The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

ani Observer. THURSDAY, EPT. 27, 1888. COAL. COAL.

ROSS "ALL RIGHT" 8 Per Han. D. O. Fawleaai Hem. T.

F. Da-tdsosi. Hon. Daniel G. Fowle, Democratic candidate for Governor', and Hon.

T. F. Davidson, Democratic candidate Pwklte Speakla. Hon. Chas.

M. Stedman will address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places: Rutherfordton, Tuesday, October 9. Shelby, Thursday, October 11. Lincolnton, Saturday, October 13. Charlotte, Monday.

October 15, at CELEDRATSD On Reading (lie Poets, te North (aro'lssa. CI 5 ENSILAGE ft kfcfc Health is Wealth COTTON KING AND We are taking orders for coal and delivering for winter supplies on narrow margins, and advise all whtcan do so to put it in before cold weather, as prices are advancing and sure to go higher. This is the Top of the Gf-nitke FearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers. similar are imitation.

Dk. west's lfnva akd Bkaik Tsat-hxkt a guaranteed speelfie for Hysteria, Dtut-neaa. Fits. Nervous rleuralrla. COOK STOVES AND 8TKAW CUTTERS exact Label BLINKS Colt'g Hammfrlfia hn Headache.

Nervous Prostration caused by the ase of, alcobol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting, la Insanity and leadlagto misery, decay ana death. Premature Old Are, Barrenness, Loss of power In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Kperaator rhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self- is on each Pearl Top Chimney. Pocahontas Semibituminous abase or over-indulgence.

Kacn box contains one A dealer may say 6 Wztfj rr onuvs treatment, a oox, or six noiesior for Attorney General, will address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places Friday, Sept. 28, Oxford, Granville Co. Sat Henderson, Vance Co. Monday, October 1, Halifax, Halifax Co. Tuesday, October 2, Go.

I Wednesday, Oct. 8, NaahYtlle, Nash Co. i Friday, Oct. 5, Wilson, Wilson Co. Saturday, October 6, Smitbfield, Johnston Co.

Monday, Oct. 8, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co. Tuesday, Oct. 9, Duns, "Harnett CO. Thursday, Oct.

1 Carthage, Mop re Friday, Oct. 12, Rockingham, Richmond Co. and think he has others as eood, fo-eu. teat bv man prepaia on receipt ol pnea. VE CJUABAIVTEE SIX DOXES bOUlM BUT HE HAS NOT.

JULIUS LEWIS C0.J Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. Upward rise wHen'W you can, Take E. U. as the plan, He up the ladder wil surely climb, As certain as grapeejrrow on a Tine. From Oatee to Ealeifh he has moved, To make a name forthose he loved, With honors rich anJ honors rare, That with few otherl can compare.

First in his trade, hi name was sung, By honest men of evfery tongue. Who from his stock purchase made, To improve their mind or please a maid Then not content tvitf others' books For lawyers, doctorswomen and roots, Ee gives to teachers a monthly guide, To inspire their workwith rapid stride. With care and judgment this gives a fresh boom, -Jt In its well-written pieces, for home and school room I Then he frames the Chautauqua, where teachers meet, 4 Tod iscuss future plans and friends to greet, Which -becomes a source of perennial pleasure Through which he mijr yet secure hit trtaxuri. From Europa his letters came to unravel Rich volumes of thought all during his travel. ii roenn aay ease.

With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanies! with $5.00, we will send the put chaser our written guarantee Co refund the money the treatment does not effect rOI BALE tYirrWHEKE. MADI ONLj IT GEO. MACBETH Pittsburgh, Pi BEND chilledI AND LEATHER BELTING. cure. Guarantee Issued only by James Mc-Klmmon ft Dm grists.

Sole Agents, in Fay- Coal is the most economical fuel to be had for grates and large stoves. We are agents for this coal here, but we supply other Bituminous night Concord, Tuesday, October 16. Salisbury, Wednesday, October 17, at night. Greensboro, Thursday, October 18, at night. Winston, Saturday, October 20.

Durham, Monday, October 22, at night. Raleigh, Tuesday, October 23, at night. Goklsboro, Wednet day, October 24, at ght. Wilson, Thurfdiiy, October 25- SmitLfield, Siturday, October 27. New Berne, Tuesday, October 30, at ght.

Kmston, Wednesday, October 31. Clinton, Friday, Novenot er 2. Whiteville, Sanuiday, November 3 Wi mington, Moi dav, Noveniber 5. at Liht. The local commit ne rfqutsltd to advertise these appc intments hand bills and oherwip Spikb Whit AK KB, Chair.

Dem. State Ex. Com. SORE FROM KNEE TO ANKLE. Established 18CS.

Raleigh, N. O. wevunuL, naietitn, n.u 0 m.Mfs PLOW HKALigiAKItKt) for Saturday, Oct. 13, Maxtpn, Robeson QXJXCIi: SHOT powoik Co. OR f) njf -V IT Monday, Oct.

