The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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k- 1 i 1 LA THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Momd 4y July 3 0 1954 in 14-6 6 IL 4 ith 17 TO I' it lister ees raves at a McINTIRE 7STROKE LOSER Cornelius ins iipen Title from Toledo Ohio saw her fine golf game go to shreds in almost every departmk-lt for a wild score of 82 It was a heart-breaking comedown from her spectacular finishing surge Saturday when she shot a three-underpar 71 to tie Mrs Cornelius for the title with a 72-hole score of 302 In the pressurized 18-hole playoff under a sun which baked the green to concrete hardness the brown-eyed brunette from v1 1 s' i' 10- kNIk -'4 i 1 'v it A 4 iti A' 'h 1 Nt t- iT1 A 1 oe" k'''S' V'e" 4'' 0''N s'''c-7'" i1 '1 rwito nk' 1 Nbr N''''s4 5Ak) 'k 4 ''4 '''I 4 tt? s's 'kNs i I 4 4 4' -i mo 4- A A 'N' 4' i 1 '4 Ns ki 1 4' :9:: :4 1 4 I Mli i i ii I IN I NM tiger Andrews meets Billy Thursday night at Park Center 10-rounder promoted by Cecil (center) (Staff HE'S MY Trainer Danny Spunt (right) explains that his fighter Al Andrews deft) should be used to the glare of photographers' flood lights fought on TV 22 times" bubbled fIR :41 :14 7:: 1:: ks1' 4' 4 i :1 ttaRalm- idoi 17-- ir tic 1 A tk le t4 4 4' v44 ::::1: ''1'1'': xi4 3 Al) MORE RIGHT HAND LEADS Andrews Kilgore Is A Must battering Billy Andrews has his eye on a return go with Joey Glanibria Ile lost to Glatnbria In Norfolk (seen on local TV) last January Al always likes to get in a good word for his manager Ike Bernstein the oldest active fight skipper alive "Ike says he's 79" laughs Andrews "but he was 77 when KATHY GOT Kathy Cornelius (left) and amateur Barbara McIntire got a close look at the Women's National Open golf trophy before their 18hole playoff Sunday But Mrs Cornelius Lake Worth Fla will get the longest look She beat Babs of Toledo by seven strokes for the title and chunk of goldpiale (AP Wirephoto) Reds Sweep Pair To Gain In Race its I signed him in 1952 He just hates to get over into that 80 class" Charlotte promotor Cecil liarris in on the picture session asked Andrews if he'd like to own a few more pounds and get into the juicy heavyweight pic- ture since Rocky Marciano's retirement "No I'll tell you" said Al Milwaukeems MILWAUKEE 1 PHILADELPHIA Ab 11 0 Al Ab 0 A O'Clil311 5 1 4 31 Ashburnof 5 3 5 0 Pailiolf 5 2 3 0 Hamorab 4 I 3 3 Mths83b 4 0 1 11 Loratalb 4 I 8 0 Aarehrl 4 1 2 Oi Blaylklb 0 0 1 0 Acirotk113 1 0 7 Ir Ennis11 5 1 I 0 TMPIIIC1 4 0 0 0 1 Jones3b 3 1 2 1 Logaiss 4 I I GnAirssrf 3 2 2 0 Crantilc 3 0 3 01 Semneke 3 1 7 0 Soahrp 3 I 2 II smaleyss 2 2 0 2 CrohoP 0 0 0 0 Simonsp 4 0 0 1 aftice 1 0 0 1 TOWS 34 1 IA 111 Tothis 34 12 8 third strike for Crone in Rh Mi 000 000-2 1'10104019W 110 00 0 03x-5 12-9alito Spahn Ashburn Jones Green grass Seminick Smalley Smaller Logan Ashburn 2 Pane 2 Smalley 2 Jones-Logan 2 Aaron O'Connell and Adco*ck 2 Smalley Hamner and Lopata 9 Philadelphia '11 Spahn 1 Crone 1 Simmons 4 2 61111110116 7 1-10--Spahn 11 in 7 13 Crone 4 In 5-5 Srmons 2-2 (76 Landss Boggess Crawford A-16q72 Danny of his Kilgore It's a Harris Blackwelder) I 5 1 ti 1 1 I