Rachael Yadira Rivera, OLMSTED COUNTY DEPT (2024)

`Case Type: 44 Support
`Court File No(s).:
`IV—D Case No. 001447770502
`County of Olmsted and
`Joseph Lawrence McShan
`This matter came before the undersigned judicial officer on
`for default without hearing.
`Based upon the records and.files herein, the court makes the following:
`The name(s), addressfes), and date(s) ofTbirth is/are as follows:
`Joseph Lawrence McShan
`* 136 Sandbar Ct Ne Unit B
`ERochester, MN 5590642653
`*jDate of{Birth: 04/10/1991
`'Yadira Rivera
`* Rachael
`* 1162 Edgerton St # 2
`Saint' Paul, MN 55130—3607
`* Date of Birth: 03/27/1991
`The Social Security Numbers incorporated herein are listed on the
`Confidential Information Form on file with the courtJ
`This is an action for establishment.of Child.Support.under:Minnesota
`Statutes, section 256.87.
`jurisdiction over
`The State of Minnesota has personal
`the following and
`the Summons and Complaint was properly served as
`Joseph Lawrence McShan was persOnally served in Minnesota with the
`IV~D Case No: 001447770532
`Doc ID? 109C5005000000194Z


`Summons in this action.
`* Rachael Yadira Rivera was personally served in Minnesota with the
`Summons in this action.
`Joseph Lawrence_McShan was personally served the Summons and Complaint
`on 05/21/2022.
`* More than tWenty—One (2 ) days have elapsed from the original service
`'of the Summons and Complaint and Joseph Lawrence McShan did not
`Rachael Xadira Rivera was served the Summons and Complaint on
`* More than twenty-one (21) days have elapsed from the original service
`of the Summons and Complaint and Rachael Yadira Rivera did not
`Joseph Lawrence McShan is not an active member of the Armed Services of
`the United States.
`Rachael Yadira Rivera is not an active member of the Armed Services of
`the United States.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan and Rachael Yadira Rivera are the parents of the
`following joint child(ren):
`Jadalynn A. Mcshan.
`DOB 07/02/2013
`"'0 The joint child(ren"),
`.r'e,si»de,ig(f'=s} wifith- Racha'el. Eadira River.a.~
`lms:e1 County had previously initiated a
`legal action in Court
`to establish child support for Jadalynn. This act;on "
`dism;ssed by the court on 02/0l/202l as
`the parties were
`ll" Rachael Xadira Rivera submitted.an application'for medical assistanCe
`on December 2, 2021.and an application.for cash assistance on January
`20, 2022. She did not list Joseph Lawrence McShan as part of her
`household- It is unknown when they separated. Rachel Yadira Rivera has
`not returned any documents'to the child.support office.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan and Rachael Yadira Rivera signed a Recognition
`of Parentage for the following_301nt child(ren):
`Jadalynn A..Mcshan
`Signed by Rachael Yadira Rivera on 12/27/2013
`Signed by Joseph Lawrence McShan On.l2/27/20l3
`IV~D Case No: 001443770502
`Doc ID? 109C5005000000194Z