15j Elitabethtown, laden Co. Tuesday, Oct. 16, Whitetille, Colum bus Co. Thursday, Oct. 18, BUraraw Pen- Now Bafe at home a leader again.

foetic efnusiob has seissd i pen. Though his first nttesipt is given his Staff ii Anthracite The next I predict willjbe for a viate. His public spirit for Th City of Oaks, I fear will detract ironjEjthe love of hi3 JUST ARRIVED "NO TRUST BAGGING." Friday, Oct. 10, Kenansville, Duplin Co. Saturday, Oct.

20, Samp-fcon Co. Monday, Oct. 22, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank Co. Tuesday, Oct. 23, Edentoni Chowan coal of any size you may want on short notice.

Jones Powell. 5eret for JoQok ToKoher fr e. ii.n 25,000 yards Dundee Hagglng. 1.000 Bundles Arrow Ties. 50 Barrels fresh mullets, extra sit.

1 Car-Load White seed oats. 1 Car-Load mixed Corn. 1 ar-Load of Dunlap St MoCance's Meal. 600 Barrels of Flour of Different Brasd i 50 Bags of No. 1 Coffee.

50 Barrels of Sugar, different Grades. For sale at lowest prices al a I 5 te.i ro ice te-'J 3 1 I te I 77 r- If llf 1 '-eTVi-E-MU---aMB Bo! lour OwnLRydnj, Horn. Tb.ry will dre everything. They are eold every-There. Price lOo.

a -package. Tlieyhavenorqual or Strength, lirtg-htneas, Amount in or for-Faatnesa ot Color, or non-fading Qualities. crock or smut; 40 colors, or sale by Druggist and Apothecary, 11 Fsyet evlne Street, Robt. Stmpsoa. corner HU1- ro and Salisbury Streets A.

Goodwin Co. DJUKirtstji. Raleleb.N. U. Sk eatlrelv cone.

Flesh a luitaa of rtla-ease. Lea; diminished one third In slve Condition hopoleas. Cured by the nti-cura Hemediea. For three years I was almost cripjded vtitli an awful sore leg Irom my kui down to my ankle, the skin was entirely gone, and the flesh whs one mass of disease. i physicians pronounced it incurable.

It had diminished alonConr third Uir size of the oilier, aud I was In a hopeless cuinli-tion. After trying all kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, jrotn which I got no relief whatever, I was persuaded to try your Cutlcura Remedies, and the result was as follows After ter three days 1 noticed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two months, 1 was completely cured. My flesh was puriiled, and Uie bone (which had been exposed for over a year) got sound. The llesh began to grow, and today, and for nearly tMO years past, my leg is as well as eAer it was, sound in every respect, aud not a sign of the disease to be seen. 8.

G. AUKUN, Dubois. Dodge Ga. Terrible SulTering rrom Skin Diseases. I have been a terrible sufferer for years from diseases of the skin and blood, and have obliged to shun public places by reason of my disfiguring humors.

Have had the best of physicians aim spent hundreds of dollars, but got no relief until I used the cuticura remedies, which have cured me, and left my skin as clear ami my blood as pure as a child-s. IDA MAY Bass, Olive Branch P. Miss. From 145 Pounds to 175 Pounds. I have taken several bottles of Cuticura Besol-vent with all the results 1 could wish for.

About Uns time last year, wheu commencing Its use, 1 weighed pou ids, and today 1 weigh 172 Pounds. GEO. CAMPBELL, Washington, D. C. JOTK, The Cuticura Resolvent is beyond all loubt the greatest blood purifier ever coin-pcllnded.

Cutleura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura soap, an exquisite. sklnbeauticr, externally, aud Cuticura Resolvent, toe new blood purttier, internally, are a positive cure for every form of skin and blood disease, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price: Cr-Ticcka. 60c Soar, Kkbolkknt, ft.

Prepared by the POTTKK DtttTO AKB CHKM1CAL Boston, Mass. t-8endfor "HowtoCoreBklu Diseases," 64 pages, 60 illustrations, and iuo testimonials. PtPLK8, black heds, red, rough, chapped I IrVland oily skin prevented byCuTicuaA Soap. M.T.NORRIS BROS 9 0 t' Raleigh, N. 1.

nic hn siren unlvee. sal tatisfactinn lo lh cure of (innorrlirra and (ilert. I proscribe It and feel wife in recommend It to all sufferers. w--B ef OS a AT trti la Vil i El MrMlbftk SEABOARD AIR-LiNE Schedule la effect Sunday, July isth, ism. SOUTH-BO I7KD K.J.

setter III. TRICE, l. 00. ItiBTH-aoOXt a eo lv CO tree Via Old Dominion Line, Ar Norfolk Lv art! Sold by Druggists. Wednesday, Oct.

24, Plymouth, Washington Co. Thursday, Oct. 25, Washington, Beaufort Co. Saturday, Oct. 27, Swad Quarter, Hydn Co.

Monday, Oct. 29, Bayborq, Pamlico Co. Tuesday, Oct. 30, Kins Lenoir Co. Wednesday, Oct.

31, Snow Hill, Greene Co. Thursday, Nov. 1, Greenville, Pitt Co. Friday, Nov. 2, Tarboror.

Edge-combe Co. Saturday, Nov. 3. GoldBboroWayne Co: The local committees are urgently requested to advertise these appointments by hand bills and otherwise. Spikb Whitaxkk.