tos0640sote Hornet Hurling Shoddy BY DICK PIERCE Obs beetle Writer Jacksonville's Sally League lead ers methodically chopped out 17 hits to bury Charlotte's Hornets Sunday afternoon 14-6 A glum crowd of 1926 saw every man in the Braves' lineup hit safely except pitcher Don Jaber and the pint-sized hurler got Into the carrousel by scoring a pair of runs The triumph was Jacksonville's 12th out of 20 games with the Bees and winds up scheduled action between the two clubs for this season Jaber a righthander who was routed by the Hornets his last appearance against them had choked the Stingers with a shutout until the eighth Doubles by Harmon Killebrew and Bob Allison sandwiched around a single by Ken Wood finally broke up his scoreless skein in the eighth The fusilade was good for two runs Jaber was finally driven out In the ninth with Harry Warner propelled a grandslam homer behind a walk to Johnny Alan and singles by Gene Verb le and Johnny Grice Ace reliefer Spec Padgett stalked on to stifle the next three batters however and end it It was Spec's appearance of the season Garland Shifflett started for Charlotte and was tapped for four runs in working six innings He took the loss his tOth as against nine wins and seventh out of his last eight starts Red Norwood surrendered one Jax run in the seventh and the Braves fattened up their averages considerably when Dwight Feintster a newcomer righthander was given a two-inning look-see in the eighth and ninth Fe imster formerly in the Cincinnati chain was tapped for six hits and six runs in the eighth and three hits and three runs In the ninth Charlotte's sixrun explosion in the eighth and ninth was too little too wasted! Verb le back in the lineup after a fiveday respite cracked two singles and walked twice and Grice had a pair of singles The Hornets open a three-game set with Savannah here tonight The Bees have won 16 of 17 games with the Red legs this season and will use Evilio Lopez in quest of No 17 JACKSONVILLE I CHARLOTTE Ab 0 AI Ab 0 A Phillipscf 4 I 8 0 Verblem 3 2 5 I Morganss 5 2 I Gricerf I 2 I I Pepleslf 5 1 1 0 Warnerlb 5 I A I Thosnlb 5 4 It 01 Kilbrw31) 5 I 1 2 13rbrto3b 5 2 0 21 WoodIf 5 1 1 0 Gentryrf 3 I 01 Montivoc 5 I 5 0 Charls21) 5 2 3 31 Allisonr1 4 I 5 A Roarkec 4 2 4 01 1)ram2b 4 I 3 2 Jaherm 3 0 0 51 Shilletp 1 0 0 I Padgettp 0 0 0 01 Norwoodg 0 0 0 I i aMateia 0 0 0 A 1Feimster 0 0 0 0 1 bMarr 0 0 0 0 Totals 42 17 27 121 Totals 37 10 27 for Norwood in 7th for Feimater in 9th Jacksonville 100 103-11 Charlotte 000 000 024-- Morgan 2 Thompson Barbarito 2 Gentry 3 Charles Roarke 2 Verb le Grice Warner Killebrew Wood Mari Charles Ve Mister Allison Barbarito 2 Roark 3 Thompson 2 Charles Morgan 3 Wood Allison Warner 4 Warner Allison Charles Jaber Roarke 'y)ifflett 2 Jaber 4 Norwood I 4 Jaber 4 7 In 6 Norwood 1 in 1 Feemster 9 in 2 Jaber 10 in 8 (faced four batters in 9) Padgett 0 In 1 (4-0 Norwood Felmster (95) Jaber (6-6) LOB Tacksonville 7 Charlotte 9 Felmster (6-3) (9-10) Neudecker and Van Hook A1926 Augusta 042 IA Knoxville 200 MI 3 DI I Mimi) and Streuill Ratty Mann (34 Carden (5) Dodeward OD and Alle Keegan Savannah 1110 000 600-2 11 11 Columbia 100 102 001-4 0 1 