`Joseph Lawrence.McShan's total monthly household expenses are unknown.
`14. Rachael Yadira Rivera's total monthly household expenses are unknown.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's last.known.employer is:
`Rochester Motor Co
`Rochester Ford/toyota
`4900 Highway 52 N
`Rochester, MN 55901e0163
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's monthly income received is $2773.00. Said
`income was determined by:
`* Hourly wage of $16.00 per hour, based on 40 hours per week.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's monthly gross.income as calculated under
`Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.29 is $2773.00.
`18. Rachael Yadira Rivera receives:
`* MFIP Cash, creating an assignment under Minnesota and Federal Law.
`For the month of 02/2022,
`the MFIP (TANF) cash grant amount was
`$751.00 per month. This amount may vary from month to month. From
`02/01/2022 to 04/30/2022, $2253.00 of Cash Assistance has been
`expended. During this time period,
`0 months were Non-Cash or
`Non—Public Assistance.
`* Medical Assistance.
`,Rachael, :Xad'ira Rivera's last known employer is:
`lllies Nohava Heinen Prop Mgmt
`IIriih Property Mgmt
`175'7th Ave S
`Waite Park,IMN'56387-1362
`20. Rachael Xadira Rivera is:
`* Unemployed
`21_ There is no direct.evidehCe of Rachael Yadira Rivera's income.
`22. Rachael Yadira Rivera is a recipient of TANF and.Child Support should
`not be calculated based upon a determination of potential income.
`23. Rachael Yadira Rivera has a.legal obligation to support the following
`in Rachael Yadira Rivera's household:
`nonjoint child(ren) who reside(s)
`Analys E. Rivera DOB 07/18/2011
`IV~D Case No: 001443770532
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`32 .
`Rachael Yadira Rivera's monthly gross income as calculated under
`Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.29 is $0.00.
`Income for Determining Child Support
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's Parental
`is $2773.00 and.Rachael Yadira Riverals Parental
`Income for
`is $0.00 as calculated on the Child
`Determining Child Support
`Support Guideline Worksheet attached hereto. The parties' combined PICS
`is $2773.00.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's percentage share of the parties'
`combined PICS is.100%'and Rachael Yadira Rivera's percentage share is
`The Basic Support obligation reflects no parenting time for Joseph
`Lawrence McShan because there is no measurable court ordered parenting
`Joseph Lawrence McShan'szasic Support obligation according to the
`Minnesota Child Support Guidelines is $580.00.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan carries health care coverage which does not
`the joint child(ren). The cost of individual coverage is $187.00
`per month.
`* The additional cost to add the joint Child(ren)
`coverage is $407.00 per month.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan carries dental coverage which does not cover
`joint child(ren). The cost of individual.coverage is $20.57 per month.
`* The additional cost to add the joint child(ren)
`to the dental
`coverage is $21.96 per month.
`Rachael Yadira Rivera does not have health care coverage for the joint
`child(ren) available through an employer or.group plan.
`Rachael Yadira Rivera does not have dental coverage for the joint
`child(ren) available through an employer or group plan.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's health care coverage.is not appropriate
`the cost is prohibitiVe.
`is/are recipient(s) of public coverage in the form
`The joint'childpren)
`of Medical Assistance,.and Rachael Yadira Rivera pays $0.00 per month
`towards the cost of the_public coverage.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's Medical.Support obligation should be $21.00
`per month, after applying Joseph Lawrence McShan's income to the
`MinnesotaCare premium table, as the joint child(ren) are on public
`coverage and there is no appropriate health care coverage available.
`to the health care
`IV~D Case No: 001443770502
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`35. Based upon each party's percentage share of combined PICS as set out in
`the Child Support Guideline Worksheets:
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's share of the uninsured and/or unreimbursed
`medical expenses is 100%.
`* Rachael Yadira Rivera's share of the uninsured and/or unreimbursed
`medical expenses is 0%.
`36. Rachael Yadira Rivera has no work or education related child care
`expenses for the joint child(ren).
`37. From 02/01/2022 to 04/30/2022,
`Joseph Lawrence McShan has not
`contributed to the support of the joint-child(ren).
`38. Rachael Yadira Rivera previously received public.assistance which
`created an assignment of support-rights under Minnesota and Federal
`Law, as follows:
`the amount of
`* MFIP (TANF) cash. From 02/01/2022 to 04/30/2022,
`$2253.00 has been expended. During this time period,
`0 months were
`'non-cash or non-public assistance.
`* Medical Assistance.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan has the ability
`* From 02/01/2022 to 04/30/2022,
`the State for
`$1740.00 for Ba
`Support to reimburse
`aesistance expended, as calculated.on,the Reimbursem*nt Worksheet.
`+1Three months of basic support at $580.00 per month.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan has the ability
`* From 02/01/2022 to 04/30/2022,
`'to pay $63.00 to reimburse the State for past.Medical Support, as
`calculated On the Reimbursem*nt Worksheet-
`* Three'months of medical support at $21.00 per month.
`of Fact herein,
`the court makes the following:
`JUrisdiCtion in.this matter=is obtained pursuant to MinneSOta Statutes,
`section 48457Q2.
`The joint minor child(ren) hasjhave a need for support and the parents
`have a duty to support the joint minor child(ren) as set forth in the
`Order below.
`3.1'he 'est"ab_li_'shm'e'ntf of; support- is;
`m (
`in .ajgcqxaance: with the Minnesovta child
`IV~D Case No: 001443770502
`Doc ID? 109C5005000000194Z


