536 ContJorninluRM-liptt. for Sill 531 Bttfn? forl 441 fcxm Hotrieireplni I 433 Houses lot Dent, Unfum. 531 Prop, for Renl I Hunted 421 UpartmwU, Furnirid 407 prttnmti, Unlurn 425 DupH.W tyo Townhouut, UnturMMd 11Y Minneapolis Star Aug. 23, 1979 (Wwttd HBUXXRONHSKTWAT Limited Space Still Available Ft -49Smo 244 So Ft -4122mn 300 So. 350 5a Fl -4175mo 440 Sq 480 Sq.
1000 So. Fl. -4500, mo Beaulltul bulldino wilti professional management and custodial service. MR. KELLER 341-4100 341 3111 944-2W5 CHOICE LOCATIONS OFF ICE WAREHOUSE LIGHT MANUFACTURING LOUIS PARK Hwv.
100Mtn SI. 27,000 So. Fl. GOLDEN VALLEY Hwy 55 II 4S0U5q. t-t.
3200 Sq. ff. EDINA HWY 11494 4LXJUSO. r-t 9000 Sq. Ff, MAPLE WOOD Hwy 36 While Bear I6WSQ t-t.
4200 So. Fl. MIDWAY OFriCE I4UU sq. rl. CONDOR CORP IIM SMUDA 944-1466 545-5051 RSVP Business Service Ctr Person offices from 1 10 sq.
II. complete with secreiatiai pack age 131-1990 SELF-STORAGE MINI-STORAGE Alln- Brooklyn Park 4 rounding areas. Self-Storage now leasing from 50 sq ff. lo 300 tl. with loo seoatatt pays.
561 3011 4944 PENN Vikmg Center Office-Retail 4 2 man oHices. office or re tail. 1200. 2800, 3600 ft Reas rales. Newly re rnoneien eei-5ei EDlfN PRAlftll New BuikJino oHke-warehouse 6640 so ft available Immediate occuoancy Z2 GORGEOUS PLYMOUTH Creekylew ollc Wog on Hwy 45.
Prime suite! 4110 7000 so It si fir. UtB paid storage avail. Jean Lorenll 559- 3oo NORTHEAST FINEST UNDFR CONSTRUCTION Professional building with 6500 sq tl ol dlx office space win vide in sun tenants, boo Gardner. 786 4300 ST. LOUIS PARK WHSE LITE MFG.
10,000 SQ FT. CONDOR CORP 944-146 JIM SMUDA 545-5058 532 Prime Industrial Property VMIHMD.PJIK Dtli'iies trackaoe In or aval ab-e For sale-tease or build lo suit SCOnLAND.INC. Shakopee, MN 445-3242, Robby or Gary Hwv 4 WUinttkt Waviata B'vd. 7,500 sq ft wins bulldksg 31,000 sq ft wiltlhome Buy one or both Small down C'D Terms. MARVIN GREENSTEIN 139633 545 2224 8y owner WOO sn commercial retail on long -term, triple -net teases Shows a )7 7 return with 95.000 down we aiso have a 17 -unit aoi bKtg In South Mpls with assumabte financing It shows a rtiurn with 1V000 down Call tiS-4? lor details Bl AiN GOO iq.
ft 0M9 on 10 acre. rc retail siie on Hwy large srrawrcMirn wittl drive-thru bays, 14 hjh doors Call frapp Realty, l-t03 WI? WANTED Small office bKtg Cash no orob lem Gary Dachls 544-5346 533 SotWoptaWe BV OWNER Beaulltul brie. 4 stucco 1 tnll South Molt wim assumabte 1 Itnantlrg Shows 13 re turn wih ivi.000 down We a'so have WOO sq fl on iong-ierm, triple-net leases which shows a 17? return .5000 dewn Can I35-47N lor details cToTPwloi VER Ortty a lew problems left to solve 4 this one win be a winner 19 umts, tit with formal dining rooms Very flexible terms 4 imnrvad ooti All br l7'-4IA ifiveMors Rtajiy Cxfhanga UNITS Mansion on Summit Ava-SI PaulJJuge yard 338 141 Agt kriiilCFb' iv-CE II 4 70 UNITS BRICK Oualily buildings, good Iccaliqn. trade up or sen Mpls By Owner No agents9Jf 570 TRIE 4-PLEX Cnnlon 30XX rm. unlit, i healing plants Asking dn.
By owner 479 4172 929 7424 334 Cwidcxrankitrtvarj. fa ROSCVILLESFlNESf! NOW OPEN OFFERS 1 BR, 1 BR-JludV 4 7 BR Home Underground Parking Luxuriout Rac Center Wood Burning Ftrepiactt 95 Financing Avai'aciit PRICED FROM 139,400 Mon Thurt 12 Fri Sun 12-t 633-8233 7270 MIDLAND GROVE RD. ROSE VILLE, MINNESOTA CONDOMINIUMS CHOICE! ONE BEDROOM Financing Avail No Clnstng Cos's Underground Parking $36,100 Inspect daily 6 PM Call 546 20 JO LANVF SCO CORPORATION 1 in iltjft fa S54D0 Down IBt? riiRHlSHED VILLA New corrvpteiety furnished ocean front condo en beautiful Httton ttead Island, 5C Tastefully decorated with extras ifte TV, kiereo. tennis rente, pool area 4 aw'f aa'taoiiiry 10 imanc-ing 153.W0 tutt price Pre sales ooemrig now Can Buttier cot-tt. 715 1444 Oil BUILDING 2BR ola oppI.
ft pool, I CA, owner, floor condo apt. Aj den. iiauut LR trine, formal DR, baths, lge led cpto oaicony, jnown oy only 920-64H 441 5040 no agents please WINDHAM HILLS-3BR Choice 3 BR, 14 bath, I 500 so condo with healed garage 4 immediale possession. As- sumabie on mortgage, say, Calltodayi Chuck Brand 89M878 Skyline Realty a i-jhi MF CONSTRUCTION rnud is Bloom. DRl.
NN. dkixsvil cstniin- 1 ...11 Tnnhnirtl allach gars FPs, DRl. 56M HELEN 884 5656 GORRA REALTY 8.18-1044 FOUNTAIN LAKE 1HR lakeside, lop ftr f.3rdl Real fireplace, heated parking, pool, 450,000 with 43 5 000 assum mtge, trnie jonnson uwner Agent 830-1097 CONDOMINIUMS REAL VALUfc EXCELLENT TERMS 437,500 TO 441,500 Each has 2BR balhs heated garage 372-6391 Mr Collini TERRIFIC LOCATION! 1 BR Briar Wood condo. garage, se curity system, textlts, no pats, only 4J5.9W Dick wangen, 44-7903; Bruce Murray, 473 041. Centurion Properties, 475-9010 3105 'liTH AV SO, Old World Charm1 IBR for 113,900.
8 MHRA Mort. w5b down. I lan inthis4-piex Dale Joel: 729 7279, 774-5211, 771-5023 T200ON THE MALL-TOWER Unique BR upper lloor spectacular downtown viaw. Call all. 4pm 377 2739.
ffiR condo, private yard, on pus line, lufl rac fKllliiei. Large as- suma mtg. By owner 10610 Rocklord Rd. ISLES Condo IBR, orand new, lacing mall 4 overlooking Lake he mes 92i WrTHELP Condo buyers 5ri Call with your questions. 3S 6223.
537 MorlrtertJTt1torM Cashflow CD-TERMS Single family home on busline 2BR with hardwood floors 4 buffet Large lot 4 fuff basement for handyman Good renlal location. 445JS0 20O0 Glenwood STEVE MICHALS 970-0690 926-8871 RENOVATED 1'? duplex New Inferior alienor paml Newer wiring Hardwood ttoors New carp ring Atl terms including CO, mid iSOi BUILT LIKE A fortress Huge stucco 4 tx-ck duplex now under 90.no evien sive repair, returtxshing. New wiring, new paint, new aiombing 4 more Hardwood firs, Naiural AV ilamed glass, fenced yard Gar Hurry! Now open 10 all lerms SOi Cax Stu Tuftord. DATA Realty 920-2905 OTTO ESTATES 58 10 64 i AVE 164 I4 2ANEI Preview ihowino ot tingle 4 double honiai 3 BRs 4 7 balhs Bund lo wU Will lake trades. OPEN 4-7 12-5 SAT.
4 SUN. 561-5015 475-447) 471 4188 OHN PABIN SKI, BUtloer OPEN-OPEN -OPEN 523 Morgan N. Small duptex could be used bv I lamiiv 2- BR up and down AH terms tale! Slop bv any evening Good con-ditwyi. Good location Good buy' Meet Leon Wallace GRI 571 SSTOIOfc.lSJS-MIl lofc Realty Consultants PRICE REDUCED nc4.000 price Duplex 2 1 bedroom 47.000 downpaymem Investors blessing. Hurry'! Tbli won't tail LARRY MANDII 5JJ-4W AWARD BKIYN PK dM.