Haden and Schmidt Johnson Biala (9) and Williams Macon 000 MO 011-3 1 Columbus 000 000 000 3 1 Gushanas and Miami Burack GNP taint 191 and Gaspar Olympic Swim Try-outs Slated Junior Olympic swimming workouts will be held each night at the Municipal pool between 6 and 7 tn All youngsters between 8 and 16 are invited to try out for teams The Junior Olympics will be held here Aug 10-11 It is being sponsored by the Charlotte Jaycees and the teams are being coached by Duke Burg and Misses Carolyn Guthrie and Mary Nesbit A r-41 frJA 3 DA 'ONiGHT I k161111EIS SAVANNAH GA lo do ILI 111 11 "SE BA Li Alit toNIGHT ---1 HORNETS SAVANNAH ef GA 7:43 40s ler Igue lead-xi out 17 Hornets saw every ineup hit on Jaber got into a pair of with clubs who was last ap ad choked lout until Killebrew ed around id finally skein in was good lven out Warner homer tny Alan rble and Difer Spec stifle the ver and apirted for for four Mtgs He is against Dut of his lered one I and the averages ht inder was iee in the the Cin41 for six eighth ree runs plosion in too little imp after cked two vice and ngles tonight 17 games ason and quest of ITTE Ab 0 A 3251 5211 5 10 1 5 1 1 2 i 5 1 5 0 4 1 5 A 4132 1 0 0 1 e0 0 0 1 0 0 A 00 0 0 0 37 10 27 1 361 163-14 000 TIPS011 Roarke 2 rew 'Wood meter Alli2 Roark an 3 Wood 'do Warner iarke I dt 7 in 0 in 2 Jaber 9 Padgett 1 Norwood 6-61 LOB A130-10 IA 1 3 10 1 Many 431 McKeetan 600-2 11 001-4 0 neon Male 011-3 '1 006 3 1 grack Gee 111 ed ling work-night at een 6 and between try out will be is being Jaycees coached Carolyn mlorsIENHP tkRO 'r -1-pl 01i'' 01 A Ai '''1't: At' v'' iNf -ty- --10 nsn--- 4 I -rmi z- 0tol (1011s: 40-: 44 "''f' J'- 0ifor -l 404 it m041144-': :::5:: tillif sitt: Ze'' f) 0-- 40-4 -i--: -Elik'44 L44 1::: 44 300Or '0414 wise calm and deliberate Miss McIntire Coming to this hole four strokes behind she herself three-putted for a five which sent her away trailing by six Mrs Cornelius picked up a seventh stroke on the lath hole where the shaken Barbara again missed the green The last two holes were halved in par The new champion is a slightly built attractive young woman with a short hair-do an unorthodox swing and a deliberate unsmiling approach to the game This was the first National Open for Mrs Cornelius a professional of less than two years who was little knot until the last few months Mrs Cornelius started shakily needing five shots to reach the first green and having to sink a six-foot putt for a bogie five And she lost a stroke on the fifth when she three-putted from about 30 feet But starting with the seventh and going through the lath she played II holes in two-underpar Her birdies came on the Ilth where she chipped within four feet for a four and on the 15th where she sank her long putt For Al Fy DICK PIERCE Observer Sports Writer Al Andrews a handsome healthy young man who makes his living with a pair of rock-hard fists patiently accepted directions from the photographer "You oughta know about this posing business" jibed Trainer Danny Spunt "After all you're almost a movie on TV 22 times" And Al Andrews who takes on rugged Billy Kilgore In the main go of Thursday night's Park Center mitt card wouldn't