`Support Guidelines and other factors pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,
`Chapter 518A.
`there is no basis for a deviation from'the
`* Based upon the evidence,
`Minnesota Child Support Guidelines and failure to deviate would not
`cause an extreme hardship on Joseph Lawrence McShan.
`Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and COnclusions of Law, the Court
`makes the following:
`Beginning 05/01/2022, and_continuing'eaCh month thereafter,
`Lawrence McShan shall pay:
`* $580.00 per month as ongoing Basic Support.
`* $21.00 per month as ongoing Medical Support for the joint child(ren),
`for any month that Medical Assistance is.in place. For any month that
`Medical Assistance is not in place,
`the ongoing Medical Support
`is $0.00 and Joseph Lawrence
`obligation for the joint child(ren)
`McShan must pay 100% of the joint.chi1d(ren)'s uninsured and/or
`unreimbursed medical expenses.
`* $0.00 per month for Joseph Lawrence McShan's joint child(ren)'s
`ongoing Child Care Support.
`* The total monthly payment is $601.00
`2. Health care and/or-dental coverage-and'uninsured,and/or'unreimbursed
`medical expenses are ordered as follows;
`*'Uninsured,and/or*unrefmburSed medical expenses sha11,be apportioned
`according'to eaCh party"siproportionate-income.
`and Rachael Yadira Rivera shall pay
`shall pay 100
`bursed medical exp
`To,recover these costs,
`the requesting party must.follow the
`'procedures as set out in Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.41,
`subdivision 17 and 518A.41, Subdivision 18.
`* The above amounts owed by Joseph Lawrence McShan are considered
`additional Child Support for the purpose of enforcement and are
`subject to automatic income withholding.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan owes the following amounts as reimbursem*nt for
`past support provided, and judgment.is granted against Joseph Lawrence
`McShan in the following amounts as set forth in this Order:
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`* $1740.00 to reimburse the State fOr.past Basic Support for public
`assistance cash payments paid from 02/01/2022 to 04/30/2022.
`* $63.00 to reimburse the State for past.Medical Support from
`02/01/2022 to 04/30/2022.
`* Monthly payment on the reimbursem*nt amount shall be an additional
`20% of the ongoing support obligation until the reimbursem*nt is paid
`in full.
`Judgment entry and docketing is stayed as long as Joseph Lawrence
`Mcshan complies with the payment conditions set forth in this Order.
`The Child Support payments shall continue until
`the joint
`the age of 18, or age 20 if
`child(ren) covered by the Order reach(es)
`in secondary school; or until the joint child(ren) covered by the
`Order become emancipated or die(s); or until further order of the
`6. All payments ordered shall.be immediately withheld by Joseph Lawrence
`McShan's present and future employer(s) or other payor(s) of funds in
`accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.53.
`7. Until or unless income withholding i3?in.Effect for Joseph Lawrence
`Mcshan, alltpayments should be.made to'fihe MN Child Support Payment
`(CSPC). Payments can be made to CSPC either online using
`M nnescta Child Support Online (MCSO) at
`WWW.childsupportgdhsmstate.mn.us or mailed to:
`N'Child Support Payment Center
`P.O. Box 64326
`St. Paul, MN 55164—0326
`If support payments are not paid when due,
`Joseph Lawrence McShan's
`or payorfs} of funds shall withhold from his/her income,
`additional amount of 20% of the ongoing Child Support until the
`arrearages are paid in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section
`Appendix A and COLA
`* The attaChed Appendix A is incorporated and made a part of this
`(COLA) shall be determined by
`Order. The Cost of Living-Adjustment
`using the U.S. Department of Labor} Bureau of Labor Statistics,
`Consumer Price Index (CPI), Minneapolis/St. Paul, for all urban
`(CPI—U). The.Cost of Living Adjustment shall.be based on
`the Child Support amount prior to offsets
`10. All written correspondence should be submitted to the County Child
`Support Office at:
`IVeD Case No: 001443770502
`Doc ID? 109C5005000000194Z
`l M