Ill 73rd Lent 4 Yorkl 70 mo new, deck o'tooks nature preserve, cut dt tac grade school Furn avail Open Houst, Thurs 9. Sun 4-9 51 OOOi Uwt "WlTATPSe, "41500 Own To owner occupied las! poss 2115 Aidrlch. 51 06a 539 ItortnaMlOfU 6-8 OPEN 6-8 417 Nf. Jetfefson duPxe OtKnartO NE area Sep utii. Owe gar mest-menl potential saf.eOO Your host Nick Mvkutak THE MARKET PLACE 64757IOI fl' OIWlRI OPEN" 5-8" "OPEN 2773 TAYLOR ST NE Ec location, income 4 ennd Formal din wilft bay window, cpt, aocli.
irretntd poich, dbl gar 2nd fir has 7 ettcy apt! 4 I sleeping room 19 000 Ray Roger mac her, 616-5776 Hot Line Realty Inc 515-098 SJ1 479 NEW LISTING 2 2 IR duplex on but Una updated wiring, copotr plmbg aium combo scftils 4 trim Dbl gar 454.900. Gl. Mr. 4 Mrs Rdge 545 4710 513-2116 CALHOUN 5 Pi EX NE Firrnlace Gross Renl 111,320 1105.000 fc IP 44342 8 Ml Minus PI 48,100 15 MON Net Year 4878 Cash How 25I4LIXOWSI. Can owner-ayenl 7S0 2070 bupiei, 90th 4 Lexington, 36drm iP 2 bdrm down, sap utilities, dbl gar.
gas heat 2 good renters 49,900 Uh 2504 2522 Off IFOffN'A JCf duplex, bvowntr s7SI4780 541 NEW LISTING Natural woonwork buffet -waoed gtesi-sun porcii-baico-nies mooern sha'P kitchens-cooe (ompiiance in H5-ierms open homestead taxes-1170 iq it lower, 1700 upper -good Jim Guidsem 970- 435-51" PORTFOLIO REALTY GREAT all the comforts of home plus income Trws lovely duplex immaculate condition! formal DR Br on mam floor with A LR, formal DR, Br 4 sewing room on level Mother tn law apt in walk out base-mem All terms Priced to seti UOM bracket DF.NNliKOeRNtR I44-34W CENTURY 21 NORM REALTY 77? 64l TrTpLTx 3 2 I BR units Good Income rentals Super dbl oar ml pnvaie driveway Fenced Acer outf win iove the deieched double garage Central Heal Office 4 Bsml -tug OH door Oh Gee1 Can for detail This can be bought right A XCO1 U0 900 to-gey tor details Larry Lyke 127 4I.IJ4-25n -BARTON REALTY "LOOK US OVER" On iht outside and cm lor art-vale showing 045 47 Portland i ten 10 isi Av super bsdgs in aic cond. at Bos Welsh 454-7771 REALTY WORLD THE market Place ic 89 1204 JUST LISTED Exretlenl thowir int duplta I icn unii Sepa- IRs. DR LR each berhard 405 ApMnlum.So.lSl Close to UolHi Downtown 2 BEDROOMS New Carpeting "Elevator A -Garbage D'spc-sal Adult Onty No Pell Outdoor Pool 4 Sauna OHslreel Parking RENTAL OFFICE 118-4574 2300 FRANKLIN MANAGEDBY EBERHARDT SOUTH MPLS! 3 CHOICES! 221 PLEASANT AVE CALL 87I-S0 2121 GARFIELD AVE CALL 870-908? 2S09OUPONT AVE 5 CALL 174-9228 EfM-2Brs From $195 SECUR BLOG- A'C NEAR SHOPS BUS 179 8851 92? 431 FREE RENTAL INFO ALL ARFAS 87M600 "11. ir OUR VACANCY INFO. IS FREE 4 GOOD 921-4591 OPEN HOUSE CONDOMINIUMS $28,900 to $41,900 890-8323 RENTAL ADVISORS Free Info 935-6218 407 Apvtmifft.Mra AVE SOUTH Stevens Court Area- only a tew left1 Cats welcome Renovated BR new kitchens 4 baths shed wood, setuntv 4 laundry Now only 1ISS Call today S'5370 lt.
restored 1 BR, teatu'es maott floors oak woodwork Immaculate stcurilv txi.ni'm 339 sai 1STH streetwest Antique Apartments ine building restored to its or iginal dignitv. natural woodwork, hardwood ttoors Bedroom WIS 1235 in S133 I5TH STREET WEST Huge windows 4 hardwood floors highlight this exceptional ao restored older bido. 170 STUDIO 117) BE DROOMS 4195 TsTh STREET A Touch ot Class Contemporary spacious one BR downtown convenience 1710 870 AV IpK-Oeems cptd-util pd-IBR-no kids'pets 871-171? f5TH 1, Brvanl IBR 1715 Clean extras for vour rental TOTH ST 7 BR apt UCVJCeli 99 all 31sl lbr or eft, AC bus 1J2S or 4175 825-0331 BLAISDFI.L 4 74TH Bright IBR lots of windows 4 sunsnine lor plants 3 season porch, 1 Wkjus IMJ)7 1-00J7 BLAiSDELL. 7640 3BR, S350 balcony, nil kids pels 27- IMO BL AISDELL 74k 4 Pills well managed bldgs 1 BR4 etfev. Hid paiMng, eiev.
quiet No children or pets Rets 171- 7731,171 1170, 926-7092 Bloomincjton Townhouse Apts. IOC 97th Si New bnio immed occup LuKury 8.JBR aots Sunken LR Iptc inti washer dryer htd oar Adulti only Mi '500 OaHKV Apty BR tANT 39S5 'g 2 BR, ie a Supleir, hrdwd Hoofj, nr lk HtKriet A '0i gardens On bus Nn child or oeti, liTjjM lSQ DUtON? 7MS LH DR hit, util od eceof eiec, adults, no 9JL dfp, EDINA 4)41 Par lawn. Beautiful 7BR apt available Oct I Features -ndoor pool, unde'eround oarinno, secur'fy elevators bth oH France dose to Bveriy i So'jttidaie No children Of PjBtl 4M I M'fRSON Ave older oiug, edylts, secumy, nowoHrs TBR 1QIJJ2J. FRANKLIN W905 3 or4 rmrS Qkr 874; 1908 FRTMONT wfllh ijtev modern, SS, Air cond. 374 4ASI Premonl So" $6 wnlk to Hies, mooern, SS air cond J444SB TrEVONT 1V45 upr GARFIELD 2 1ST Come see IBR's aveiialbte 9-1 I blk tn maior bus, Indry, convenient to shopping No kids oi lS Av 3700 charm' ing lor, nal wdwk av 9 1 1155 hJ light caretaking 874-40 16 GARFIELD "3721 VACANT Loe etlcy 1150, hid.
90 0729 GARFiFLD iTR prkg no kids 170', 171 1041 HENNEPIN S. 3170 "ibr 1235 ciean, adult bldg nr lat.es bus 4 shops HENNEPIN" 1916 3BR IBF heal furnished cal: 669-063 Hennepiri 25U nice IBR Pvl pkg 377 56'6 enwood area. Ouiet tH 4225-1230 Lg eft New kil 170 979-1561 87 2810 AK Point luxury COC.do 4600 mo urn9543S3i 2l8 LAKE ST W802 ig cieanTrm" ellrv 874-3774 C'AUillS, 1 BR apis 7 u'ns Pdl'BO 84- 8631 I NDAL. Av" 'aied I BR features new maple itoi" 4 lorma' dintno rm Parr J275 339 848J i vnda'e 2317 L9 IBR new niwd tlrs quie' on bus 1710 ytttsM Aduinno dot 32XX IBR. crpld.
no 5 "1 '3 tn MEADOWBKOOK O'Looking The Creek Golf Course 1 BR $235 2 BR Townhouse $275 OCT. RENTAL OFFICE 6S60 Excelsior Blvd 93-6320 938-6319 MTKA -1 BR Dsmt 4770 mo util furmsned I mile ol G'enn Lake 914-2016 25ih Quiet ftf MuT phv 43 PfTivN 9948, di special 2BR 9 I 976 V95I, 935 4253 itsbury Quiet older blifg Nr bus. hdwd fils 4170 82 7473 87532I4 BP 1155 JBPJ125 seej aPMoaiiy PI ASANT 7809 10" Newr erf i 4 7BR sec cpt pkg. ac 4175 1715 1215 872 51382W0I4. SAVAGE AREA 1 47BR ap'S garage In newer bidg 414? I76fh SI 890 67 I 8J 4040 ST touil Park 2 BR condo, snelard Park area, trpic.
pool. 447 5 545 0764 STANLEY Rd "8200 BR da luxe cot, AC gar 83S4570 YORK. Av 6455" 977 5772 i2 was ot Southctale Cenier) MOON Over 4000 Apts! CALL 379-8851 APARTMENT DIRECTORY I 1 i I I im, 1 Br. kit VALE PLACE' 1212 Etfcv 1150. Walk to downtown See Carl ijker332-59B3 SHORT-TERM LEASE Limited Number 1 BEDROOM Completely Furnished Exceptionally spacious loo drawer epts in toveiy surroundings and beeuiifutlv furnivhed.