Ch'm'n Dem. State Ex. Com. To the People of North Carol In. In Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, 6,175 Confederate soldiers are buried.

Of this number (1,780 were soldiers from the Stat of North Carolina. Their graves are1 unmarked. The ladies of Hollywood Memorial Association propose to place granite blocks at the- head of each grave and they need contributions pf money to enable them to carry out their laudable and patriotic undertaking. Contributions in any amount: will be gratefully received and acknowledged through the columns of the News and Obsebveb. Send money to Col.

W. E. Anderson, Balbigh, G. A. M.

Scales The following contributions hare been received 8 30 (following day) e-t THE CAUSE OP CONSUMPTION CO OA in Lv Si 4 Mpm 6 ST Mpm fTew York Philadelphia BalUmoret Ar jopm 1 47 a tooam CO f-H c) Via Bay Line. 00 Ar New York Philadelphia Delrnarj Ou a 120am 127am 11 20 0San tVlalt NEailroad. CO Ii now admitted by the medical authorities to be deficiency of undue watte of Oxydizabte. hoephornl tionnally existing In the human economy. The remt dy consists in the administration of a preparation ot InMMpborne being at once anelmaiabie and oxydizable.

WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITES is the only preparation of Phosphorus which combine there char-aetariaUc ia the highest decree for Coaiamptloa, Breaekttla, Ceagks, light Sweats, and Herv.oes eases it ia Secommended by Pbyiciam, Sold by Drogmata. (1 per bottle. Seed for circnlar. JfUCHaSTaJt William NY. HINDERCORN8.

Taa only ear CenrwforCorna. Beopeall pata. Knirarja m-forttoinefeet. Ua. at Dracirtsta.

Y. Lv AT 9 15 a Ar 400pm 10 so a Lv SQQpm laapm Ar Portsmouth Portsmouth Weldon 6 It oopm 9S0am liopm ssoam O. E. il II Lv HOW MY BACK ACHEST Back ache, kidney pains, and weakness, soreness, lameness, strains and palnRK- U1VID IN ONK MIMITTX bV the Cl TI- Weldon Midway Ctaston Summit Littleton Vaughan Macon Warren Plains fcldgeway Hanson Mlddleburg HreystoiM Henderson JUttreU 3 56 3 00 322 830 343 3 66 407 4 17 427 483 440 449 44S 16 igpm Ar 130pm 120am iMpmt -Its 1266 4ix. 1 104 12 31 3 80 12 8 12 25 3 301 t244 1206 144 12 2H 44 ilg 13l 11(6 1C 1208 llw iJ H54 1064 lu 1148 10 43 13 "31 10 20 fli 111 10 05 flj 1100 9S6 ioooI i LV 10 41 a aunm 140am 1 04 923 aas 1M SIS 117 IH 40 4 91 413 4 4T 4 6S8 sotam "Tv Tooai -7 so is 06 a 930 98 10 SO 11 00 11 8S 1.0S 12 30 12M 14-20 llP I 2Spi S40 The beat oaf all remedies Cor Jaward Piias, Colic, Indigestion, Exhaustion and all Stomach and Bowel troubles.

Also the most effective cure for Coughs, Colas, Bronchitis and CURA Akti-Paim Pusstkk. The first and only pain-killing plaster. cents. vsrv asecuoos ot the Dreatning organ. It promotes refreshing sleep, improves the appetite.

Ar FrankllntoB Fraakltolon overcomes nervous prostration, and eivea Biew ltie and atreiurlh Ar Lv Lv lOMam Ar stain -r Il6 Lv iwm ixHiisbnrg to the weak and aged. 50c. and $1.00, at Prgguists. Youngs ville Got. A.

M. Scales EXHAUSTED VITALITY 4 48pm 4 oo 4pm 8 64 00 13 91 40 38ftpi 4 26 44 19 tat ospi 31 am 48 84 TIT T83 T64 warn A KEf ELECTRIC Door Bell, EASY TO PUT IN PLACE. DRY BATTERY DOES NOT Get Out of ORDER, PRICE VERY LOW. See One -Vt Work AT STORE. 43 wake Forestville Neuse KU1 Brook Johnston Street Raleigh THE SCIENC OF LIFE, the ureal 10:0 am 8 4ipm 8 3D am 10 16 25 86 10 11 8 19 7 8 57 T8 7 949 740 4 49 i 3 7 14 to 1 Lv 93uam7tomp 11 Ar 7 00 pm li S.OO 10.00 too too 50.QO 6.00 books, But the Poet's pen wUl'eontiaue to glide Until some known lovgl beavty is afe at his Bide.

8. II. Oxford, NORTH CAROLINA "NEWS Si BUPKNINOS AS TOLD jlfey THK STATE Boone Democrat are naving the rainiest time now RDybody can remember since the floe. New river was fuller last Sunday than it has been for years. The ra'er ran out around Three Forks church.

We fear much damage has beeiHdone. Asheville Citizen: Mrj O. H. Dock-ry, Republican caadt4ate for Goy-ernor, speaks, in AsEeville on the 12th frox The annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church will be held this year at Clyfle, beginning On October 18th HoifV. T.