`Olmsted County Community Services
`Child Support Recovery
`2117 Campus Dr Se Ste 100
`Rochester MN 55904—4825
`The parties must notify the County Child Support Office of a change of
`address, residence, employment, or health care coverage within ten (10)
`days of the change. Any later actions brought or notices sent in this
`case that do not require personal service may be sent to the last known
`address provided by the_parties to the County.
`The parties are placed.on notice that in accordance with Minnesota
`that upon hiring,
`Statutes, section 518A.41,
`the parties must notify
`the employer of his or her court ordered Child Support obligation(s),
`if any, and to obtain health care and/or dental coverage as ordered. If
`the public authority's notice to the new
`a party changes employment,
`employer shall enroll the joint child(ren) under the health care and/or
`dental coverage program of the new employer, unless the party contests
`the enrollment.
`Even if Joseph Lawrence McShan makes the installment payments required
`by this Order,
`the State may use the state and federal tax refund
`intercept process to collect support_arrears and other debts created by
`this Order.
`Joseph Lawrence McShan is pladed on notiCe that in accordance with
`Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.66, if he or\she is licensed by an
`occupational licensing board or state agency issuing occupational
`licenses, and if he or she is in arrears
`in an amount equal to or
`greater than three times his or her total monthly support payment, and
`has not executed and complied with a written payment,agreement,
`Child Support Office shall direct or the court shall order the
`licensing board or state agency to suspend JQSeph.Lawrence McShan's
`Joseph Lawrence McShan is placed on notice that in accordance with
`if he or she has a driver's
`Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.65,
`license, and if he or she is in arrears
`in an amount equal to or
`greater than three times Joseph Lawrence McShan's total monthly support
`the court.shall order the Commissioner of Public Safety to
`suspend Joseph Lawrence McShan's driver's license or operating
`privileges unless the court determines that he or she has executed and
`is in compliance with a written.payment agreement.
`Service of a copy of the final order may be made upon JOseph Lawrence
`McShan or upOngJoSeph Lawrence McShan's attorney in accordance with
`Minnesota Court Rulesr
`Service of a copy of the final order may be made upon Rachael Yadira
`Rivera or upOngRachael'Yadira Rivera's attorney'in accordance with
`IVeD Case No: fibl443770532
`Doc ID? 109C5005000000194Z


`Minnesota Court Rules.
`Olmsted County Court Administrator
`Date ofi Filing:
`refiiewed and agreed to the attadhed Findings of Fact, Conclusions
`Law, and Order Establishing Child Support and Order for Judgment and
`Judgme nt .
`Electronically Signed By
`,> -3
`Geofirey A. Hjerleid
`DocVerslon 2.0 on 121712022 9:22:49 AM
`Geoffrey A. Hjerleid
`ASSistant County Attorney
`'Registration No. 208620
`Olmsted County Attorney
`151 4th St Se
`Rochester, MN 55904
`(507) 328-7600
`Email for eFiling purposes only
`IV~D Case No: fibl443770532
`Doc ID? 109C5005000000194Z