'linens, cooking utensils, etc Adults only. No Pet. $425 tor sled in EDINA Shown al vour convenience for appointment, tad 135-1. or W-4004 A -6PM. MON-FRI in The Heart Of The City Surrounded By Shop Beautifully Decorated Coiv Siud'Oi From Wb Select 1 BR Prom Adutt.
No Pen Sec B'dg Ooor Step Bus Service BRITTANY APTS 1030 33 457 135 J474 IFREEI FROM THE EAST OR SOUTHWEST Sunnv 1 BR in contemporary bldg with balcony Conven local on A parking Furniture opfurai 3I5. WITH FULL OPTION TO BUY Ask about our economy pkge SI mdard Rents Furn. 33 1 4070 FIJRN EfrCY'S unlufn IBR Near Downtown 4 Loring Park Well maintained bldgs 1135 to S710 No pets or child Rets red. month lease 14 118 425 irOW Bjtot Townhouses, ItnlumnM 3RD Av" furnished aoults, 1275 -373 1 6TH ST NE 24, 7BR upiW nice location, avail 91. 1740.
7SO 7070 6TH ST MfTsTxX, 7 BR, relrie, siove gar Can 571 5S4 7th i Russell Ave 2 Dr apot cotg drapes Pets? (790 Mcrrie RenaSys I77-S871 fee VlTH AVE 7l5T 3 people, nr LI of uor 3BR dup. atl ulil, mo no patschildren, Sac. dep 0-404S 17 vT" 3 rm bath nr MMC SI65 336-32M, 331-143 a Circle Terrace 3 br 2 bth anp' tplr kids pets Home Ronial ivs 177- S71 fee T4fH AV sTk)i spac.ous 2 BR upper 7 duiet mature aluits, no hitd rets reo, pets. 795mo, J3S0dej 0J5I a'v 2BR upper" 474-3751 18 AVE 4 JACKSON Si NE 1 br all apw util pd 1175 Hcnie RenlaiSys 5f21fee rfj'H Av 370S, 7BR upr, gar! no pels, (25us 571 7619 70th a'v 35xx Up 7BR plus ulil Nonets 70TH" Av NE 4rm upr dplx. Avail 9, No kids, ptts rav tb i i 26 TM 4 Aldrich 1 appls.
porch pets Ok Dial A Home Fee 827-5566 5th AvS' 2BR wlge LR 4 DR, 4-plex, Corah 3RD AV UPPER 3BR fin bus 1350 1 ul'l 869-6123 3tST ST l2 blk lo Ik "smash" mg 3 BR. LR, DR, sur.rm new decor, col. 1495 ht pd 374 liJU JIST Ave' Prelly 1 BR has daiv garage 4 crpl, only 1700, call Twin City Rentals 64 5 08tl Fee 3370 4TH 7BR 17557741 Porl-land Av 866 757 34 TH S305 tor" roomy BR! kids OK stove 4 ret yc; 4 gar. Twin City Rentals 645 0861 Fee 34th 4 Taylor SI NE br all appl gar HE AT PAID Syl 827-S821 fee 43RD Ave River area, 1-2 Bk has garage indrv 4 appls 127S TwinCt'v Reman 645-086 tFee 43' Si 4 Bioommglon Av br appl gat kids 4 pel OK Home Renlal Sys 877 5871 fee 44TH 4 eres. pd, 78k appl cplg, avail Sept I Dial A Home-- Fee 877-5566 46 I 7 AV NE 777 New Ig 7BR dbl bgio.
gar Deck, 4 appis 4375 Avail afH'li8-7905 4" I 4 Lynaale S. 2 BR upper, gar 875 ill 47 NE 654 Deluxe Dbte, Nat Wdwk, 7BR, Knge, f-ng, Gar opener. Seo Laundry Rm Near park, bus, 7 vr rent treeie Least, Den, Rets, Ma-i luae Cpl. No pets ds Avail 9-1 Call 'or appl 789 3 589 '56 1 -9329 57NU lamden pngi, ig I ftR nice private area, yd 'win Lit, Rentals 64 5 3861 fee SIT 4 Washburn 3Bi appls" washdry AC. cplg 4360 Dial A HomeF ee 82 7 5566 60TH 4 WE NT WORTH Av S.
3 Dr A all appl 2 bth den tenc HcTRenlalSvs 827-5871 lee 651 AV 4 73RD SI 2 br aoci tntgKidsOK lust 4785 Horn Rental Sys 877- M71 let 76lh 4 BLOOMIN.lt ON Ave'S 1 or A apo1 gar 4 OK Home Rental Svl 827-5871 EDINA TOWNHOUSE 3BR. den, 3 baths, dtx atl. gar AC crpld pano 9. 1 S50C 4 up lawn 4 snow rem 972 9065 an'6'x a iusi 460 "appis cpig, 2BR near Dial- A Home Fee 827 5566 uii i ft NEW PELUXE 2 4 3 BR APT HOMES WITH APPLIANCES FIREPLACES, CENTRAL AIR, FUlLY CARPETLD. NEAR SCHOOLS FROM $395 MODt I OPEN DAll 11-5 EVENINGS TiL 7 Model OHice432-0660 After Business Hrs.452-7744 APprc Vai newer 2br tuwr house cent gar, appis, Sect I 1190 690-4003 APPLE valley LakevJIe br i A utr4175 ami 10 I 173 70 ARTHUR dup, 1750 kids lul' cpl 4 va'd "winCi.Jlenteis 645J6jFe Bl MTN 97(4 Penn 'av sharp 3BRdupl4i5noetslW4 8345 Bl.OOMiNGTON LAkF 4 Highland Perk Area, I new 1714) sn tl ea side, 3EIR fam rm lesO pir nto.
I MO! 03 6lli 51 SvO 07 61 I aprls A fptc fenc yo.tuc i under gar no pals 4430, 888- 7047 Jim blSomTngTon tp'r 1325, appl. cnipeting 4 Kids 4 pels Ok, I Dial AHomerFee 8775i66 i BROOK Park" gor.d deal 2 BR bung, 1785, kids.cal OK call Twin City Rentals 645 066 lFe BROOKL YN PARK'-Deluxe I doi apols air, gar much more1 Avail. im.Tcl SI75 Tom 533 IKJ10 or Russ 546 571! BROOKLrN PARK 63xx 83td C'cie 3 BR amuse rm, all appls, gar, immed occupancy, Jimor Bill 544 5711 1425 rr.u BROOKLYN PARK TH-I balh, dbl car garage, avail imm'? BROOKLYN ParkDeluxe 3 Bedroom L'bi A 1400 Ap- pnanc es Paul 888 J888 BiTyAnTs 33'5 Nice 2BR cptd 175 hid BRYANT 7914 7BR 12304 Nopals 789 1619 HRYN Mawr area up Srms slv, tr.g oar newly oec, ao'ts, no Pets 81154 duplex, 3 BR, lamiiv room 7 baths cenl'a1 air appliances garage deck, nalu- rai gas, I'ee sianCmg tplc no Bull' in Bookcase nei wdwk nice 7 br appi gar onl. 1775 HorrJenlal Sys 677 S82lte BURNSVIL twnhs 3 BR "5 baih fam rm gar tennis, pool, 145 4 ul.l no pels 84 1274 A'LHOUN 5 BR "dup nal" wood 4 ar, ig kitchen 4395, 10 I xCi" Rentals 645 06JFee CALHOUN ake" a'ea" 5 OR UOi, hat wtwx, trpic, singles OK 1550 mo 877 5871 o- 8:7 4247 aTHGUN Ik atea IW' 4 rrr.l heated 1700 rr-o 872 65.1 CA'aaO-NV" 9. 1, neet pd bus, gar appis nal wdwk 6375560 76 CHANHAS'-E rgeuxury df.l" bgio, nearly new fpic AC, 3 BR, ouiet nprhood 1575 I CHICAGO 5 3ln.
ior 2br, nat DI AL APTS. or Mt 435 dbl tl 7 i i New In Wayzaa Linunr Apartments $380 Healed Garage Drapes 17600 HthAve.N. 10-6 Non-Fri. Noon-5 Satuntef Closed Mays 473-3844 APARTMENT HOMES CARPET -BALCONIES AIR CONO -SAUNAS PARTY ROOM -POOL SPACIOUS -GREAT VIE AS NEAR THE NEW BURNSVtLLE CtNlER 1 2 BR APTS 35-W South at the W. Bumsvillp Parkway 890-6914 le apartmefi ioe lor Free 1 stop apartment shopping 7700 France Ave So.
