General PDP Template (2024)

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**Online prices and sale effective dates may differ from those in-store and may vary by region. Selection and availability may vary by location.
± Was price reflects the last national regular price this product was sold for.
‡ Not all clearance priced items and price points available at all locations. Selection may vary by location.
†The Triangle Rewards Program is owned and operated by Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited. Triangle™ Mastercard®, Triangle™ World Mastercard® and Triangle™ World Elite Mastercard® are issued by Canadian Tire Bank. Rewards are in the form of electronic Canadian Tire Money® (CT Money®). To collect bonus CT Money you must present a Triangle Rewards card/key fob, or use any approved Cardless method, at time of purchase or pay with a Triangle credit card. You cannot collect paper Canadian Tire Money on bonus offers. Any bonus multiplier is based on the base rate of collecting CT Money (0.4%), and will be added to whatever the Member would otherwise collect, without the bonus. Example: On a $100 (pre-tax) purchase with a 20X bonus multiplier a Member would earn a bonus $8 in CT Money (20 X .4% X $100). The 30X for Triangle Mastercard, World Mastercard and World Elite Mastercard customers consists of the 10X everyday plus the 20X bonus. Not all items sold are eligible to earn CT Money or to be redeemed for. Conditions apply. Visit Triangle Rewards: Sign Up & Earn Today for full program rules and Partner location information. The offered rate is exclusive of any bonus or promotional offers or redemption transactions. CT Money is collected on the pre-tax amount of the purchase. Bonus CT Money collected from online orders will be applied to the Member’s Triangle Rewards Account within five weeks of the purchase date. No rainchecks.
*Financing available is “Equal payments, no interest” for 24 months (unless otherwise stated) and is only available on request, on approved credit and on purchases of $150 (unless otherwise stated) or more (Gift Cards excluded) made with your Triangle credit card at Canadian Tire, Sport Chek, Mark’s, L’Équipeur, Atmosphere, Sports Rousseau, Hockey Experts, L’Entrepôt du Hockey and participating Sports Experts. Interest does not accrue during the period of the plan. However, if we do not receive the full minimum due on a statement within 59 days of the date of that statement, or any event of default (other than a payment default) occurs under your Cardmember Agreement, all special payment plans on your account will terminate and (i) you will then be charged interest on the balances outstanding on such plans at the applicable regular annual rate from the day after the date of your next statement, and (ii) the balances outstanding will form part of the balance due on that statement. There is no administration fee charged for entering into a special payments plan. Each month during an equal payments plan you are required to pay in full by the due date that month’s equal payments plan instalment. Any unpaid portion not received by the due date will no longer form part of the equal payments plan and interest will accrue on that amount from the day after the date of your next statement at the applicable regular annual rate. Offer subject to change without notice.
Additional information for residents of Quebec only: The regular annual rate for persons applying for the Triangle Mastercard and the Triangle World Elite Mastercard is 22.99% for cash transactions and related fees and 21.99% for all other charges. Some applicants may receive a higher or lower regular annual rate depending on a credit evaluation. The minimum payment is the sum of (a) the greater of: (i) interest and fees shown on your statement + $10; or (ii) 5% of the New Balance, excluding amounts on special payment plans, (b) any balance over your credit limit, (c) any amounts past due not included in (b) above, and (d) the amount of any equal payments plan instalments then due. Balances under $10 are due in full. For residents of Quebec, the period between the statement date and the due date for payment is 26 days. The billing period covered by each statement can be from 28-33 days. The Triangle Mastercard and the Triangle World Elite Mastercard do not have an annual fee. Examples of borrowing costs (rounded to the nearest cent) assuming that all charges are purchases bearing interest at the regular annual rate of 21.99%, a 30 day month, no charges made on special payment plans and no other fees, additional payments or other changes are:

If your average balance is:

Total monthly credit charges will be:









®/™ Atmosphere & Sport Chek are registered trademarks of FGL Sports Ltd.
®/™ Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks are owned by Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited and are used under licence.
®/™ Mastercard, World Mastercard and World Elite are registered trademarks, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

General PDP Template (2024)


How do you answer PDP questions? ›

How to answer "What is your professional development plan?"
  1. Think about your overall career goals. ...
  2. Consider what development opportunities can help you achieve your goals. ...
  3. Discuss your professional journey. ...
  4. Outline both your short-term and long-term goals. ...
  5. Explain your plan. ...
  6. Align your plan with organizational goals.
Mar 10, 2023

What does a good PDP look like? ›

Form a SMART action plan

It's also important that the actions you set for yourself are clear, measurable and obtainable. A great way to make sure of this is to follow the SMART method: keep them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timed.

What are the 5 steps to creating a PDP? ›

Steps to Create a Professional Development Plan
  1. ASSESS where you are now. ...
  2. IDENTIFY your specific career goals and the skills, competencies, and experience you need to achieve them. ...
  3. DECIDE on a strategy and timeline. ...
  4. EXECUTE your plan. ...
  5. EVALUATE your progress.

What are the 5 components of a career development plan? ›

Your action plan should include the following elements: the learning objectives, the learning activities, the success criteria, the support network, and the review process.

What are the 5 points of personal development? ›

  • #1 Mental Skills.
  • #2 Emotional Skills.
  • #3 Social Skills.
  • #4 Spiritual Skills & Beliefs.
  • #5 Physical Development.

What is PDP layout? ›

A product detail page (PDP) is a web page on an eCommerce site that presents the description of a specific product in view. The details displayed often include size, color, price, shipping information, reviews, and other relevant information customers may want to know before making a purchase.

What are the five 5 crucial components of a personal development plan? ›

A personal development plan typically comprises defining the area of development, setting development objectives, identifying behaviors to develop, planning actions for progress, and establishing completion dates. These five stages help individuals clarify their goals and track their progress (Starr, 2021).

What questions should I ask for PDP? ›

You may find it helpful to consider the following questions: What am I good at? What do I need to work on? What could help me along? What might stop me?

What elements must go on a PDP? ›

So let's dive into the six steps you need to take to create your own professional development plan (PDP).
  • Step 1: Assess yourself. ...
  • Step 2: Set your goals. ...
  • Step 3: Develop strategies. ...
  • Step 4: Gather your resources. ...
  • Step 5: Create a timeline. ...
  • Step 6: Track your progress.
Jan 19, 2024

What is a PDP chart? ›

The partial dependence plot (short PDP or PD plot) shows the marginal effect one or two features have on the predicted outcome of a machine learning model (J. H. Friedman 200130). A partial dependence plot can show whether the relationship between the target and a feature is linear, monotonic or more complex.

How to answer a personal development question? ›

Avoid giving vague or generic answers that do not showcase your skills or personality. Instead, use concrete examples and details that illustrate your personal development journey and achievements. Also, make sure that your answer is relevant to the question and the position that you are applying for.

How do you answer an individual development plan? ›

Developing Your IDP
  1. Step 1: Explicitly define your career goals. ...
  2. Step 2: Identify necessary skills and knowledge. ...
  3. Step 3: Assess skills and knowledge. ...
  4. Step 4: Write professional development goals. ...
  5. Step 5: Track your development and set new goals.

How do you answer equality diversity and inclusion questions? ›

When you're asked about diversity and inclusion, try to give specific examples from your own experiences. This could be about times when you worked well with people who were different from you, or how you helped make everyone feel included.

How do you answer a development needs question? ›

You can do this by discussing the skills you want to improve in an optimistic way that focuses on professional development. A positive attitude may also show your potential employer that you have a growth mindset, which may motivate them to provide you with a job offer.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.