`I. PAYMENTS TO PUBLIC AGENCY1.ACGording to Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.50, payments ordered for
`maintenance and support must be paid to the Minnesota child support payment center as
`long as the person
`entitled to receive the payments is receiving or has applied for public assistance or has applied for
`support and maintenance collection services. Parents mail payments tor P.O. Box 64326, St. Paul, MN
`55164-0326. Employers mail payments to: P.O. Box 64306, St. Paul, MN 55164.
`felony who conceals a minor child or takes, obtains, retains, or fails to return a minor child from or to
`the child's parent
`(or person with custodial or parenting-time rights), according to Minnesota Statutes,
`section 609.26. A copy of that section is available from any court administrator.
`III. NONSUPPORT OF A SPOUSE OR CHILD - CRIMINAL PENALTIES. A person who fails to pay court-ordered
`child support or maintenance may be charged with a crime, which may include misdemeanor, gross
`misdemeanor, or felony charges, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 609.375. A copy of that section
`is available from any district court clerk.
`IPayment of support or spousal maintenance is to be as ordered, and.the giving of gifts or"making
`'purchases of food, clothing, and the like will.not fulfill theiobligationh
`JPayment of support must be made as it becomes due, and failure to secure or denial of parenting time
`is NOT an excuse for nonpayment,§but the aggrieved-party must seek relief through a proper motion
`filed with the court.
`C. Nonpayment'of,supportflis not grounds'to deny parenting'time. The party entitled to receive.support may
`'apply for support and collection services, file a contempt motion, or obtain a judgment as provided in
`Minnesota Statutes, section 548.091.
`The payment of support or spousal maintenance takes priority over payment of debts and other
`A party who accepts additional obligations of support does so with the full knowledge of the party's
`prior obligation under this proceeding.
`F. Child support or maintenance is based on annual
`income, and it is the responsibility of a person with
`seasonal employment to budget_income so that payments are made throughout the year as ordered.
`A Parental Guide to Making Child—Focused Parenting Time Decisions is available from any court
`interception of state
`The nonpayment.of support may be enforced through the denial of'student.grants;
`licenses; referral to
`and federal tax refunds; suspension of driver's, recreational, and;occupational
`the department;of revenue or private collection agencies; seizure of assets,
`including bank accounts
`and other assets held by financial institutions) reporting to credit bureaus;
`income withholding, and contempt proceedings; and other enforcement methods allowed by law.
`The public authority may suspend or resume collection of the amount allocated[for childgcare
`enpenses_if the_conditions of Minnesota Statutes, section 518Ag40, subdivision'4, are met,
`The public authority may remove or resume a medical support offset if conditions of.section
`.518A.41, subdivision 16, are met.
`V. MODIFYING CHILD SUPPORT, If either the obligor or obligee is laid off from employment or receives a
`pay reduction, child support may be modified,'increased, or decreased. Any modification will only take
`effect when it is ordered by the court, and will only relate back to the time that a motion is filed.
`Either the obligor or obligee may file a motion to modify child support, and may request the public agency
`to, and to receive copies of, school, medical, dental, religious
`Each party has the right of access
`training, police reports, and other important records and information about the minor children. Each
`insurance available to the
`party has the right of access
`to information regarding health or dental
`minor children; Presentation of a copy of this order to the custodian of a record or other
`information about the minor-children constitutes sufficient authorization for the release of the


`information to.the.requesting party.
`_record or
`to the name and'address-of the school
`Each party has the right toTbe informed by the other party as
`of attendance of the minor children, Each party has the right to be informed by school offic1als
`about the childrenls welfare! educational progress;and status, and to attend school and parent
`iteacher conferences. The_school,isinot.réquired to.hdld a separate conference for each party.
`Each party has the right to be notified by the other party of an accident or serious illness of a
`minor child,
`including the name of the_health_care provider and the place of treatment.
`Each party has the right to be notified by the other party if the minor child is the victim of an
`including the name of the investigating law enforcement officer or agency. There is
`alleged crime,
`no duty to notify if the party to be notified is the alleged perpetrator.
`Each party has the right of reasonable access and telephone contact with the minor children.
`VII. WAGE AND INCOME DEDUCTION OF SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE. Child support and/or spousal maintenance
`may be withheld from income, with or without notice to the person obligated to pay, when the conditions of
`Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.53, have been met. A copy of that section is available from any court
`VIII. CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR RESIDENCE. Unless otherwise ordered, each party shall notify the other
`if applicable, of the following
`the court, and the public authority responsible for.collection,
`telephone number, driverls
`information within ten days of any change: residential and mailing address,
`license number, social security number, and name, address, and telephone number of the employer.
`IX. COST OF LIVING INCREASE OF SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE. Basic support and/or spousal maintenance may
`be adjusted every two years based upon a change in the cost of living (using the U.S. Department of Labor,
`Bureau of Labor Statistics, consumer price index Mp1s. St. Paul, for all urban consumers (CPI-U), unless
`otherwise specified in this order) when the conditions.of Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.75, are met.
`Cost of living increases are compounded. A copy of Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.75, and forms
`necessary to request or contest a cost of living increase are available from any court administrator.
`"If a person fails to make a child support payment,
`the payment owed
`becomes a judgment against the person responsible to make the payment by operation of law on or after the
`date the payment is due, and the person entitled to receive the payment or the public agency may obtain
`entry and docketing of the judgment without notice to the person responsible to make the payment.
`A judgment for unpaid spousal maintenance may be entered and docketed when the conditions
`of Minnesota Statutes, section 548.091, are met} A copy of that section.is available
`from any court.administrator.
`The_public authority\is not responsible for calculating interest on any judgment for
`unpaid spousal maintenance. When providing services in IVFD cases, adeefined in
`Minnesota Statutes, section.518A.26, subdivision 10, the public authority wi11.only collect interest
`:on spousal maintenance if spousal maintenance is reduced to a sum certain judgment.
`and other collection costs incurred in enforcing a child support'order will be entered against the person
`responsible to pay support when the conditions of Minnesota Statutes, section 518A.735, are met" A copy of
`that section and forms necessary to request or contest these attorney fees and collection costs are
`available from any court administrators
`XIII. PARENTING TIME EXPEDITOR PROCESS. On request of either party or.on its own motion,
`the court may
`appoint a parenting time expeditor to resolve parenting time disputes under Minnesota Statutes, section
`518.1751. A copy of that section and a description of the expeditor process is available from any court
`XIV. PARENTING TIME-REMEDIES AND PENALTIES. Remedies and penalties for wrongful denial of parenting
`time are available under Minnesota Statutes, section 518.175, subdivision 6; These include compensatory
`parenting time; civil penalties; bond'requirements; contempt} and reversal of custody. A copy of that
`subdivision and forms for requesting relief are available from any court administrator.
`In addition to the Notices on pages 1 and 2, the following NOTICE applies to all orders addressing custody
`pursuant to Minn. Stat" Section.518117, subd.3a.