look at all out of place on a four-color theater poster He's that unmarked from five years of fighting some of the best the middleweight division has to offer What about Kilgore the cagey veteran whom he outslugged for a split decision last February? "Well there's one thing to remember about Kilgore" smiled Andrews "he can hit hurt every punch in the book "I made a mistake in our February fight led with my right Pow! He countered with a right and I saw every star in the heavens "If I lead with my right Thursday night you can say Andrews is ready to hang 'em up" Al a Superior Wisconsin boy now fighting out of St Paul Minn admits that a loss to Kilgore would seriously disrupt his plans "This middleweight division is up for grabs" he thinks "Man I'd like to get to Robinson (Champion Sugar Ray) before (Gene) Fullmer Anybody who can pressure Robinson for 10 can beat him I'm confident Sugar's legs won't take more than that "Fullmer? Yeah I fought Fullmer Lost to remember it was In Ogden Utah and you'd personally have to carry Fullmer outta the ring on a stretcher to beat him out there "Funny thing when I was at the Chicago airport going to Ogden I met Del Flanagan who was coming in from a fight Del had fought Fullmer a coupla months before and he proceeds to give me the lowdown "I nearly died laughing when Del said 'He (Fullmer) runs like a have to catch him' "Now Flanagan is a great bicycle artist himself and I couldn't see Fullmer running from him But ya know he was right Fullmer took off and I had to chase him for 10 rounds And who gets the decision? Why the state of Utah!" After Kilgore if he beats Hoad Davidson Score Victories HAMBURG Lew Hoad surrendered a set to Werner Helmrieh of Germany Sunday and then quickly crushed him in three fast sets to lead the parade of favorites into the fourth round of the German International tennis championships The scores were 2-6 6-2 6-1 6-1 Road is top-seeded Sven Davidson of Sweden No 4 crushed Lothar Butting of Germany 6-1 6-2 6-4 Ohio constantly overshot the greens pitched poorly and failed to make important putts On the other hand Mrs Cornelius played brilliantly after a shaky start On one stretch of holes on the bank nine the 11th through the 15th she one-putted five straight greens a tribute to her chipping finesse All but one of these putts was under four feet the exception being a 25-foot sidehill roller for a three on the 15th This was the stroke which cracked the spirit of the other Card Run 3-2 NEW YORK Stan Musiars single scored Don Blasingame for a 3-2 St Louis victory over the New York Giants in the 10th inning Sunday as Al Dark led the attack on his old mates with four hits Dark former Giant shortstop had three singles and a double among the Cards' 10 hits off Johnny Antonelli Mary Grissom and loser Hoyt Wilhelm After Blasingame beat out a hit with one out in the tenth Dark reached up to hit a high pitch for a single Musial then singled to right scoring Biagio-game The Giants had a chance to win it in the last of the ninth when Daryl Spencer and Foster Castleman singled with two out But pinch-hitter Bobby Hofman grounded to Dark Willie Mays hit his 16th home run off winner Tom