coma give me one wisn. ra wisn ior house or en apartment, rnrntsned or unfurnished, where I could live with my mommy daddy happily ever efter. Call Hack.
3-4054. APARTMENT 3-4 rooms. Veteran, mother sister. vicinity Ridgefield Perk. Urgently needed.
Hack. 2-2245-W. APARTMENT. 3-4 wanted by elderly couple by Jan 15th. Calone.
19 Warren St Bergenfleld. N. J. APARTMENT 3-4 rooms, refined fam ily or tnree. Telephone leanecs fi- 869-J.
APARTMENT Veteran and wife urgently require ransaaes rarit or vicinity. Pearson. Lambert 3-0407. after 5 P. M.
APARTMENT urgently needed by young couple. 3-4 rooms, riease can Morse-mere 6-4757-J. APARTMENT needed by 4 adults, in May-wood. Hackensack. or Rochelle park.
4-5 rooms. Box H)S1 Record. APARTMENT by veteran. 2 or 2 rooms in teantcs vicinity, can leanecg e-4170. do VV 3 and S3 tire 1 I Lonc lease, low rental.
Large volume sates and profits. Price (30.000 and rnven- Master Business Brokers 191 Main Street Hackensack. N. J. Hack.
3-0511 A REAL opportunity to open a frozen food renter the fastest KTOWinK food, outlet of all time. Detail information regards to plans, lood. location ana remgerauon available now. Call, write, or phone Mr. Kierstead.
Audrian Refrigeration Company. 440 Broad Street, BloomfJeld, New jersey, z-lvu. "A3K" LeCLAIR RECOMMENDS; LIQUOR STORE MUST SELL Occupies two brick, stores tn excellent location; one could be used for other business in conjunction with llauor busi ness. Fine fixtures. Now doing $850 weekly could be Increased.
Two year lease at $75 and 2 years at 580. Liquor at inventory. Owner is leaving and Is ask-In? 19,000 for fixtures, good will and license but may consider offer. GAS STATION REPAIR SHOP doing 30 000 gallons monthly Ideal for to partners; one should be A-l repairman; is year lease with option to buy R. E.
$12,000. SERVICE EXCHANCE, INC. S7 N. Maple Ave. Ridgewood 6-3949 Open Saturdays and Sundays BERGEN COUNTY Auto Supply Store for lease to ambitious party.
No competition. Established at this location for 43 yrs. as Auto Supply A Hardware Store. Fully equipped and ready for your stock. Steel fixtures, shelves counters, cabinets and display cases lor sale for $3,500.
Good lease can be arranged or fixtures removed. Business Opportunities, Inc. 405 Cedfir Lane Teaneck 6-0255 BERGEN COUNTY PAINTING DECORATING STORK Equipment consists of all size ladders. trestles ladder jacks, drop cloths, brushes, paperlns nd cutting Stock consists of inside and outside paints, varnish, sizing paste, colors, driers. Imperial Lloyd wallpaper.
Three men are busy on outside work. Good proposi tion, run price la.juu. i erms. Business Opportunities, Inc. 405 Cedar Lane Teanect; 6-0255 BUYING A BUSINESS? 100 Propositions For Sale Large and Small! Choice Locations.
Electro-PJating, Chrome Business Complete. 122 Lincoln Place. Garfield FIVE G. I. homes under construction and plots for 21 more.
Cash required S15.000 to 120.000. Call Englewood 3-0337 between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.
FROZEN food store. 5 cases, cash register, scale, counter, small stock, low rent. probers. 4.500. Hack.
2-3691 GROCERY, fruits and vegetables. Frozen foods. Good stock. Good Income. Apart ment in rear.
CUtfside 6-2956. after 8 M. No brokers. LADIES LINGERIE. SPORTSWEAR STORE location in Union City.
Weekly JtOM moo. Frice $15,000. Long lease. Terms. Business Opportunities, Inc.
Cedar Lane Teaneck 6-0255 "OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS" Delicatessen Garfield Well estaollshed. up-to-date. ltKKr location on busy thorofare. Doing fine business. 6 rm.
apartment Included. Sacrifice ue to illness. $9,500. PAULSEN HAYES "6 Stste St. Ha.
3-3471 Aqta and Smalt Loans 40A Accused been arensed ef being a "Yes Mn" and tome to think of it ami Which is only logical, after all, for the more times I say "Yes" toe more loans I make. And since mas nt Personal Loans is my fall-time busmen that's mighty Important to me. 'Usually I can say "Yes" In a hurry. But even when circ*mstances are unusual, I try to find a way to work out a deal. That's why we are so often able to make loans that others cannot.
Of course once In while I can't find a way. That's natural. When that happens someone personally sits down lth the customer and discusses the situation frankly. a common sense basis. tike moat people.
I don't believe in amwessary borrowing bat when i ii needed or to year advantage. II be glad tn say "Yes." Anytime need extra cash see me, won't Bight mow. for instance. Personal Finance floor. Peoples Trait Co.
li. (IAckenscli a- i aion. en. oai- 4S4 rE ck 1591 247J St. 391 i fs ear rom 3284 1 nuf-size) -32S9 34.
-7J43 Xt" CtVSe vale. Park Rldce 6-1450 Auction Sales JOHN CLAUSS A SONS. Auctioneers FAIR LAWN, N. J. PHONE FAIR LAWN 6-0822 PUBLIC AUCTION To be held on the Dremises of E.
LOTZ BROAD STREET, CLIFTON, N. J. 4 Mile North of Route 6 SATURDAY DECEMBER 7. 1946 AT 11 A. M.
SHARP On account of -One i l.rae eilti.ator. seB. lime soreader. manor, 1 r.r enltiTatori. I and I horw Prefhri.J t2t Sheelbarrew.
wa.h seed el.Ml. a stone b.ats. seed Sill" celcri roller. eeler 6 a.rdea h.aes. f.rtlllier asachlnes.
1 "rmaTsTloO b.l frames. board frames. t-S to tAiek A-l eondition. 1 farm truck, larae truck all kinds if 'sroaM S. hondredi .1 article, to.
t. to.nti.n. 5KTi0.NTlff.tM"riM tool, and SALE BAIN, OR SHINE.