RHCG - Joining a video clinic (Attend Anywhere (2025)

RHCG - Joining a video clinic (Attend Anywhere (1)

Click here for instructions on how to join your video clinic using Attend Anywhere / Near Me (pdf)then find your clinic in the list below.Remember:It is important that your child is present for a remote appointment so that they can take part and have a chance to be heard.

The video call is free (except for your internet usage).Smartphone and tablet users - If you can, connect to a home or work Wi-Fi network to avoid using your mobile data allowance.

To make your video call you need to use a pc / laptop / tablet / smartphone with a camera:

  • Google Chrome web browser on a desktop or laptop, or on an Android tablet or smartphone
  • Safari web browser on an Apple iMac, MacBook, iPad, or iPhone

What do I do if something is not working? Visit https://nhs.attendanywhere.com/troubleshooting

Links for joining each clinic are listed below - Please make sure that you are accessing the right department for your child's appointment.

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Allergy Service

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/allergynurses
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Burns Nursing Service

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGCPaedsBurnsNurse
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/spcs-nhsggc-paediatric-cardiology
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Chest Wall: Scottish National Chest Wall Service

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGCChestWall
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Cleft and Craniofacial Team

  1. Click on the link for your clinic: https://nhsattend.vc/nhsggccleft
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Cleft Surgeons

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/cleftsurgeons
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/paediatricdermatology
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGCCYPDS
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGCEndocrine
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

ENT General

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/ENTgeneral
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Brachial Plexus Injury Service

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/AdultPlexus
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/PaedGast
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

General Surgery / GI

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/paediatricgeneralsurgerygi
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/paedhaematology
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Immunology /ID Service

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGC/PaediatricImmunologyID
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Service

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGC/PaediatricMetabolic
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Medical Paediatrics

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/ggcmedicalpaediatrics
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Nephrology (Renal)

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/PAEDNEPH
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGCPaedNeurology
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/paedneuro
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic: https://nhsattend.vc/paeophtha
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGC/PaedOMFS
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/PaedOrth
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic: https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGC/PaedOrthotics
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic: https://nhsattend.vc/rhcphysio
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Plastic Surgery

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGC/PaedPlasSurg
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Respiratory Medicine

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/rhcpaedrespiratory
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Respiratory / Sleep Physiology Lab

  1. Click on the link for your clinic: https://nhsattend.vc/clinic9
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Rheumatology, Glasgow & Clyde

  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGC/PaediatricRheumatologyGlasgow
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Specialist Children's Services

  1. Click on the link for your clinic: https://nhsattend.vc/SCSRHC
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready


  1. Click on the link for your clinic:https://nhsattend.vc/NHSGGCPaedUrology
  2. click the Start video call button and follow instructions
  3. Wait in your own private video room
  4. Your healthcare provider sees you arrive in the waiting area queueand joins you in your video room when they are ready

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 12 January 2021

Next review: 11 June 2024

RHCG -  Joining a video clinic (Attend Anywhere (2025)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.