Poholsky in the fourth but Bobby Del Greco tied the score in the fifth with his sixth homer ST LOUIS Ab 0 Blitme2b 4 1 4 Darks0 5 4 4 Musla 111) 5 1 13 Boyerlb 4 2 0 NEW YORK 0 Al Ab 0 0 A 4 4 Brand111 3 0 1 0 4 31 Milerr1 5 0 2 0 3 11Schndst211 5 3 3 4 41 Maysef 5 2 1 0 0 01 Whitelb 3 0 (3 0 0 01 Sarnix 2 0 4 1 0 01 eRhodes 1 0 0 0 0 01 Westrme 1 0 3 0 4 11 Spor3bss 4 2 1 3 4 Ol 13rssoudss 2 0 2 0 0 dThompso 0 0 0 1 11 rOsimn315 1 1 0 0 01 Antonilim 2 0 1 01 eWilson 1 0 0 Orissom15 0 0 I 1 hHolman 1 0 0 I WilhelmP 0 0 0 ftplatuIf 4 1 0 Moonrt 2 aSauer 0 0 0 BlAmnrf 1 0 0 Cooperx 4 0 4 DGreoef 3 1 4 gReetext 1 0 0 PhishYm 3 0 I illatten 1 0 0 Jackaonp 0 0 0 Totals 37 10 30 14i Totals 38 30 12 for Moon in atb for Sauer in 6th out for Sarni ip 7th for Bressoud in 7th out for Antonelli in 7th for Thompson in 7th out for Grissom in clih up for Poholski in Inth Si Louis New York 000 fill 000 1-3 Ogg 100 190 02 Dark Del Greco Mays 2 Del Greco Boyer Musial 2B--Dark Repulski Mays Del Greco SB- Castleman Spencer Schoendienst and White Bressoud Schoendienst and White Dark Blasingame and Musial Antonelli Sarni and White Left--St Louis 8 New York 8 BB--Poholskly 2 Antonell 3 Grissom 1 SO--Ponolsky 4 Antonelli 3 Grissom 2 Wilhelm 1 HO--Poholsky 7 in 9 Jackson I in 1 Antonelli 7 in 7 Grissom 0 in 2 Wilhelm 3 in I 21 Jackson OA Antspeill 2-2 Grissom 0-0 Vtilhelm 1-1 149 PoholskY (140 Secory 1-251 A-8517 DULUTH Minn Petite Mrs Kathy Cornelius of Lake Worth Fla used her chipping iron as an instrument of smothering pressure Sunday and defeated amateur Barbara McIntire by seven strokes in a scatter shot playoff for the Women's National Open golf championship Mrs Cornelius deadly around the greens fired a one-over-par 75 over the Northland Country Club's so-called "Junior Alps" while the 21-year-old Miss McIntire a pretty college coed Brooks Win First Fall In Nightcap BROOKLYN --41111-- Brooklyn's eight-game winning streak and Chicago's six-game 'losing string were snapped Sunday as the Cubs took the second game 4-2 after losing the 1-0 opener on Pee Wee Reese's eighth-inning home run Both Bob Rush of the Cubs and Don Newcombe of the Dodgers won their 100th major league games in the doubleheader witnessed by 21792 fans Reliefer 'Turk Lown retired pinch-hitter Newcombe and Junior Gilliam in the ninth to save Rush after the Brooks loaded the bases The split left Brooklyn in third place four full games behind Milwaukee going into an important four-game series with the Braves that opens tonight at Ebbets Field 1 Chicago knocked out Sandy Kou' fax in the three-run third inning The Cubs added another run in the fifth when Don Hoak doubled and Gilliam let Ernie Banks' grounder roll through his legs The Dodgers suddenly awoke in the seventh on back-to-back homers by Gil Hodges and Sandy Amoros The opener was a tight battle between Newcombe and Jim Davis Each pitcher gave only five hits Reese's game-winner gave Newcombe of his 15th victory (FIRST GAME) CMCAGO I BROOKLYN Ab 0 AI Ab 0 A Drakect 4 01 Githam2b 4 0 4 3 Baker2b 4 2 Reesem 4 1 2 1 Yondylb 4 Oi Ferndesa 0 0 0 0 Banksss 4 2 2 1 3 0 Morynr1 3 01 Furittoxf 4 0 3 0 Kine11 2 01 Jacken3b 3 0 1 4 Roak3b 3 21 