Crawford and Maj. W. W. Rdlline, electors (pr the ninth district the Democratic and Republican tickets, opened their canvass at Middle fork of Ivy, Monday. last refugees at Henderson ville left that place Monday.

Murphy Bulletin, 19tlii: Owing to the state of the weatrief the crowd was not as large as otherwise it would have been to hear the joint diacussion between Hon. J. C. Fritchaid, Ile-pnblican candidate fof Lieutenant-Gorernor, and Hon. Gudger, proxy for Hon.

T. M. Hell, who is too ill. to canvass the State; with his opponent. The Speeches delivered were as line and as conclusive', as we ever listened to, and profe that both speakers were no mere nrmces in eloquence and oratory.

Greensboro Work rai While sorry to know of the sickness of our venerable fellow-citizer- Mr. Robert Sloan, we are glad to heart that he is somewhat improved a present Wt onderstoodi from a -gentleman at High Point a few days since that the tobacco crop Jn that v. seotion was likely to turntout better, than the fears expressed heretofore, Ground was broken Tuesday morning for the new National Bank biUding at the corner of South Elm and Washington streets. The location i ne of the finest in the city, the lot costing The building will'probably surpass anything yet erected in Greensboro, i Greensboro Patriot Maj. Roger P.

Atkinson informs patriot reporter that the work of locating the western extension of tlfe 6. F. fe Y. V. R.

R. on across the BJue Ridge Mountains to connect with; the Norfolk A Western will, in ajl probability be completed this week- fWork on the Norfolk Western lis being pushed with greai rapidity! to meet the G. F. Y. the yirlinia line, and those who have heretofore conjectured that the further? extension of the C.

F. Y. V. across the Blue Ridge was next to an Impossibility will find consolation in fact that it is only a question ol time when trains will run on 5 through nd connect as with the far West- 1- Aeheville Citizen: Jackson Superior Court convened at Vebster Monday, Judge; Boy kin presiding The cae. of MeMahan charged with the murder of Buchanan, was caUed.for trial Tuesday.

speaking itt Asheville Junction Saturday njightjwas not attended with that pleasantjhess or kindness which should always, characterize public discussions upon matters of such vital importance as are those inyoiyed in the present! campaign. The trouble at the Junction Saturday night was as disgraceful as it jwas uncalled for, and we regret rerf much that it should have occirrel. But we are glad to say that no friembe? of the Swannanoa River peiiocratic Club had a hand in the disgraceful affair, and for satisfactortF pfoof of this assertion we ask the attention of oar friends of both polities! parties to the! cards of Maj. Brese Gapt. Carter I and Mai.

Malone. I Hon. Medical Work of the Sgc on Manhood, Ncrv-ons and Physicnl Ic-bility. Premature De- R- A. R.

R. Raleigh Lv 8.05 8 28 4 41 6 42 i 4 28 4 27 am 8 8 41 8 97 9 1 924am KNOW THYSELF, and tlu, untiilil miMW- ALUABI.K LAND FOR HALE. By virtue of a certain deed of mortgage executed on the 28th day of April. 18X3, by Alfred Jones and Lizzie C. Jones, his wife, and Millard Mial.

trustee, to K. 8. Pullen, and recorded in the office of the Register of deeds for Wake County, N. In book at page 73ti also by authority of a certain deed of trust executed on the ttutli day of August, 1NU, by the same parties, to A. W.

Haywood, trustee for 8. Pullen, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N. In Book 74, at page Ml also by au-tborit of another deed of trust, executed on tiie 17th day of February, Isms, by the same parties, to Ernest Haywood, trustee for R. b. Pullen.

and recorded In the office of the Register of deeds for Wake county, N.C. in Book tI, at page also by authority of a certain xtcuted on the KSth day of January, insel by the same parties to R. 8. Pullen, and recorded iu the office of the Register of deeds for Wake county, N. C.

In Book tu, at page 44 1, we will, on Saturday, the lli day of October, 18S8, sell at public outcry for cash, tiie Interest aud estate of said Mlilard Mial, trustee, Alfred Jones and Lizzie C. Jones, in the land described in the aforesaid deed of mortgage, deeds of trust and agreement, said tract of laud contain. Ing wn acres, more or less, and being the same tract of laud whereon the said Alfred Jones, and wife, Lizzie C. Jones, do now reside rferenc lo which said deed of mortgage, deeds of trust and agreement hereby maue for a lull' and more particular description of said lamis- Place of sale, door of county court house in Raleigh, N.C". Time ot sale, 2 o'clock, m.

R. PULLEN, Mortgage, A. W. HAYWOOD, lrustee, sjarey Apex Hew BUI Merry Oaks Ar Moneure Lv 1 XA a a 842 868 9 9 28 8 11 812 8 58 6 69 45am 46prg i 6 00am 4 48 nm A POPULAR HOUSE," THE M0SELE HOUSE 134 FATa wviixa 8t BValktob. If you wish to save money, stop with Moseley.

Central, convenient and a pleasant place-Table good. All the luxuries of the season. only first-class ladies' and gentlemen's dining hall in the city. You can have SERVED TO ORDER what you want fronr 10 up. strive to please." Rate po- day Special ratesby.the wee' PHIL.