`to, and to receive copies of, schooli medical, dental, religious training, police
`1; Right of access
`reports, and other important records and information about the minor children.
`insurance available to the minor
`Right of access
`to information regarding health or dental
`Right to be informed by the other party as to the name and address of the sdhool of attendance of
`the minor children.
`Right to be informed by school officials about the children's welfare, educational progress and
`is not required to hold a
`status, and to attend school and parent—teacher conferences. The school
`separate conference for each party, unless'attending the same conference would result in violation
`of a court order prohibiting contact with a party.
`Right to be notified by the other party of an accident or serious illness of a minor child,
`including the name of the health care provider and the place of treatment.
`Right to be notified by the other party if the minor child is the victim of an alleged crime,
`including the name of the investigating law enforcement officer or agency. There is no duty to
`notify if the party to be notified is the alleged perpetrator.
`Right to reasonable access and telephone or other electronic contact with the minor children.
`2 3 4
`5 6.


`See Minn. Stat. § 518.1781
`You have the right to request a review hearing within six months after entry of a decree of dissolution or
`legal separation or order that establishes child custody, parenting time, or child support. Minn. Stat. §
`518.1781 (2006). The form you will need to use to request a review hearing is attached.
`Purpose of Review Hearing: The purpose of the review hearing is to make certain parties are following
`the court order regarding parenting time and the payment of child support. The review hearing IS NOT
`an opportunity to present any other issues or to ask the court to establish or modify custody, parenting
`time, or support. The court CAN ONLY review parenting time and child support provisions as already
`established in the order. If there is no court ordered parenting time or child support, the court CANNOT
`create a parenting plan, establish parenting time, or child support at this review hearing. A petition or
`motion asking for any other type of relief from the court must be served and filed separately from this
`request. You may wish to contact an attorney or other legal services provider for more information
`regarding any other type of relief.
`Instructions to the Party Requesting the Review Hearing: If you decide to request a review hearing,
`you must do the following within six months from the date of entry of the order or decree:
`remove this cover page and complete the Request for Hearing form. Make enough copies of the
`form and have it served upon all parties, including the County Attorney’s Office, if the county child
`support enforcement agency (public authority) is a party in the case. Keep a copy of the form for
`return the completed original Request for Hearing form and a completed Affidavit of Service form
`to Court Administration in the county listed at the top of the Request for Hearing form. Court
`Administration will schedule a hearing and send all parties notice of the hearing date, time, and
`Proof of Child Support Payment: The person who pays support has to provide proof of all the child
`support payments he/she made. If a party is receiving public assistance or child support enforcement
`services from the county child support enforcement agency, either party may request that the county child
`support enforcement agency provide payment information to the parties and the court. Any request made
`to the county child support enforcement agency must be made at least 14 days before the hearing date.