Hodzeslb 3 2 10 0 ChitLe 3 Oi Amorocli 3 0 1 0 Davis0 3 01 Cmplicc 3 1 3 1 I Nwcmbea3 2 0 0 1 Totals 30 5 24 II Totals 20 II 27 10 Mica's OM Me 000-0 Brooklyn 000 000 011-1 Hodges 2 Fondy and Hodges Banks Baker and Fonds 5 Brooklyn Davis 3 Newcombe 2 5 Newcombe 2 11 be (15-5) (3-5) Dixon Donate Ili Gorman A-19- 000 (estimated) (SECOND GAME) CHICAGO I BROOKLYN Ab 0 Al Ab 0 A Drakee1 5 1 3 01 Gilliam2b 5 Roak3b 3 1 2 2 Reesest 4 Fondylb 5 I 10 1 Snidercf 4 Banksss 4 2 0 21 Furillor1 4 Intin11 2 0 3 01 Jackson3b 4 Morynct 4 I 2 01 llodseslb 3 Miksts2b 3 1 I 21 Amorosli 4 Chttlx 4 I 5 th Walicerc 3 RushP 3 0 1 01 bFernades 0 LOW00 1 0 0 11 Cmpnliac 0 Koutax as 0 Bessantp 1 'Nelson I DrysdleP 0 cRobinson I I Labinep 0 i dNwcmbe 1 Totals 34 I 27 31 Totals 33 for up Bessant in 5th for Walker in 7th for Drysdale in 7th out for Labine in Oth 271 Chic a re Brooklyn 003 OM 000-4 000 000 200-2 Hoak 2 Banks Hodges Amoros Githam Irvin Ko(iges Amoros Drake Banks Hoak Jackson Amoroil 8 Brooklyn 8 1 Lows I Koufax 2 Ben-sent 1 Drysdale 1 Lows 3 Koufax 2 Bessent I Labine 4 5 in 2-1 Lows 3 in 2 1-3 Koufax 4 in 2 1-3 Bessent 2 in 2 2-3 Drysdale 1 in 2 Labine I in R-ER--Rush 2-2 Lows 0-0 Koufax 3-1 Bessent 1-0 Drysdale 0-0 Labine 0-0 W--Rush (9-5) I--Koufax 0-31 Donatelli Gorman PinCIL A-21793 Becker GPIs Top Billing George Becker will have his work cut out for him tonight at Park Center when he engages rough Karl Von Hess in the wrestling feature The big Prussian has a steady win streak in the South and will be out for blood A tag team affair highlights the under card It matches Jack Vansky and Buddy Lee against Dick Steinborn and Wally Lamb Jack Witzig and Red Lyons get the show underway at 8:30 The card In nutshellt MAIN EVENT George Becker Brook bin vs Earl Von Hess Germany Two tares falls 60 minutes Jack Vansky Camden and Buddy Lee New York vs Dick Steinborn Orlando and Wally Lamb rboesus Two of three 45 OPFNLII Jerk WA Milwaukee "is Red Lyons Akron One tall PITTSBURGH The Cincinnati Red legs swept a doubleheader from the Pittsburgh Pirates Sunday winning 32 in the second game on a tie-breaking ninth inning double by Smoky Burgess after posting a 6-1 decision in the first game behind the fourhit pitching of Brooks Lawrence The power-packed second place Red lels got only one extra base 71 hit Burgess' double as they Drives chalked up a record of four straight victories over the Pirates I Cl I 1 11 MC 111" in the current five-game series Musial Drives In Clinching SAFE Greengrass of the Phillies reaches second safely on steal in Philadelphia-Milwaukee galte Sunday Shortstop Johnny Logan takes late throw from catcher Del Crandall (AP Wirephoto) EIGHTH INNING SPLURGE "First I'd like to be able to light like give me those pounds "I'm satisfied in this middleweight division There's money in it and before I'm through I just might fill me a pot full" But first there's throws a beautiful right hand counter Baseball Statistics AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet Cork 66 30 688 and 56 38 596 1 53 42 558 48 44 522 tore 43 53 448 43 53 448 ngton 38 60 388 City 34 61 358 GB 9 New York Cleveland Boston Chicago Baltimore Detroit Washington