830-0500 tmrai the apartment connection FREE Info. All Areas Edina Towers I 4 3 BR ADfV Ottering Sectacuiar View Tennis Courts "Party Room Indoor Outdoor Pool. 'Beauty Sa-on Sauna Central Atr Conditioning Uderyrond Garaoe Penthouse with Fireplaces Rental Office Open 10 to 6 6400 BARR1E ROAD NEAR SOOTHDALE 925-1040 mm LAKEMINNETONKA 4177 SHORELINE DRIVE SPRING PARK BAY Distinctive apt homes on beaut Lake Mmnetonaka Complete with elevalof, security, soundproofing, cent air, party room, marina Deluxe efficiency at 471-7551 BT4A CONSTR 175 6111 NEW LUXURY APTS 30GoooLorallonsef 1-2 BR FURNISHED OR UNFURN FROM 1150 BT 4 A CONSTR 125 6111 WAY7ArA-LUXURY243 BFOROOM HCMI SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 475-1311 0.17 7711 )Jil-l loo RENTAL ADVISORS Free Information AH Twm City Location 19X 6 Hdusive Listifls 935-2618 435 3424 IFREEI "i BR" -4200 HWYS 112 4(100 Best kxation around Gcloen carpeted. vcan1 5311 rc le Downs, 54 070 HA A MON ft RFY-tmesI localton in St Louis Park 1 4 2 BR MTC bus shopping m.n uies downtown F-om 17 3 5 4 541 36 i St 972 -7 105 DIAL A RENTAL FREE FAST F. AH tat S.
0430 TdutHAfTt" Lahetrvore ttvina wall tne extras1 ror, Avail immed' On i ee MiKa 47? 408 ftpirlmiAtvlltttumiM, DotmtDvn M)A. i OWFPS Condo wVltTto woTh 3 tennis cool, Maid vervice I indoor ga-rj- avail bfi By owner 60 467 efy .18 uil od tiOO d.posil No cniid'er. orp-'U NTfOt.LTr Tr-e Mear' 0 ft City Private tntrante 'uio New Designer SUidio Artijits fao Mt-rs Bidg BRITTANY APTS 'gJO 2nd Av 338 4567 "31 6 Oak Grove Apts. 1 4 rm turn 4 unfurn ai.ts. Main 4 linei service I blk from i onng Parr 670-6364 471 pBftnttah.funillM 1ST Ave 4 I5lr St.
nice sludw, Ouje' libOJ8700i55 si NW 1390" New Bfigh'nn turn en a. ail 9 From 117. on bus indry. A'Cpooi 633 8893 JOlt III! He eiev, VLJdSLi 9hi Si 6 18, 1 rm etlcy stare adus 9280J9 AVE 3048. 2 rm, utilities" 1 70.ro722J4a9 I2TH ST 1 la sleepers studios 10 4435 wx2j9 8 48' ST Effry' 4'25 335- I 06J3 2319 5 rm lor 3 lo 2nd fl Lv Dm ig apt on ot MF'wy Hosp Bus 777 927T 7500 IBR, see care" 'atiec or call 724 6839 i J7th" Ave NE 711, lurn ettiy, nr tusl.ne, 1175.
av9 I 788 0474 IBR Rem Sec No kids lmnd 724-lu59 87J 0096 BL mngTn Av s. aoTs" Ettcv. See rareiaxer or call 779 20J7 BURNSVILLE, IBR with view, ava.i mmeo, 454 6039 all 5 PM CEDAR" Av t444 See I caie'aeror raji 86 4424 I 3 BR $210 Cold A Huge close's Prkg 1 lot Bus 339 1538 332 7517 CLINTON Av 3122 3 rm apt lor sgie clean, ulils pd 1175 All 49769508 i "CORAL MOT EL 15400 Central Ay NE 1 4 7 BR ems Also short term weekly 4 monthly 434 4559 DUPONT 26xx, 7ig turn immed posseion37 47 19 FMFRSON eftic A.r No oets adutt 2 1 Refs45 J77 S605 HENNEPIN, 1204 FFCICIENCY APT FVFRV-I THlNGnjRNISHED 3I8J673 HOPKINS 2BR Nn "east luxurious Chnice loc, or MIC 4150 mo. 544 6517 LASALlE 1777 eTc, or IBR 1194 6 I i i i I I I I i 425 DuptiiM, Dbl Townhoi'SM, UnfumnN "deluxe do'ObTB Brooklyn Park. Close to bus, 7BR, air aMath gar U75.
G-nny, 927-4141976-37ll or Leonard, 522-9311 DUPLEX sq ft lower unit, hard wood f'oorj, tsreoiace, lorma! din, BR. Avtfiabi Orlobor 1. t43S utih, owner, bs mis, 3M2Park Ave, Students Prospect Pk. iut It 70 util oaid appliance. cpiij, IBR A nice yard.
145, utM oaid. IBR, aopll- ancev ptg pet neoo Uiai-A-Home ee iz-tw. GOT A VACANCY? fill homes, duplexes, bgio's. Fast fret 647-0050 Attracll've 2 BRAC ail applgar ulil pd PETS ok Home Renlal Sy 177-5121 fee CHILDREN WELCOME 2 BR appl fptc lust (240 Home Rental Sys 127-5171 fee for your Ptl 7 BR all appl fpic ulil pd Home Rental Sys fee "FENCED tor kids 4 kittens 2 BR appl CPU Home Renlal Sys tea FtREPL ACET6v RTTbR aopt gar fenc ulil pd K4P Home Renlal 177 5171 fee FRPLC 4 2 porches! Ntat 3 BR lower, 1325. lull crpi, nice yd.
Twin City Renials 645-Oaal Fee HANDV to Iht U' 4 BR, duplx S375. no lease, garage 4 appls Twin City Rentals 645-0061 Fee HEAT PAID lbr all appl nal wdwk AVAIL NOW 1710 Home Renlal Sys VI-SI71 lee THE Country! Comfy 2 BR gar 1775. room for kids, pel Twm City Renials 645-0M1 Fee Lfke A garage this year? I BR nice area ht pd JIM Home Renlal Syl I27-SI7I lee OFF Hennepin, charming 3 BR Twin Cilv Renials Mi-Oael Fee OK -Kids loo 2 br aopl ulil paid 1250 Home Rental Syl 827-S821 fee REASONABLE 1 BR appl cdio PETOKutilPdll8S Home Rental Svi 877-MI2I fee SKYLIC-HTS--Nlca 2 br appl den oar lane 4.15 Home wentai sys B7-ni tee SPACIOUS 3 br aopl nal wdwk rntotenc ONLY 1250 Home Rental Svl 877-5121 fee UTIL PAID I BR all appl cplg nal wdwk gar lenced Home Rental Sys 877-5871 COMFY 7 br kids OK 1225 Home Rental Svs B7-57I tee FFFlflFRCY 1IS0' Circle Pines 714-0332 431 tfalm. 14TH AV. Pvl enl Kit liv nr bus 176 UP 777 "777 BUFTXCCtCule 2 room house, new kil, gar.
cptd. Sept-June Adults 377-2321 MENDOTA Heights large, luxury Iwnhse, furn or unfurn, 3 BR, i ba'ns. AC, Iptc. watl dbl gar. adults, no pets.
4600. avail 457-1988 USSEO IBR Unpet dplk. HTD 425 4853 Houses Duplexes Bungalows T-House Farms KIDS PETS? Small Problem! HUNDREDS Of PROPERTIES, Available Always. DIAL-A-HOME INC. 827-5566 Fee For Aug' Sept October! TlCiraTALS Helping Renters Since 176 Get a Nice Place Some Time Looking Too! Houses Dplxes Farms All Areas Ait Prices M.
Mil Open 8 8 Fee 433 3RDAve'48fh South Sde" 3 BR. bid. aiic Twin City Rentals 645-3861 Fee 3rdAvr S4 60th 2 BR 4340 Home Rental Svs 877 5821 lea 4THST Nti 5870, eridtey TBR bung 4 level split, with 7 betlit 4J95 mo Al Malison, 786-4300 "pH St 4 31st Av N3 brs Kids ok all apple Pig 44O0 Home Renlal Svl 827 5821 fee SI wTxx. House on Park, Charm Nat wd newly renovated 2BR M4til(7l7643 A7e" So 31JS bath 4425 4 ulils NICE! Call Ron D. 970 7172 546 5344 wT Sf E.