B. ANDREWS CO. HEADQUARTERS Office No. 18. telephone No.

79, East Martin Street, Adams Building. Yard, West Hargett Street, near Ice Factory, Telephone No. 103. OA Anthracite. White and red ashe, broken, egg and nut, for grates and stoves.

COAL. jfrnsuouo R. a. 930am to a Lv Ar 9 top 9 56 Moneure Pittsboro Ar Lv fes consequent thereon. page its pre-scrfitkns forell diMwww.

Cloth, full only on, by maiL aeahd. Illnktratire aample frt to allTOtinK and mid(llo-aind mn ii. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the amliorby the al Medical Aseociatinn. Addrew Box 1S9.1, Itoe-ton or lr.

W. H. PAKK Kit, graduate of Uarrsrd Medical Colle-e, S5 yu-m' practice in Boe-ton, who may be coneultrd confidentially. Office, Ko. 4 Hulfluch HL fiiiecialty.Dieeaaeaof Man.

Ceil Ibis apt. Yea may never are It aurmln. is a 530 tn It si a 5 31 940am 958am 9 41 pm 9 57 Hon. D. W.

Bain Col. A. B. Andrews. J.

C. Birdsong Paul C. Cameron, Esq Will R. Poole, Wake Co. Col.

Julian Allen, Statesville, R. H. Battle, Esq. Col. W.L.

Saunders Gen. W. P. Roberts Jas. H.

Hoi', Graham; Dr. Eugene Grissom. Messrs. F. and H.

Friee, Salem, Rev. O. T. Bailey Dr. H.

T. Bahnson, B. Lawrence S. Holt H. C.

Wall Mrs. R. M. Mrs. H.

J. Brown Rufns Barringer William Johnston J. L. Mcrebead oio" oiepin Osgood 8anford Sanford Fayetteville Ar Lv Ar Ar 1116 am 156pm 4opm Lv 9 16 a 27 a i "Sanford- A Lv 6.00 S.00 5,00 HX00 5V00 10100 6.00 10 00 2500 15.00 500 500 200 500 10.00 I HI 10 06 a 9 30 Lv Ar "Lv" Ar PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Protnotes a luxuriant erowth.

Never Fails to Restore Srsy Oreeasboro Lemon Springs Cameron Winder Manly Southern Ifnes Aberdeen Keyser Bonman Uamiet Ohio 10 15 10 2S 10 41 10 11 02 11 13 1126 1142 12 46 am 1 08 4 59 a lb 44 433 4 IS 4 10 4 00 3 47 8 32 2 46am in lo is a 19 2T 10 41 19 57 11 01 11 li 11 26 11 41 12 17 1 07 1 30 459 pm 4 47 433 4 16 4 11 4 01 348 333 3 oo p.m 223 200 UTerent Dandruff and hair fiUltnff fcRNKoF HAYWOOD, Trus'ee. I ALU ABLE rAKM FUR SALE. Lv THOS H. BRIGGS SONS Gibson CARTHAGE RAILROATT Ar 9 45 a ro BRIGGS B-AJLKIOH. N.

C. loss am 1104 3 46 Fm 6 15 43 6 41 60O Cameron Keiley cartilage 4 is ra 8 47 iy We offer for sale the tract of land now owned by Wm. Lawrence Buck, ou the new raii, about 2-, miles east of Ualeigh, on which Uie late John T. Williamson lived at his death, containing about lou acres- It adjoins lands of Mrs. Kiher, Mrs.

Octavius co*ke, Mrs. Galling and T. y. Uattls. lthasupouit a dwelling house, barn, Ac.

and ihe land is good and part of It iu Woods. BATTLE MORDKCAI, Attoruejs, Ac. Raleigh, N. C-. Sept.

1-E. gALK UK VALUABLE I.A.NDa. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court ot J. S. Spencer 5.00 R.

Brown 1.00 C. N. G. Butt. 1.00 11 03 11 20 9 16 0 17 900 PALMETTO a R- 200 1 10 Lv Hamlet Ar Lv 3 oo 4iopm Ar Cheraw OAl.OLINA CENTRAL R.

R. It. Unchurch, ad wage county, in uie case or i. pllilQ RKVOLVERs. Bend stamp IV fpr price list, to Johnston A FiUsburgh.

Peon. MARVELOUS 1E10RY DISCOVERY. 'Any book learned In one raadlng. Mind wandering cured. Speaking without notes.

Wholly unlike artificial systems. Piracy condemned by Supreme Court. Great Inducements to correspondence classes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm A.

Hammond, the world-famed specialist in mind diseases, Daniel Ureenleai Thompson, the great Psychologist, and others, sent post free by Prof. LOtSKTTE, 237 Fifth N. Y. miulstrator d. b.

of S. W. Alston, deceased, 2 53 11 4S a 10 os a 9 10 a 7 40am J. R. Holland J.

C. Long W. W. Ward D. R.

Gibbon. A. G. Brenizear R. S.