Kansas City 121i 19 23 23 29 311(2 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pet GI uken 56 34 622 natt 56 39 589 2' yn 54 40 574 4 uis 46 47 495 111 legh 43 50 462 141 elphia 43 51 457 15 40 52 435 17 Cork 32 57 360 231 Milwaukee Cincinnati Brooklyn St Louis Pittsburgh Philadelphia Chicago New York SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE Pet GB Jacksonville 60 38 612 Columbus 53 41 546 CHARLOTTE 50 48 510 10 Macon 49 49 500 11 Columbia 50 51 495 11 Augusta 47 49 490 12 Knoxville 41 55 -427 18 Savannah 41 57 418 19 RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland 3-4 Baltimore 0-0 Chicago 11-6 Boston 2-3 Detroit 6-1 Washington 0-4 New York 5 Kansas City 3 NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 6-3 Pittsburgh 1-2 Brooklyn 1-2 Chicago 0-4 St Louis 3 New York 2 (10) Philadelphia 5 Milwaukee 2 SALLY LEAGUE Jacksonville 14 Charlotte 6 Columbia 4 Savannah 2 Macon 3 Columbus 0 Augusta 16 Knoxville 3 CAROLINA LLAUCE 11I-Toms 1 Greensboro 0 Kinston 5 Fayetteville 2 Durham 4 Winston-Salem 2 Wilson 7 Danville 3 SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Memphis St Atlanta 4 Birmingham Pli Montgomery 8 New Orleans 111 Nashville Mobile 11 Chattanooga 10 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Miami Ss Montreal 4 Richmond Ss Rochester 3 Havana 2 Toronton I Columbus It Buffalo AMERICAN ASSOCIATION at Charleston (rain) St Paul 9 Louisville 1 Indianan(' lis 5 Wichita 3 Today's Games NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee at Brooklyn (night) Bahl (13-0 vs Craig (10-1) Chicago at Philadelohis Hacker (2-1) and Valentinottl C5-1) TS Roberta (10-11) and Haddis Cincinnati at Pittsburgh (14) vs Penner 11-0) Only games scheduled AMERICAN LEAGUE New York at Clore land (13-4w vs Lemon (13-7) Baltimore at Kansas City Moore Nil vs Burnett') 1244 Boston at lbw au 4 -4) Trurk I 4-41 or Minor )0-1) Only fames scheduled Phi is Throttle Braves On Sinai ley's Hit 5-2 Smalley's triple in the eighth inning broke up a tie ball game and gave the Philadelphia Phillies a 5-2 victory over the league-leading Milwaukee Braves Sunday decisions scored ahead of Pafko It was Smalley's second three bagger of the game and scored Granny Hamner singled home Willie Jones and Andy Seminick Ashburn who had doubled in the who had walked Richie Ashburn's first In the second Jim Green- grass scored when Ashburn's pop single brought in Smalley to wind fly cropped for a tainted single things up Southpaw Curt Simmons was the The Braves' lead over the run- winner The Phillies hit Spahn nerup Cincinnati Rediegs dwindled freely through seven and a third to two and a half games as the innings Redlegs swept a doubleheader with The Phillies have now won nine the Pittsburgh Pirates Brooklyn's of their 15 games with the Braves split with Chicago left the Dodgers the only club in the league show four games back ing a credit against the Milwau decisions scared ahead of Granny Hamner singled home Ashburn who had doubled in the first In the second Jim Green-grass scored when Ashburn's pop fly dropped for a tainted single Southpaw Curt Simmons was the winner The Phi Hies hit Spahn freely through seven and a