ISxx.T-R, crpt, Slv, Ing, 1250 ulil Adults, ret red, 67J2 "30th 4 Shore Dr Lakeshore pi A all appl Iplc 1260 Home Rental Syl 827 5821 fee 36TH Ave N4 70th SI 34 BR 7 bth apol gar tenc BBQ4 HomeRenjal Sys 6 7 7 5821 lee 37TH 4 Sheridan JBR, garage 1160 4 uttls, 452-7749 "J8tn Ave 5" 4 36lhSI 2br nat wdwk gar JUST 1725 Home Renlal Sys 82 7 5821 tee 3BR Horned car gai, 4425 mo4, no kidl. 544- 5344 4IST 4 Vincenl T3 tiR. fin bsmt fpfc, every appl gar Dul A Home Feel? 5566 42ND4N0K0MTs" JusUJI-, Bl appliances, carpeting. er 4 wash or A Home Fee 0rd A 111 Small IBHlT no ils. Tl1? 1639 J6TM SI Hijmbo'idl Ave S.
BR appi o' pur opt i-is Hor.ve weniai i 827-5821 lee 4 KNOX Lg 3 BR Multiple baths, immed edposs dtx gar I5W ALDRlCH 14 1075 BR I i balh gat 4J50 844 Bl OOM 88th choice 2 BR hse tntdlor kids 4374 gar win City Rentals 64, 0861 Fee Bloomington $785 Classic 7 sloty. 4 BR. 3 balhs, loi mei DR floor family room dble attach oar BlSominGT.N, sharp 7BR txpansion, lge yard 4 gar poss responsible adults only S445 9637 Grand Ay S. Phil 445 5748 or 881 3333 BlcKimington 1 Acre Lge 3fR appl, cpt, fun bsmt 4 option lo buy srrs Diai A Horrf eeB775566 Bl OOMINGTON '3 BR on lge lot appl kids OK 1400 Hnme entalSvs 877 582Jee BROOKLYN fir 34 BR every appi twe col dbf oar reas Dial A -Homr Fee 177 5566 BROOKLYN PK new 3BR sxai.4 up 475 1739 546 2148 BUFFALO touse an remodT BR 4 den, i ba'hs cpl 4 drapes Adults 377-7J73 BuilNSVTLLE Brand newTBR, 1 1, baths rant air. appis deck, tam rm w'fplr pur i hase ool 4i2J.94- 2024 BURNSVILL JBf 2BA, w'o rc rm apples, rrpl drapes, 1500 sf fm 54! 432 74fi? BURNS VIU E-l BR home aval Seo I Firerri Dbl oar ail Seol I Firepl Dbl oar Rem option 890 5769 or 890 9151 Owner Aot PEfTSiT 7 br on LAKE A all appl cn'g den gar 4 more S375 Home Rental Svs 82' 5821 tee cSiumb'ia hTiShTs Avail immed 7 4 BR, fully cptd AH aopks Kldl OK No pelt 4385 766 V70 CRYSTAL CHARMER Nice CRYSTAL" Ml apoi to ior mos a pen ptei AOAN Woodgaie "fownhoiise, 1HH i i Da gar.
dec. piH. oHice fam rm, 454- Hju ED'tN PraiRiE New "house tor rent option 4550 mo Ask ior JimWa 4711, or 699 554? Df: Prairie new home. 7BR, nr Round I ake Park 4 shopping 44 7 5 mn 920 8xJ 5 EDINA I Lovely 4 BR. 3 hath Fam Rm i loir dbl gar, ail apois I fenced yd Avail Immed 4850 mo 9ll6l? IFTJiNA bus lint, cent air" 3BR PC rm 7 t'oics.
mal appliances 400 4uins 1 yr lease 177 211 Lge air. apt 194 lge no 2 3 SBiNA rm format DfTT 8C lease Dep Ref reo 39if ulil. Couple child oU4JJw decor. 4BR, itV EXEiTfwnhs, 3 BR bath, ll Irlpc. OPI to purchase.
Loc. 494 4Cly Rd 18 4 54-2419. FARM on 50 ACRES 4hr den lolc MUST SEE Home Rentai Sys 877-5871 lee FRANCE AVE 4229 3BR all new carpel, gar. S450 4 'Util 827-5941 933-7300 FREMONT 2739-Lg. 4BR.
cold 4450 4ul No pels FRi'DLEY Cottage SlvleTBR, gar 4 newer crpt, 4275, gat. Twin Lity Rentals 645-uefll l-ee KNOX Av N. 4330, wood slv LYNDALlTs 2478, 4BR4-, tplc, avail immed, ulil extra. 1500. J4-57J8 MINNEHAHA PKWY Just 4275.
2BR, every appli ances, carpel 4 garage. D'al A-Home Fee 877-5566 MINNETONKA 34- BR. Ipic! every appls, AC 4 more. Dial A Home fee 8.7-5S6A MOBILE HOME Set up In 4 NW parks, own cheaper than rent, 48-6166. MOWbSVlEW 3BR, appll-ances, cpl, dbl gar 4 option I39S.
A-Home f-ee MTKA LAKESHORE 7 BR apol gar kids 4 pets Ok Home Renlal Sys 827-5821 lee house wgar. I760'nio REFERENCES RE- quiRED 935-3381 exl 707 8-4 Sub five nicely 2 br nal wdwk gar Kids 4 Pat 4240 Home Renlal Svl 82 7-5821 lee NE 4 me BR 4 welcome 4 option to buy 4400 lee od. Dial-A Home Fee 827-5566 fiFw HOPE, Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove Super location al 4 Hwy 18. Spacious 3 BR rambler wdeluxe amuse rm, wooded fenced yard, 1495 135-5093 days, 473 3070 wknds NOKOMlTagaln lusl 4345 every appls, gtr 4 fen yd tor K4P Oial-A-Homt Fee 827 5566 i "PETSOK-PUROPT 2 br 2 bin A 'C all apol fenc Home Rental Syl 877-5821 let RIDGE WOOD Ave, 4 Br remodel home. 1450mo.
920-1258, 8L 88 S3 ROBS' 2BR house, applet, gar, pell, 4345 S37-1B3? SO Colfax 54 BR, ma I appls, cpt, bsm! 4 more Dial-A-Hocne Fee B77 5566 ST LOUIS Park 2 BR older home, lusl 4335. pel OK, tned yd. Twin City Rentals 645-M6I Fee ST L. Pk. Every Ujxurv, dbl gar.
hn tnml. 3BR very reas Dial A HomeFee 827 5566 16. 4BR, g'ar, fpic, bams. 4530 37-5510 VINCENT AV. 1619.
rent with option to bxjv. 4365 mo Good credit musl. Large 2 BR home. Formal dir. rm Liv.rm.
win frp4 FuH bsmf. Home meets city code Call At Malison 786-4100 WAY ATA br siove ref only 4220 Kids 4 Pets OK Home Rental Sys 877 5821 lee WIRTH PKWY Lge 3B lust 4325, dbl gar, ool lo ixjv 4 lee paid. Oial-A-Homt-Fee 127-5566 HOMES FOR RENT! All trtts all prices! Houses dpixs farms Home Rental Systems 1404 w. lake 127 582 1 fee 3 BR TOWNHOUSE From 1340 Appliances, caroet- ii. Dams.
am. run Dsmt, patio, central air, garaoe playground. Children wei-cooe (limited), one imell pel. S4 1 2 Rice Creek Townhouses BR from immed orcu-iwicv 11? tMiths, lull bsmt, gar, i-atio, He hen appls, cent air Ooen dally, 65? yih Av Nf 12 mi ol Silver Lake Rd or 12 ni E.Ql Central Av 57) 0010 3 BR TOWNHOUSE Batemeni. attached garage, fireplace, cenl air small pels.
454-8145 EDINA 4 Bdrm. ft pic. DBC 4 oar 4600 ulil Avail 91. Call Paul. 920 9780 MANAGED BY EBERHARDT FARMHOUSE Kenntl for pets, 7BR, fully cptd 4 no lease ai 1250.
Dial-A Home-fee 127-5566 KIDS WELCOME 3 bdrm, fwnhse near Burnsvllit. 4375 ulil Can 894-4747 managed by EBERHARDT LAKESHORE Loe 3BR, lusl 4795. Appls, cpg 4 3 seawn porch. Dial-A -Home Fee 827-5566 bungaww near Victory Memor'al Dr pels welcome, 128 5 58 1262, 83! 156 AVAILABLE NOW3br cnto drape oar kids uk 4375 Hoine BIG FAMILY home up Hvi BR garage 4 aoois 4374 OK TOyJentals645 0tt Fee COUNTRY WEST" 34 BR Qutat wooded home, nice rent1 winCity enlals086l ee MOBILE homes set up IrTNE park Own cheaper man apt. enl 780-J9? NEAR V.A neat smell burnt mc gar 4 fned yd, 4785, avail! Twtnctiv Rentals 645 op i eee NE 4 "Sff A All appl Iplc oar pur opt Home Renlti Sys 8 7 7 5821 fee PURCHASE OPTION 3 br fpic yat KIDS OK unmt Rentai svs 8727-5421 lee SFNT'option TBR, 4435 Cpl, gar, fenced.