J. S. Lockhart J. S. Cuningham T.

M. Holt 12 43pm 2 00am Lv Hamlet Ar issoam 332pm 426am Ar Charlotte Lv 8 30 6 18 as Lincolnton (13pm Cleveland Springs 7 60 Ar BuUierforUtou Lv 3 00 146am Lv Hamlet Ar 1 20 a 7 30pm 7 46am Ar Wilmington Lv 7 8Qp 2.00 i.od 20Q 10.00 5-00 2.00 io.oo- 10.00: 5.00; 12 23 800111 Trains marked thus leave and arrive ouTj at Johnson street Depot in Raleigh. C. WINDKB, Gen. Manager.

Hon. T. D. Johnston. Thos.

C. Leak -Bupt, F. W. CLABK. P.

A. and others, againtt Willi Alston aud John It. Dunn, trustee, said caseeVing number 37TB, civil Issue docket of said court, we will oiler lor sale to the highest bidder at the court house door in the cityof Raleigh, on Monday, the bih duy of No vember, at 12 o'clock, certain tracts of land containing about sou acres, situated iu Wake Forest township. Wake county, N. about two miles East of Wake Forest College, unit about a mile and a half from the town of Forest adjoining the lauds of Willis Holding A.

R. Vann, W. Hunter, the late II. W. Montague, W.

B. Dunn and otli. ra. The said lands will be sold in several tracts to suit purchasers. A put of the same can be seen by calling on the uudersigued.

Terms of sale, cash and the balance in one and two years, with Interest at per cent from day ot sale. Tltla retained until the purchase money is paid. J. N. HOLDING ARMI8TKAL) JONKS.

'omnnssinnep. Two Friends iO.OO D. Y. J0.00J I M. Li.

Pryor, Fayetteville, 1.00 PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. KICHMU-ND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. North Carolina and Western North Carolina Divisions. Double Dally Trains to Asheville, Atlanta, Augusta, Blchmond, Washington, New York and the East T.W.Thornton, 5.00 E. J.

Lilly, 2.00 A. B. Williams, 3.00 Chas. llaigh, 100 N. W.Ray, 100 JtJXK, 24TH, 1888.

M. Foulk, 75 ir CITIZENS' TRUST COMPANY 0., Hollcits and is empowered to execute TRUSTS OF itLL KINDS. TO MAHAOl PBOFEBTT AS Agent lor Owners? To Buy and Sell Property COLLECT REINTS LOOK ATTEB TAXES, BUY AND SELL SECURITIES: To issue negotiable certificates againtt goods on storage upon which money can be obtained at the Lowest Ruling Bate and to do all businees usually done Trust Companies. C. M.

HAWKINS, President. W. E. ANDERSON, Vice-President. P.

M. WILSON, -shier NOTICE TJ RAILROAD CONTRAC-TORi. Proposals are invited for the graduation of the railroad track from miliameton to Plymouth, N. length 22 1-2 miles. Aleo for the trestle over the several streams, in all about fifteen hundred lineal feet.

Proper plans and rpeo-i locations to be seen at the office of the H'. R. R. C's. office in WUming-ton, N.

C. Proposals received till the 10th Oct 1838, the company reserving the privilege to reject any or all bids. Address Col. R. R.

ridge ra, President W. A W. R. R. Jor F.

Gardner, at Wilmington. Smith, 50 S. C. Rankin, 1.00 A.A.McKeithan,Jr., 2.00 Lv Bi i nou s. Tennessee; West Virginia Splint and Pocahontas.

The West Virginia Splint- the beet and chef pee coal in the market, a trial of the same is only necessary to prove the fact. COAL, For Bmithing purposes, the best we can buy. "The Mountain Brook Smithing Coal." WOOD. long or cut and split to order. I I Illuminating oil, from a quart to a barrel, from 11 fire test to the highest grade; delivered from our wagon at your door.

Leave jour orders for winter fuel. Better now than later. Money saved is money made. "A word to the wiae, Phil. II.

Andrews Co. ffittJKSJ WIRE RAILING AND OR fF5f NAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, DUFCB Jfc No.118, 115, North Howard street. Baltimore manufacturers of wire railing for oamrteriea, balconies, sieves, fenders, wires, wood and coal acreens. woven nana Iron hndsteads. settees r.

Washington. Lynchburg, Va Klchmond, Va Danville, Va Greensboro, haltsbury, Charlotte, Columbia, fl Augusta, Ua Atlanta, Ua -Montgomery, Ala New Orleans W. T. Tolar, 1.00 J. M.

Martin, 1.00 J. Thompson, 1.00 GUARANTEED ANY CUSTOM-I MTtt BR, HOKTHIlOtJKD. Read up. Ko S3 am 12 tito am 10.20 16 50 12 35 8 3" a ra 8 10 2 10am a in loin 7 14 4 60 3 44 10 50 1 15 6 98 4 53 4 14 3 30 I 163 I V6 11 40 am, 8 36' SOCTHBOCKD. Read down.