`See Minn. Stat. § 518.1781
`District Court
`Judicial District
`Court File Number:
`Case Type:
`Request for Six Month Review Hearing
`State of Minnesota
`(cid:401) In Re the Marriage of:
`Plaintiff(s) / Petitioner
`vs / and
`Defendant / Respondent
`Check the box or boxes that apply:
`Child Support
`(cid:401) The other party is not paying child support as ordered. (Briefly explain)
`Parenting Time provisions
`(cid:401) The other party has not complied with the court ordered parenting time as follows:
`Print Name:
`Telephone: ( )
`Attorney for:


`District Court
`Judicial District:
`Court File Number:
`Case Type:
`(cid:853)(cid:36)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:76)(cid:71)(cid:68)(cid:89)(cid:76)(cid:87) of Personal Service
`(cid:853) Affidavit of Service By Mail
` State of Minnesota
`(cid:401) In Re the Marriage of:
`Plaintiff / Petitioner
`vs / and
`Defendant / Respondent
`) SS
`(County where Affidavit Signed)
`, being duly sworn, upon oath, state than on
`(Name of person who served documents)
`, I served the attached documents, namely
`upon (check one):
`or mailed)
` Plaintiff / Petitioner (Name)
`Defendant / Respondent (Name)
`County Agency (Name)
`Other (Name)
`by (check method of service used):
` Personally handing a true and correct copy of the document(s) to
`.m. at
`(Date service
`(Title of Documents hand delivered
`named above at
`(Address where documents delivered)
`named above by placing
` Mailing a true and correct copy of the document(s) to
`the document(s) in an envelope with sufficient postage in the United States mail at the Post Office located in the City of
`, State of
`, at the person’s last known
`address of:
`Sworn / affirmed before me this
`day of
`Notary Public/ Deputy Court Administrator
`Signature ( Sign only in presence of Notary or Court Deputy)
`Print Name:
`Telephone: (

We are redirecting you
to a mobile optimized page.

Rachael Yadira Rivera, OLMSTED COUNTY DEPT (2024)


How do I find out if I have a warrant in Minnesota? ›

If you don't have a case or warrant number, call district court at 612-543-9768. Be ready to provide the full name and date of birth, Once you have a case or warrant number, call the sheriff's office at 612-348-2000.

How long are warrants active in Utah? ›

How Long Does a Warrant Stay Active in Utah? Warrants in Utah generally stay active until the suspect appears before a judge or in court. As Utah warrant units collaborate with other states to apprehend violators and extradite fugitives, ignoring an active warrant could result in an arrest at any time or place.

What is a bench warrant in Minnesota? ›

Bench warrants.

Bench warrants are issued for individuals who fail to appear in court for a hearing, violate their pre-trial release supervision conditions (Project Remand), or do not follow a directive of the court.

How do I find out if I have a warrant in Scott County, Minnesota? ›

The Jail Division also includes the Sheriff's Office Warrants Unit. For information on Scott County warrants, call 952-496-8314. Information on any other warrant issued in Minnesota must be obtained from the jurisdiction issuing the warrant.

How to clear a warrant in Utah? ›

In most cases, you can either post bail or bond or request a hearing so you can ask the judge to “recall” the warrant. Based on your circ*mstances and the conditions of the bench warrant, your attorney will know how to deal with it in the way that's most beneficial for you.

What happens when warrants expire? ›

The expiration date is the date on which the stock warrant expires. Once a stock warrant expires, it is no longer valid, and the holder loses the right to buy or sell the underlying stock at the exercise price.

Will Utah extradite for misdemeanors? ›

Though less common, it is also possible to be extradited to Utah for a misdemeanor, such as simple assault (Utah Code § 76-5-102), harassment (Utah Code § 76-5-106), reckless endangerment (Utah Code § 76-5-112), or criminal trespass (Utah Code § 76-6-206).

Do I have a warrant in Hennepin County? ›

Is there a warrant for my arrest in Hennepin County? Contact the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office at (612) 348-2000 or the District Court Warrant Helpline at (612) 540-6485.

What is the phone number for the Dakota County warrant? ›

Find out why a warrant was issued for your case

Please call District Court at 651-377-7180​ to learn more about your specific reason.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.