So. of LakeJI 825J560 RENT "this 4 BRToVCk.1. Ill, 1400, Inc ger 4 tnd'y. kids Cily Rentals 645-086lF et StT 1st" "appl, cp'g, kids OK 4 m-jre piaA Home Fee 877 itot STuDt NTS BR illKt apm cntg gar 4 more" 4400 Home Renlal Svs 827-5871 lee tODAY i special Tge" 2BR! 4250 col fun inml.Nc lease Oial-A Hijme-Feel27 556 VE H'jsp 3 4 fiOppis. fin bsmt, AC 4 garage 1395 Dial-A Home-Fee 627-5566 "WEST A CiTTlE 3 BR Aopi rptg tenc K4P ok 1295 ReniaiSvl 827-587! lee O5UU(rtia8teli80j Lk Mlka.
Wood" land Sepl S-Mev 3lsl Furnished, htd gar. no pels or liquor Rets red 1725. mo 933 3483 436 Niimto'tUiorfatt CHRISTMAS Lake, 6BR 4 oath turn house, ideal for 4 single persons, an appis tplc, on the lake built 67, 70mi Irom dntn etseo. 474 570S. 972-6480, wejl-Tept" home, quiet dead end road, I to shoo ctr 'bus stop By owner Apple 4 Id'v 6495mo 938 J56 13? 8451 ON" TH EAK Luxury Studio, 18 2 Bedroom Pool, Sauna, HBO.
Sec urity 6Mo Adults-No Pels 472 7939 AKE fHORE" "Jennings BR. 1 bath, Iplcs. 2000 soft 2- lar gar 4S94mo 475-1075 MOUND 1 7BR apis. disoovi scr, 42 10 1250 313 9888 MOUND dbl bgio, lge gar, cpl Wki from lake, no neti, 43 lOavi tiliraiallSM i7 MOUNO newer dbl bsiio, apots. laundry, I blk from lake, 5J75 Call 472 4261, 515 7730 SMAL house, "nr RtdgeVele in Mmnetonka.
IJJS'mo 815-1443, Mr Malterman LAKE SHOR sand beach, 2 br hl4jl'tv 10 I 941-4192 Mk TA lakeshore CBfi'n 1)65 4 ON "lake clelu'i" 2BR aPL Iplc. edults 4400 477 1416 I A JO IwtH ForTtttMS' 7TH ST I. 1220, ciean 4 qu'enrjkd'Sto Bank, loup ST llasieeptrs siudio. wk 4 4li0mo9 841 27 i 23 i9 il pvl enl on Fr vw hosp of Ttrgl bus Quitl area 475 wk up 72 tin MiTTge rm. pvl.
No ase4JO0 COLFAX" 7433 "TvY enl Kil, Hi 47 UP 772-9777 FF on'busr bidsl w' pool, rm, bath, TV 4 sal tor hswk KE NWOOD Linens. Wry! Inge, 430. wk avail immed 871-7773 NIC Ol 1 4 "Eian" Onousliri Ay 24," ou rm showfi rlub kitchen 134 per week 870-45J5 PORTLANb Ave 75x bid, lacav owprv bath B7 1 SSyj 1'r't'i AND 1239 Q'iel Rin 'eV er ythmgfurn Sw Gym Downtown YMC A MS 9ih SI ROOM In So suburb "enlTre mxisa avail Can 890 495 441 lcmHositaiefti onif 378 ST I '6 sieews, studios SIS wx 4 ftx. JC4 1461 CHICAGO TBJTTge ciean'apT Nr, vase 4170 870-7626 NE 1 nr 566 ley I I I 2 to lo inj Lk LAUREL AV 1502, studios, housekeeping rooms, 1125. See caretaktr.
3J9-8481 LYNDALE AV. al 17th SI. 430GROVtLANU Unique rms In beautiful redec mansion-Lndry-Showers-Kil Singles 436 4 UP 871-6369 fiuc tfi TFVFNS 1410 195 UD'mO. Working eldJy7Jll5 WLY'furn slog rms sec door hear! of lown. Ph.
338 -9100 447 Hoommitti iiritei 22 to shrw2 F. own BR. Lake of Isles, 195 mo B27-J6y rcoNSOCtUS parson for spa-clous 3 BR home in Golden Val-ley 4150 4- 546-9399 TST! to shr hse in Columbia Heignis. Lale 301 or early 40s. 4217 afIS to sh home In Apple Val 4150 mo 890-4695 SI 25-30 to share nicely lurnished 2BR 884 86J0 754 lo s'hr.
2 BR dplx w1. 5165 all ul is 52l-il6 In shr JBR Aol M. So Btmgtn. own rm, gar, aaa-aji M. strt, looking tor same or f.
shr 2BR of. New Brighton area 633-5311 fALM, responsible nonsmoktr share upper duplex 851 Sneit- Av SJPaul644-59Vi or to 2BR apt wM 33rd tDougias.on bus 1US iiicl ulils I 535-2224 or 544-0744 Tim 254 to shr 3BR home w2 of samt.4i50. 4 771-1585 21 nr Lk of Isles, pvl rm, 4100 'mo 377-4629374-1538 FFMALE lo shr 3BR home, Mp.s. wmale Dick, 72I-2785. GAY roommate fo share house with stmt in So.
Mpts. Write Trlb Box SO 104 LIBERAL M75-35 stir 3br hse, Hair 4225 4''i ulils 823 8915 or 10 shr new 3 BR home, NW suburb. 425 4555 MATURE "new home. Wk oH Lake Mika, plenty of room 4 conveniences, Denny, 472 5890579 9559 MF to shr jnioue 5br baths, 7 fp, hood. 175-4552, POWDER PK Nice.
481 or Jerry 333-8888 dayl IcESPONSIB'L -rSrnf lo find 4 shr i BR2baths apt wi Mpls area by 9 15 Call Susan 774-1346 ffOOMMATE ASSISTANCE (FEE) 935-4746 SHEPARD Fern to sh turn 7BR apt wlem. al, siau. 831-3536 after 5 ST io Shr JBR apt in SI 789-8124 aft 3pm. ff lo aet in SI Anthony. 1 145 789-8 124 aft pm STR orXProf person 43)5, In Lk.
Mike, mansion Includes hsekoing4 all utlls. 546-100 SIR 23. shr dup wsame, Il504utls, Nokomis area, on bus shr gar call aft 8pm 729-9761 STR or STUDENT shr apt, own rm, on bus, 184.824 4893 ftANT 1 lo 2 sir. fern, to sh 3 BR home In bloomtnolon male 4 1 fem All ulils. 1175 mo each, iw-okv WANTED-?" aoe .10 40 to sh, private 7BR home wM.
Blmgln Box MO 180 Mpls Star 4 nbune, Mptl, mn iwi 453 Winlwd to Rctrt PROFESSIONAL single man would like lo rent smelt country home or secluded residence. Reasonable Lakeville-Far minglon area 881 7518 aft SPM TEACHER deiires housing rooma'e, s-Sfc Mpls, immeo 920-7075 WANT. House lo rant beg Ocl 2BR for 2 adults, I child 4 1 snaiidjo92i5ei CEAL ESTA seiiipi per mi Mt ccpi emj mi ynlii.i Isi rental 8f uk (OUIl MIISIU gffcsi.Niit al (in lltili (flick i noli troe si tue IKI fedtul (in Hokih Act. wmc iKii it i)Kil Is idvtrtue M' P'l'i' tut iKKlltlM. ir dUCIIUffli lu buff) jr.
tici. cslsi fell 1 101. Ml. 41 aitlOtlll S(II8. 81 IB IBttBtlBfl IS IS) SUCh Sftleiinct.
tar.ililni, tx Sn CfixjsiliN. 1st tttti milioa Citltcpt HUO 725-4717 531 Bulia-il hot. fix item IHantsd 322 SOUTH 4TH ST LT INO OFFICE SPACE Private iokding dock, running water. 3000 sq II ulils. Pd 4311 938 6329 BLAINE Retail or Office 1500 sq ft 11700 Jefferson St NE October 15 possession.
A'C, and storage 545 1J42 or 560 1250 BROOKLYN PARK Neer 94 694, new 5300 to. ft 14' cleat 200 amp pwr load dock sormkied. 10 sq. ft year, nal net net S33 7206 Choice Office Space Excelsior Blvd 4725 2 suites avail Aoorox 1250 4 500 so II a' 17 50 oei sq ft 979 5641 970 MANUFACTURING Wara-house 1 1 000 iq ft. new energy efficient biag, 16 ceilings, 4 docks, close In Golden Veltev kic, Hwy 100 4 55, 546 0686 afhv cTimond OFFICE SPACE BURNSVILLE 575 sq ff 4 U0O sq ft available immed 890 6450 FOR LEASE 1000 so II office, 5800 so tl mlg wnse area.