No. 52 Ko 50 Lv 1100 pm 11 24 am 5 10 am 6 60pm 2 so 3 10 8 05 8 66 9 SO 10 4S 11 23 12 5 a 1240pm lMim Ar 5 23 4 30 9 10 10 30 10 40 12 uo Noon 64sam 736pm 1 20 pm 7 85 am mt Ti) ui Lt 1.46am sou 3 12 4 04 3 45 26 Bl40 10 44 11 i 12 46 am 12 1 6t Ar 1 14 3 2 10 4 12 3 49 6 07 3 i7 4 05 4 31 7 28 4 19 16 -7 90 11 10 No SI 7 34 li 40 a i so in 9 47 a hosa 6 27 6 0 11 'A in 7 00 7 OH 7 35a 1 "0 4 I 2 IMI li55 Wll 4o a ra 4 27 331 I 56 1 01 l'JOl II 10 9 66 8 06 4 30 pro J. Hinsdale, 1.00 D. M. McDonald, 60 C.

H. FiBher, 50 Ar Lv A citizen of llaleigh, cash, 1.00 L1ES1KALE 1AHM tUH SALK. (Three and one half miles east of Raleigh, situated between IheTarboro and Suiith-lield roads adjoining the lands of I. W. John Catling and others containinK nearly one hundred acres.

It has upon it a good dwelling, tenant house, tobacco barn, a cottoa k'11 a splendi'l rim-mill, situated on Walnut crek. The land is good; part of it is woodland, also has an excellent meadow it. Terms one third cash, the balacce in pne and three years time, with iu'erest from date. For information, appiv to MltS. K.

C. EATMAN, Kittreli N. jpr Mlt. ANDRE BVME, Kaleigh, N. C.

A LUABLK FARM FOR KENT OR SALE, Within one and one half mils of Carey (the W. Burroughs tract), containing 3ou acres, mostly cleared, with large pastures, dwelling and outhouses, ic. If rented, nothing to lie furnished by Bie. good man can get the place at i hap rates. B.

F. MOOKK, Raleigh, N. I Also the honse in Carey in which W. Bur rouubs now esldes- September lath, nM. HUMPHREYS' TO ADVERTISERS Hon.

11 Cowles. M. G. Washington, D. 10.00 Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham, University, Greensboro, Salisbury.

ritateeville, Hickory, Morgan ton Marion. Round Knob Asheville, Hot Springs, Mortstown, Tean, A list of l.mianewsDaDers divided ItitoMTATRu Hon. Julian y. Oarr, of Durham 12 00 Hon. D.

Schenck, of Greensborp 2.50 AND BKCTIO-Na Will oe seat ou apulicatlon riKi. To those who wapt their advertising to ray we can ofler no tx-tter ftiedium for thorough Hud rffec tlve work than the Various sections of our sf.lcct lAK il. Otto. P. JtoWBLL 4 Newspaper Advertising Bureau, i 10 Spruce Street, New York.

Hairord iireth 1.00 W. Duke Sons Durhark 1500 A ppulutiuruui of Jar. res. Hon. E.

W. Pou, Democratic MURPHY BRANCH. Lv Asheville, NC Ar 8 26 a 63 3 20 mt 1 00 tn 600am Ar Waynes ville candidate for presidential olector Lv 8 48 ar Jarrett's STATE UNIVERSITY BRANCH. t4 26pm tl2 I 8 90 ml .830 pm l2 06pmt II 06 a Ar Lv Lv University, Ar Chapel Hill, I IS 1 THJU3UOH rtH-UMaJCCABS. ..1..

Tnvilla rolnmbla ana Ansista DO ioU WANT A.l Thos. D. Johnston spent JloDday in the city. The House, he Bays, is kept in! Washington, waiting tn the Republican Senate to act ojja the tax-relief bills sent to it by democratic House but which "btng fire" with the as all measures for the relief of the passes of the people do. The Farmer's Iraad i New York World.

After twenty eight years ot high taxation to "foster American Industries4' the farmers still furnish per cent. of all our exports and the hianu-factUrers only 20 per cent. And the price of the farmers' products a lev eled down to the Old World market, while all that he buys is enhanced in cost by taxes to heap up surplus for the politicians' to spend. No! wonder the farmers are kicking. i mm a ii Mkbcx is so good a servait that it will never allow its master to die a beggar.

The virtue that 1 in IWar-ner's Log Cabin Plasters are as bene iniB KV WW NWUKWH aMW M7 VI WW. a Raleigh to Asheville. Hot Bprlncs and Morristown. Train Ho 62-Washington to New Orleans Washington to Columbia and Augusta; Richmond to Greensboro Raleigh to Greensboro Salisbury to KnoxvUle. tw--iii.

iforriato-m. ra. Ein.pxTS' zoqz Cloth Cold Binding 1 H. -lUl laaralla, bailkd rait. AM, r.

o. ai v- SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, from the fourth district, will speak as follows 1 Pittaboro, Tuesday, Oct- 2nd. Maj. S. M.

Finger also will speak' at Pittsboro on October 2d. The local committees are urgently requested to advertise these appointments by hand-bills and otherwise. Spies WarrAEXB, Chm'n Dem. State Ex. Oom.