third innings The Phi llies have now won nine of their 15 games with the Braves the only club in the league showing a credit against the The second game loss was charged to the Pirate starter Vernon Law who gave up all 11 Cincinnati hits and was yanked in the ninth after Burgess had tapped him for his double In the first game Lawrence gave up only four hits (FIRST GAME) CINCINNATI I PITTSBURGR Ab I 0 Al Ab 0 Tmle 213 4 2 I 21 Virdonc1 4 0 4 Poste 5 1 3 Oi Walls11 4 I 5 RhsonIf 3 0 3 01 Chmkterf 3 I Kizskilb 4 3 9 011009Ib 4 0 A ejeffroat 0 0 0 01 Thr(msM) 3 1 I Crowelb 6 0 0 1 Follesx 3 I 4 Bellc1 3 I 3 0 E0110ss I 0 3 Balleye 5 I 4 01 aLynch I I 0 Thiski313 4 0 0 II C01030 0 ft 0 Brdie331) 0 0 I 01 Mzski21) 2 0 2 51011015 4 I 2 bSkinner I 6 Lwrnee0 3 0 I JO'Brn213 0 0 0 Friendp 2 0 I I Waterp I A 0 1 lings 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 1 4 0 2 0 I 2 0 1 1 I Totals 9 27 101 Totals 29 for O'Brien in gth out for Mazeroski in gth for Kluszewski in 9th 4 27 12 Cincinnati Ino lAn on-6 Pittsburgh 000 100 MX1-1 Post Robinson Kluszewski McMillan Lawrence Walls O'Brien Long 2 Bailey Cle mente Temple Bell 2 O'Brien Lawrence Thomas Mazeroski and Long 9 Pittsburgh 3 3 Waters 3 SO Friend 3 Law rence 2 9 in 0 1-3 Waters 0 in 2 King 0 in 2-3 9-6 Waters 00 King 0-a Lawrence 1-11 Lawrence 05-2) (12-9k IT Core Jackowski Delmore Conlan (SECOND (AME) CINCINNATI PITTSBURG0 Ab 0 AS 61 0 Te'pleTh 4 2 4 11 Virdoncf 4 1 4 Th'eanr1 5 3 0 0' Col sa 4 2 0 triftS001f 3 1 4 01 Walia41f 3 0 4 Kluskilb 4 0 3 2 Thomas311 4 2 2 Benxi 5 2 0 0 Clronter1 3 I 1 Burgesse 4 I 8 0' Eonclb 4 0 6 Jahlski31) 3 0 I 41 Sheoartte 4 0 5 eBalley I 0 0 01 JO'Bro21) 3 I 4 Bridas313 0 0 I 01 dSkinner I 0 0 MeMlnaa 5 I 4 31 Lawp 3 I Grossp 2 0 I 11 Polletta 0 t) aCrowe I I 0 01 GIMP 0 0 0 bsteffeoat 0 0 0 01 eLynch I 0 0 Fremom 0 0 1 01 Te'ole2b Th'eanrt R'insonli Kluskilb Benxi Buraesse Jahlski3b rBalley Briclas3b Me Mlnsa Grosso aCrowe bieffeoat Fremnp Totals 37 II T7 Totals 34 7 T7 for Gross in 8th bRan for Crowe in gth out for Jablonski in gth out for O'Brien in 9th out for King in 9th 6 rinrinnall I100 010 001-3 000 010 100-2 Thurman Reit Virdon O'Brien McMillan O'Brien Jablonski Cole 2 Burgess Burgess inson Virdon Temple 14 Pittsburgh 0 5 Gross 1 Freeman 1 4 Pullet 1 Gross 7 Freeman 1 7 in 7 Freeman 0 in 2 Law II in Pollet 0 in 1-3 Hint 0 in I-3 2-1 Freeman 0-0 Law 3-3 Poliet King OA Freeman (a-3) (112) ski Delmore Conlon Gore The Braves had tied the game at 2-2 in the fifth on veteran Andy Pafko's 200th major league home run Warren Spahn who took his eighth defeat in 18 Americans Win Davis Cup Test VICTORIA Canada salvaged a final singles match of the Davis Cup American zone semifinals Sunday as Paul Willey of Vancouver trounced Barry MacKay of the University of Michigan 14-6 6-4 6-3 8-6 The United States won the semifinals and a berth in the American zone finals agaist Mexico 4-1 Ilam Richardson took the fourth straight win for the liar lives with a 6-4 6-4 13-11 triumph over Bob Bedard of Sherbrooke Que 1 6 a tolitrarigai 01044 armi4ftPlmftoftAkakee 401101'04kok0ft dftntrilibelbOupalM11A1Mmtik boau.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.