90th 4 Lvndaie, PARK AVE AfTsTn Very nice 3 room OFFICE SUITE, o'f-stieet parking i leaning, approx 720 sq II 4435 31 677 "RICHHELDOFFICESPACE liyacy plui' ExceMenl itrmi PHONE 89-3231 WANTED FOR LEASE 1000-1200 sq ft for retail discount baerv store Can Bob Conneii at 823 4744 YANKEE SQUARE OFFICE SPACE 7000 so It in Euan, will di 452 3.303 idt. 7550 ClNTRAl AV NtFi 010 sq ft street level otc. space Partial basement 4150 Call Oau'Jia, 546 3446 A oss from Vv.CA New Hoot NOW LEASING 3 slorv oftke bldg MCetec, 533 2579 CENTRAL'S fTrm'otf re-ceol area-amenities Ihtllered perk washrm, pool, etc-reat. enl 62? 1500 DUPCttsif TaTSih, 8400 sq ft warehouse-storage or light mtg win office Sprinkled 4 heated. Avi nowMr Petersc 87 7 7947 EDINA DEN PRAIRIE" Office Wat ehouse Unit 2.700 sq.
ft. -4710 Owner 44J.1840 GOLDEN VAL Ul Near 100 4 1 Rms. 600 so ft CLEAN, Heal Lilt air 4 Ample PARKING 1225545 5644 HWY 494 4 18, Eden Prairie NEW OFFICE WAREHOUSE 10 Unlit from 2150 4500 SF Owner i OfFiclTor-retail. 8:8 Lowry, Ibtk oft ol Lvndaie 10x70 bldg Ample parking Carl or Marl 481471 OFFICE SPACf FOR RENT Close lo Downtown 4 also Hopkins Ken Born 970 8147 EXE- CU'Svslems F'l oi basemeni space lor renl under 1 teian shoes Eirelienl are Call from 9 5 7613 so ft oft ice on Parlrldoe Rd. I 5300 per mo All utilities paid Call I UNIVERSITY a7 NE' I Rear office space Moon Piaia I Center, 115 sq ff 4150 mo 571- 561 UNlV-SSITY AvTP 6775 Rear offKe space.
Mijoa Piaa Lemer, 315 to fl 1150 mo 571- I 581 CiN view, prestige 600 ft hp mansion 1450 Leaie 87? i ii'OO so "ll for Mlg Rvan industrial Park, Lithe Canada 482 858 10 4 65 "mtg tsstmoiiT cftce 1800 sq II. 3- plus 1450 6369630 Hi if I 0 office-'or rent I 146i to fl 1J0? lh SI. St-I 447 AARFhOUSf SPACE any sue close io downtuwn oop. 8t per to tt per mo J3? DOANToyyN lO-S- offitat. su 'es any nie3J? 7183 OFFICE" Spare aTcTVic 4V4 4 Lvndaie 88J7I OFFICE 'SuileT 1780 mn nr Pimouth Shopping clr 54 7111 OFFICE sutl 350 sq li in new b'dg nr Brookdale 546 2) 1 1 van.
1 COL giant IBR 4 ec rm 4375 tarn pei enc way Twin City COlOmB'iA Hgts 74 BR anpl, colg gar a. Im bsmt 174V liai a nome ct t5N Raoids. 28R dbl bgio. avail I-1 4450 4 ulil, no children pais Atter 5, 03- iva 65i. Bgio with 4' iBR.
w.d, AC, cywaser S74J7V3 7By6 DIAMOND Lk BR bngl, 1775, Irplc. yd lor child of( 59m Twin City Rentals 645 0WlF DOUBLE BUNGALOWS till Benjamin NE IBR 1725 7633 Quincv NE IBR 1235 5849 -42nd IBR Avail Soon BlOOMINGTON. Ig 7BR dupl, has bat 4 tolc, no kids oels. all util od 4140 mo Call Speaks, 861-463 or 854- 0064 aa hih fam rm. dbl gar.
cent air, all aopis, S475, avail, now. Wall, I7JV 4.37-5315 EAGAN TOWNHOUSE IBR, I' 1 bath, ar.oi, 417-4IS2 DOUBLE 3br, 1' 1 bam, appls. AC, oar No pets rl reo.M, 137 43 5 6050 E'dVn Prairie, new dlx 3BR fwnhse or 979 9761 FDiNA PRIME LOCATION, ramb 38R. DR. amuse rm.
air stove, refrig. disp. dshw, drv, wsh, new cpt, dbl gar conlrls. 2 frpls Ouiel streel. 5711 Grandview I I blk to malor snjp ctr wv mo avail.
Aug V7S'5aJ or T.1J-1IV- EDINA So.dale area. spec. 7BR Twnhs, II 1 balhs. elec kitchen, garage, patio Adults nmv 1440heatincl 545 0612 EDINA db bgioJBR 1 balhs. trDls No pels, adults.
Gas. hi. OA 975-17M EDINA, lu 7BR, pool OA, pa-tio gar. nr Southdala, adults, avail immed 475 3 3311 EDINA dfr3 BR Teresa It 1650 9 939 1066 MFR50NSo. J0 7BR, IT DR, natural wood.
1300 mon utilities. 1700 deposit Adults 767 93 4727 eves. RIDLEY no lease 7BR, malor appls cptg all for (750 Ciai A Home Fee U77-5566 GLENWOODN.2210 Large 76R upper. Newly dec. S.IO0 ulil 127-5941, 933-7300 HA ME 1.
area Uust ol 494 4 Hwv 551 Avail now 2 BR ownhouse with gar. i375mo. 559 7700 Our Specialty Since 1974 Get a Good Piece al 700 Listings ONE YR. SERVICE TOO! 645-0861 Open 8 8 lee HOPKINS 3 BEDROOM Garage, AC, carpeted, free. 430 avail 9 15 938-0458.
HOPKINS Honeywell-Knoll-wood area 2BR. newer dbl, avbt 9' 1, poss flex in 1 vr lease, 1375 428 2758 478-4747 HOPkVNW'BR twnhie, 7BA, gar, deck, 4.175ulls 9-1, 931- 6235 A dlx J-4 OR, 2 baih LR, DR, tarn rm, att dbl rr, app's, new const, avail Od seSO.mo, 474 8012 HUMBOLDl" Ave 238, 3br uor dup, ulil pd 1775., 379-2030 7-7 atl 7pm 475-0677 Jonn IRVING AVE nTWx, aft-active 7BR dup wnew cpl. kit remiKl new cabinets. 4275. Shown bv aopt 527 768! KENWOOD 2775 Irving, Iwr duplex, 4 BR 3 bath, living rm wlplc, DR, sunroom kil with eat area, pantry rac rm fpic, Indty.
storage? car park, cptd, AC 4700 mo 4- util 1 yr lease. 340-8215 da yV 4 3179 eves 4 wknds XCNWOOD dolx, James Ay elegant HI fir apl w2 BR, balh spactous 4 DR, wood burning tplc, lot kil. Indrv, gar, nr bus etc ulii pd ie-cept heal 4 phone) Pis call collect 5542 KENWOOD i 'area, 3BR, 2 8R. 'role, atl gar, close to bus 4 lakes 1400 so fl each 91,10, 1. 84 675 -66761 flars) KENWOOD Swy'iifil pd 3 BR every lux, AC, oar 4 option Dial A HomeFee 877-5566 NWCicB 4 BR 2 bth" all appl 4 much mote 10 1 Home Rental Sys 877 5821 tee fAKE OF THE "ISLES.
Seikng? Cheaper than owning, ig elegant 3 BR upper on me lake Many extras Adults 37 2373 I AKF 4 Dupont, upper dplx, 11750 2 BR 177 7437 all 4.30 I EE AV NO 2 BR, douhle garage, tutl bsmt, all applncs ava.i immed 4J63 Homes Corp 545 1J42 Sunset LK HARRIET 1 BLK lust 4.150 lor 2 BR fin bsml, appis garage 4 1' b'lths pialA-Horrwee 27556 74th 3BR, LR, tiR stvrefrig, hardwoud ft'l, neljVW 4395 ulils 377 2725 LYNbUE 4 siove 4 refrio Ref 4 deposit 51 7764, 521 8909 LVNDAlE 32i, 2 Br, hid, 1760. rPe's425 527 MONROE "lem NE, lovely 2BR dbl bung, beaut cond, 4275, no hdn544 70507070 MOUNDSViEW 2BR, appl. AC gar 4 tge deck 4350 Dial A HomeFee 877-5566 i Mols BR aopl. cpl, gar 4 3 season porch 4325 Dial-A -Home Fee 877-5566 1 NE Mpls 2BR ul A 4330 9 I 78s i dplx, sty, rtfr i 2586 aftj I NEW BRIGHTON 2 BR, separate yd 4 dr No pets Avail 91. 6740cali I J)56 I NEW Bnghl 24 BR appl, bsmt kids A pet', OK 4J50 Dial A Home-Fee NEWTON" AVK" IDR dup new cpl, kil w.