Ka WltkCoeafort as be Happy. It Is by no means ancertain, but, on the contrary, a well ascertained fact, that upoU the well being ot mail's stosiach depe nds that modicum of happlneaa which Is vouch sated to btm In this world. Dyspepsia, the loe of all others to the stomach's tranquility, and oost to be dreaded, it a compUInt to the relief and eventual cure ol which UiietoU Stomach Bitters Is aoeetadlv adAntAd- 11 Ar Who use it or raincirAL aoa. emu raica. DON'T YOU NEED i ONE OR i MORE OF THESK ARTICLES? SEABCRY'S "SULPHUR CANDLK8.

or disinfecting closets, "tore rooms, owllars, sinks, staoies. outhouses, chicken conpj, bird caites, c. ap. for dlseajmsof Uiesklu and scalp, such tetter, migworm, eczema, scabies, scaler eruptions, Itchlugs HYDKONAPHTIIOL tilLks For 'sick room. exterminating Insects and eliminating disease geems.

heads abCnio'n PLAHTEK8. For foot troubles. BENSON'S PLASTER Fur aches and pains. Sold by all Druggists. SKA 111 BY JOQNoON, Sole MauMfacturrrs.

New York. Train no si new urieans 10 ausou; vt vauinwuj Hot Springs and Asheville to Raleigh. Train Ho 83-New Orleans to Washlnirton Anfusts to Washlngtoa Knorule to SaUstrary Green boro to Richmond Greensboro to Raleigh. 0UI' W.A.WLXBURN A. A D.

T. A. Raieig'h, N. a Aahevule, H. C.

JAKES L. TAYLOR, G. P. A. Washington, D.C KevOTS, I'onsMtion, Inflammstlnns .19 Worms.

Worm Keer Worm Colic .2 Crying I'ollr, or TMihmt of InfanM. lilarrnra. o( (Jbildren or Adulu .15 Dtaealrry liripinf lliiinas Colio Cholera Klorbua. oiaiuas Concha, Cold, llronrhitis JJ Mearalcla. Tootharha SCHOOL BOOKS OR Plain or Fancy Stationery? SEND YOUR ORDER TO ALFRED WILLIAMS 4 Booksellers, and Stationers, Raleigh, N.

O. NEW PUBLICATIONS! 1 HOMEOPATHIC with a reasonable degrv of persslstenee to eat ficent and lasting as the qualities of wiui reiisn, oecans imparts naaiuiy sppv-tlteito digest with e-aae. because It strengthens mercy. Best and cheapest Jporcfused A. G.

BAUER, AllOIHTEOT -AJm 7- Uanical Draagbtsinan, IO Itvaprpals. Uilioaa 1 riituBreaaed or Palnnil Periods 12 VVbilea. too Prnfuw Periods 15 Croap, Conch, Difficult I 4 Halt tthenm. KrrsipeUs. 16 Hheufnetiara.

Kneamatie Pains Ie Fever and Acae. Cliilla. Malaria, 17 Piles. Blind cir llleedine 19 Catarrh. Inflaenr.a, i 'old in th Head 30 Whooping Couch, Violent 'oiurlie.

24 General Itrbllily.PtU'aical Waakueu .24 .23 .2 a .2 it piaster iu uisvraet. 4 Hie stomach and to sslmilate the food which is eMti-u and digested, nos benefitting health, promoting flesh and sv stainlna the exercise ol the 8500 Reward We will pay the above reward for aay ease of 1m eomptalnt, itrspepsia, sick headaene, otion ear ooaUveness we cannot Ai.atfTtloua are stxietly aompUed wtta. xney are ueableVaoa nevef fall to give satis! ac-wiim boxes eootalnlng so lurar coated uvae. For sale by all dniggista. Beware of wajatertelUand lmltatna.Tti geanlne mann-r-otaredoaly bv JOHN a WUiJT OO- 88 W.

Bonk-kiwp. nr, Batnkinft, Peniaaa- A'OB CZBLS OLE. Sy OHOlce old French physical and tueiit 1 faculUest, It, moreover, facilitates the Hecre'4on of healthy bile, actuates without the habit of bod v. and tends. North Carolina Speaker paper, 40 cts, clolh 75 Susbee's 'New Justice and Form Book hli i 11.

urmpoiMlrnc-A, Arilkmetic. (Vc. Youna 1.00 .60 lur meoicinai use. rort twm when take.ii Iuuju rotitiujr, to produce liealtliy -A7IKldoeV IIlee i4.eroua leblllly 3Mffl rlnarv eakarM. Sri- SSI PUeaaea of h- Heart.

Palpitation, ntn and women taught to earn at livinasnd riven a thoroueh Malaria Is conquered by U. siuaioer, I. and John Graham). Fine BheVriea, Dublin Posittvelv preparatien for aioaoravbla pol mm- T.ri. onabla.

Tiuie abort. ta.i44. r.r"- i School and Business Map of N. 0., 4x6 feet. i Si.50 is' yy InalrooSKM tboreujrb.

BaaiDew men aopptied SPECIFICS with eomoetent aasiatanie on short notice. Re noliquon fold to b3 drank ori the Rauea.3i.w Libby Prison hai been tesold, and jrill probably be openel as a public museum. arge foe situations furni. bed. Addrass for oata on raciol Off P.

CIr-xWC. w. ut arSend for Complete Catalogue. premises E. J.

HabpIh. us, avavsuuau voigaotr jcginwie, a. v. 1 "6 A-.

The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)
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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.