new cabinets, util turn 4725 Snowil by appl 52? 7681 MfOLl CT 4 42nd or pari turn. 2 BR up, 91, no pets 866 6143 NOKOMIS AREA Just 4735. appls cpl, gar, Wash 4 dryer pe's OK Dial A Homt-F ee NOKOMIS Lk eiea" sun rm gar, hi pd nat wood, 'crpld aval' 91, 440y5 9307 I OAKL AND cptd IBR up-uei 1150 ulns, no pats 755- 1659 IPILRCTIT NE, 4. 1200 3JI '88 I WJ'X PL A A 3641 Iwr sanded firs, mal apuls adults, i ai ok 4170 4 util 82 4 3947 SI NE 46x 3f)R, 456" mo 9 J56 1 5978 57 1 721 PRIOR ake, 3BRT appl, gar, id'v tac 4 "eat paid 6350 Diai A-HomeFee 827-5566 1 RiPhFiELDT 76oi Logan. gar, cpl siove, bsml No pets.
new 3Bif Immed OCcupenry al 449 5 i nis 890-9UI2 or I Save RentTbr ul pd Hom B'a' Svs 82 5821 fee Mpis 2 or appi 4175 Home Renlal Svs 827 5I2 MPL? Upcf "duo. J779 a 72JI J874 SOUTH Mnls 1175, 2BR bgio aupis, luH bsml kids OK Dia A-Home-f ee 87? 556 Louis fk nrTbo'i'Mika Blvd. 28R home balhs, pic A aupl gar, 4430 incl ht. reo 054 Sf dbl I') bam bsmt 4 gar 1350 497 3718 ST 'ANTHONY 2BR Cond). gar, adults heal 410, 781 7047 I SF VENS Great va'ue Large 2BR upper duplex, halt wd llrs, gcd avail 4770.
heal incl Na tug STEVENS SIBlh lovely uotr, ige yard, nr bus 4300 ulil In' 4 SunnvsioeVane 3 brTbih A aopi gai 4 more Home Rentaivs 827-5821 Fee VINCENT 14x. mature nn" gles or cpl. clean 7 BR uor dplx, lR OR. I be'h4300 4 58 5J94 bTchjM- Brand new kxurr i 1 i i I I ous 3 BR, 2 baths, trpic, tm rm 735 4288" 89 Gas. Tim Effort Houses Dpixs AH Areas Ail Prices' Home Rental Systems 1404 W.LAKE 877 587J Fee Low Cost Housing Rt ASONABI PRICES North South 4 Suburbs Section 8 OK Fee Dial-AHome 827-5566 I PRIOR LAKE, appls, crpl, i gar 4325 888 4770 (MX) 1 We IN 7 9 I 1800 sg ft Bavs.
drlve-in, stlp or dock door! avail. Entr- saving, office space to luitt. 1 79 occupancy 494 55 LOCATION MIKE VALENTINE 540-5546 NEW Freezer Storage Space Available lor Lease BEGINNING November, December 1979 Call 5 L. Conn between ft. 4, Mon-Pn.
tor turmar information. PROCESSED POTATOES 339-8981 BAY SIZES 1800 sq fl 2520 Iq ff, laOO so. II 5400 sq. fl. 6400 iq.
It. 7200 sq. ft. DOCK OR DRIVE-IN OFFICES TO SUIT PRIME SUBURBAN AREA 5355093 I Adiarent io Orin Thompson Boundary Creek 1200-6 100 SQ.FT. NOW AVAILABLE Maple Plata Shopping Center Phase II SCOTTLAND.INC.
445-3242, Robby Active Commercial Corner 1200OR 2300 SQ.FT. Will remodel to suit SC0TTLANDINC. 445-3242, Robby Now leasing 15 000-62 400 sq ft 20 ft ceiling, clear. Valley ImJ. Park, ShaKopee SCOTTLAND.INC.
445-3242, ROBBY 1lllSQ.Fl, WAREHOUSE SPACE Enclosed docks. II S' dear cell-ins SC01TLAND.INC. 445-3242, Robby OFFICE WAREHOUSE BURNSVILl 3. 000 iq ll including 5400 office 'deal lacititv fur manufec-tur ing or waretviusino oper -at ion One usar or win dU.oe nside loadiny docks with toad leveter, sprinklers AIM drive-In door and adequate parfcine 17)17 River wood Drive. Contact Happe Properties bvu aaw RIDLEY MM so ft oHice space A'C, carpeted paneled, w.lh HOC sq fl storage above M50MONTH includes Utilities 784 0608 784 275S MFC-Warehouse Space 7411 Fair view 1X70 sq fl 25BNFairvlew 2794 Fairvitw 7798 Falrview 4CI00 so ft' 12.100 sq fl TOO 40fl 16,000 'ISO ft 66 000 soft 193IWCoRdC? l933WCoRdC CO NO L7 6000 iqll WILL SUB DIVIDE Roberts Properliel 489-8801 New 17 000 sq ft whst, Hwvl 100 4 94, will divide, pmcts lo sulle Nr Brookdale, 100 sq fl lo 1400 sq tl new deluxe offices avail immed Rees priced.
Cell Tom McDonald. 588 4878 HON MANNING lilTK 318-1531 PRIME LOCATION 3. A 4 494 3 (MO SQ SO It lor Insurance real estate agencv. travel agency, ar-crtilec'urel firms or showroorris lor ottice machines Located lust behind Soulhtown Cotl IM Will fcr more informatictf PRIME OFFICE SPACE GOLDEN VALLEY PLYMOUTH SO0-IS0OO so ft, easy access, ample parmng Hwy 55 near Co Rd II 546 1 rratne 494 169 Primt office spact In newer bioo so ft Available Nov 1st Gary Crooks, 307-611 DAVID BELL CO 111 Approx 1BO0 sq ft whse space good romrn'Hrontaue JHU -ViAIN I Nt US0 month 784-0808 789-2758 FR'DLFY APPROX 3 300SQ FT Located in smad center Best Keies For ofhce or retail We are dealing GeneZumweit 571-1W7 MIDTOWN NEW OFFICE SPACE Now accepting leases on new oftnebidg tn Roseviiie Completion da' 12-11. te space 'rom SSC so to 5JC vu ft per vg ff 2nd fkor, W75 per SO ti ground lloor Heip plan vour own custom office now For appi kt Oftite iwite Small Offices with ietethone Receptiorist and answering Free Prtig ail utihtles incl.
Plus 7 larger offices on 2nd floor On Hwy 7 Near ICV ir, Cnritly H-UU or 44-V44 OFFICE SPACE BURNSV1LIE Parkway Ptace Ntccri let Av 4 BLfrnsiite Parkway 6irnsvines rwest and most preslio-oiis Cu.itJing Upo20O0 sq ft Seet 1st Cck-tct Haooe Properties 190 44 SO OFFICE SPACE till New bldg smtk or large, lease now choose your colors. Caa le a or Al. S3S 240 tl tt WANT to or touv I 1000 SQ atrtg traffic area. 1 Mpis we rfWA.se, otlH-e 4 retan store see Can ihtrier. Lee or wfcdyt WAREHOUSE Hwy 280atKasoUAve it 000 sq ft 70" ceittng, wr.nk-e'ed docks, 75W tl 'ait oHvtraei parking CaH Pat J17411 PENN-LOWRY JOO0 sq ft ChoKt retta ideal lor many businesses Tom Mc Doneid.
Fine condition, attrai live until Cak lor CD dela.il tteaiuret. 1 194 44 1777 DAVE WENTEL LOVELY IgT i. xpantion attic! niwil Wl lii.v.J iS4, EnolAvS 79-7421 Reggie Award winning I 4 BR residences in Edinas "Show piam' fievator, indoor pool healed Adults From S(62V Avail i YORK AV T'6400 Edint 7BR tux apt Avail imrned Sec Sv.t Cent neal 4 AC indoor pool sa ine tennis court, healed gar No children or pets. Can Mgr lur too 970-5722 SHORT TERM LEASE OuaHiy turn apis Set our ad Class 1421 83S 1279 or 927 4004 MCtBltT HOMES set up South 4 Southwest Own for cheaper t-sr non Smoker apt insurance '84 4292 01 786 5679 ii.ll wdwk, 1IW 47 6j(264i CHICAGO AV He 7 BR sun-porcn, natwdws 1230 872 7724 IN 'ON 3331. "dlox appls 4190 4 ulns 127 atl 6 Siove 4 relrig Appl 454 1758 NICOL LET 22-Loveiy ig 2 BR upper ni-eiy turn 4 dec I Adults 377-2J73 Hi'CoiJf 2BR apT, N.ioilei 4 25th ge Br Bus 119', 84 i43 1 btitroom condo New kitchen 4 balh.
Siove 4 relrn Newhr carpeted, spacious roomt On ciota downtown 4 ot an tan Mil l-e ca ut mi SOOTH PARK MLS 77148 Tl HH.